The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 198: (Self Edited) Kotlaha*

The Boff Household’s main residence sits atop a raised mound of earth. Five hundred years ago, during the reconstruction of the main house, the Mulan family wanted to create something like a castle, from which they could oversee their capital like the royal palace of Sibyaku and spot approaching enemies.

They began by digging a well and extending its shaft while piling up earth to a height of five meters, upon which they constructed a four-story building. However, the civil engineering techniques of the Shaalta Kingdom at that time had significantly deteriorated compared to the era of the Shantilla Grand Empire, and much essential knowledge had been lost. The engineers did not fully comprehend the settlement of the earthworks, and within four years of completion, the entire structure distorted and the roof cracked, necessitating a rebuild.

The current Boff Household’s main residence stands upon compacted and stabilized earth due to the passage of time. However, it lacks stone walls and the earthworks were supported by tree roots. Despite being described as four stories, the top floor consists of a single room with one side featuring a staircase. Essentially, it was a room resembling an enlarged lookout post.

This room, however, was higher than the city walls, affording a clear view in all directions over the city as planned. Currently, three people, including Clarine Boff, the wife of Orlon Boff, have gathered there.

“Clarine-sama, what are your intentions?” (Tigris)

Tigris Hamon spoke. The Hamon Household was a branch of the Boff Household, receiving a feudal title for generations. Among the Boff Household’s territories, they ruled the city of Mestina nestled in the mountains. Mestina prospered as a mining town, boasting the second-largest gold output in the country.

The various cities and subordinate castles of the Boff Household succumbed one after another to the declared war and lightning-fast invasion. In response, Clarine dispatched messengers to each city and hastily raised an army, ordering them to assemble in Kotlaha. Tigris Hamon was one of those who entered Kotlaha following these orders.

“I am currently considering.” (Clarine)

“Eynola-sama, do you have any thoughts?” (Tigris)

Eynola Boff was Orlon Boff’s only legitimate son.

Orlon Boff had numerous children, but Eynola was the sole offspring born to Clarine, his lawful wife. The rest were illegitimate, either foisted onto other families or living in the streets. Clarine, formerly of the Att Household, hailed from a household that was once respectable, and Orlon was drawn to her beauty, leading her to marry into the Boff Household.

“I do not know. I am contemplating…” (Eynola)

Eynola said, folding his arms with a demeanor akin to befuddlement, his massive frame emphasizing his words. Orlon Boff’s fate remained unknown, neither alive nor confirmed dead. Consequently, Eynola was temporarily treated as the head of the family.

“You’re not just contemplating! The residents here are on the verge of explosion! Why aren’t we opening the gates and letting them escape?” (Clarine)

The enemy forces had deployed with the Rube Household’s army of 3000 at the northern gate and the Hou Household’s army of 3000 at the southern gate, securing each entrance. The remaining Boff Household army in Kotlaha numbers 4000. If they gathered troops at either the north or south gate to launch an attack, the opposite gate will inevitably be breached. It’s a delicate distribution of forces. At the moment, Kotlaha had become a complete isolated fortress. There was no hope of reinforcements.

Yuri Hou, the current head of the Hou Household, officially announced that they would continue this siege until the arrival of the Crusaders. No attacks until then. ‘If we’re going to fight and die anyway, let’s fight and die against the Crusaders’ was the idea. However, to avoid sacrificing the civilians, he added that they should be let out through the south gate without launching an attack during that time.

Unfortunately, this information was written on a small piece of paper and scattered throughout the city along with the accusation that the Boff Household conspired with a group of Witches who betrayed the country. It’s natural for the people to be angry and demand that the gates be opened promptly.

“We must wait for the right moment.” (Clarine)

Clarine Boff said.

In the first place, it’s strange for Clarine to have a say in military matters. Despite being young, Eynola was already thirty-two. Why allow his mother to intervene?

“What do you mean by ‘the right moment’? Are you expecting the Crusaders to come and rescue us?” (Tigris)

Tigris said mockingly.

“Don’t ridicule me!!” (Clarine)

Clarine shouted with unexpected force from her slender frame, causing Tigris to momentarily flinch.

“Then what is it? Please enlighten me with a guideline that even I can understand.” (Tigris)

“…Our food supply is still sufficient. It’s not too late to negotiate even after receiving a proposal from the Hou Household.” (Clarine)

“Are you planning to negotiate?” (Tigris)

Tigris glanced outside the window. The Hou Household’s troops had tightly surrounded themselves with horse barriers just out of arrow range from the gate. One-third were stationed there while the rest engaged in training.

Civilians escaping from Rube Household territory were forming lines to circumvent the city walls. There were clearly more tents than needed for the troops, seemingly lending them out, and it appeared they were even providing meals from the view atop the city walls.

“Yes, there’s no need to rush. The siege has barely been underway for a week. Let’s observe the situation for about a month first.” (Clarine)

The proposal for a meeting came from Yuri Hou two days later.

Upon entering the tent, there were indeed eight men gathered as planned. Sitting at a slightly longer table were Yuri Hou and Kien Rube. Tigris was seeing Yuri Hou for the first time and was surprised by how young he appeared, resembling a fresh recruit from the School of Knights. Yuri Hou, with either arrogance or disdain, took the seat of honor disregarding Kien Rube, who had been honored with the Order of Star Medal.

“You’re late. I’ve grown tired of waiting.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou remarked upon seeing the Boff Household members enter the tent. As his words suggested, the Boff side had struggled with Clarine’s attire, arriving about thirty minutes late.

“My apologies for the delay.” (Clarine)

Clarine responded with grace, taking her seat with dignified poise. She gestured for Eynola to take the seat of honor.

There were only four chairs available, leaving Tigris to stand. However, the two presumed executives on the other side were also standing. Additionally, two guards in armor flanked each side of the table. The four guards on their side split to stand on either side of the table, facing the counterparts on the other side.

This tent was set up slightly away from the southern gate by mutual agreement. Even if one were to attempt an assassination, swiftly killing the sturdy guards would be challenging, making assassination seem improbable.

“Let’s start by stating our demands clearly. Release the civilians. If you want to surrender, we’ll accept.” (Yuri)

“Then let’s discuss the terms of exchange. Preserve the Boff Household’s status and treatment as before.” (Clarine)

When Clarine said this, Yuri Houe let out a tired sigh.

“No, that won’t do…” (Yuri)

As he muttered to himself, Yuri Hou sighed once again.

“Why can’t we discuss this more straightforwardly… Do you understand why, Kien-dono?” (Yuri)

“I’m afraid I don’t.” (Kien)

“Is this the influence of the school’s education? Was there a lecture on negotiation skills? Seriously, what’s the problem there?” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou scratched his head thoughtfully.

“Look, let’s be more straightforward. Release the civilians. It’s a simple request, isn’t it? It’s also beneficial for you. So why does the condition have to be ‘preserving the Boff Household as is’?” (Yuri)

“Well, because you want those citizens, don’t you? If so, getting them for free would be too convenient.” (Clarine).

“There’s a limit to exaggeration. I told your husband that if he gave up his title of Lord Duke and gave back his territory, I would let his family continue as a landowner. How about that?” (Yuri)

“I can’t accept that.” (Clarine)

Clarine smiled.

“The transfer of Bisleft, the guarantee of autonomy for the next hundred years, and the recognition of an independent military authority. With this, we have a deal.” (Clarine)

“Understood. Forget it then. Go home.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou waved dismissively.

“Go home? What do you mean?” (Clarine)

Clarine furrowed her brow and made a questioning sound.

“The negotiations have collapsed. It can’t be helped. It’s troublesome, but we’ll conquer Kotlaha. And when that happens, we won’t show mercy. Let’s see… about a week to prepare. You…” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou stared intently at Clarine.

“Enjoy your last week. I will definitely kill you.” (Yuri)

“Such insolence…” (Clarine)

“Hey, you, puppet over there who hasn’t said a word since earlier. Are you Eynola? Don’t think you can survive by hiding behind your Kaa-chan. No matter where you try to run, I will kill you.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou spoke openly with displeasure. Tigris could see Eynola’s face contort with worry.

With a loud bang, the table momentarily lifted off the ground. Yuri Hou had kicked the table while still seated.

The guards reached for their sword hilts, but Yuri Hou paid them no mind.

“…I offered to let you live out the rest of your life peacefully. I don’t understand why you’d expect more after pulling a stunt like selling out the country… I’ll ask one last time. This is the final question.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou spoke slowly in the quiet tent.

“Will you accept a sufficient pension to live out your life peacefully, or will you resist in vain and die a miserable death in a week? Choose.” (Yuri)

Tigris felt a chill run down his spine. This man would surely carry out his threat. There was something about him that didn’t seem like mere childish boasting. It was this man who conquered Sibyaku within ten days of the war’s start, not anyone else.

“I choose neither. You think attacking my city will grant you the citizens. In that case, I will order my troops to attack the citizens.” (Clarine)

Ridiculous. Tigris couldn’t believe his ears.

“Clarine-sama, please wait. What on earth… Does Eynola-sama share the same view?” (Tigris)

When Tigris, speaking for the first time, asked this, Eynola pursed his lips, at a loss for words. Adopting a sullen expression and falling silent was one of Eynola’s coping mechanisms, having lived while enduring Orlon’s berating of his incompetence.

“Um… Yes.” (Eynola)

He barely replied.

“Idiot!” (Kien)

Kien Rube shouted angrily, slamming the table.

“Knights are meant to protect the people! To not be satisfied with merely hiding behind the people’s backs but to turn blades against them! The name of the Boff Household is-…” (Kien)

“Your Excellency Kien!” (Tigris)

Tigris shouted loudly, cutting off Kien’s words.

“What’s the matter with you? Do you think having a title makes you a Knight?” (Kien)

“No, you’re right.” (Tigris)

Tigris said, putting her hand on her sword hilt. It was a family heirloom sword that was too long to be called a dagger, but Tigris cherished it.

“Prepare yourself!” (Tigris)

“What!” (Eynola)

Eynola’s eyes widened in shock as Tigris swiftly drew his sword and struck him in the neck. With a single stroke, Eynola’s neck was seventy percent severed, blood pouring from the wound.

“What are you-…? Have you lost your mind-…” (Clarine)

As Tigris approached Clarine, who had stood up while kicking his chair aside, he plunged his sword into her abdomen with momentum, slicing horizontally. Clarine’s side was torn apart and she collapsed on the spot.

The words spoken by Clarine just now, which Eynola had agreed to, were unacceptable to Tigris. Even if it was a ruse to deceive Yuri Hou, there were good and bad things that Knights should speak aloud. The moment Tigris heard Clarine’s words, the loyalty he had sworn to her master’s Household dissipated within his heart.

“Gu… You…” (Clarine)

Clarine glared up at Tigris while trying to hold back her spilling entrails.

“A Knight is one who offers a spear to the Queen and protects the people. Those who abandon this are not worthy of the title of Knight. My loyalty ends here.” (Tigris)

Tigris said this, looking at the four guards who had been accompanying her and another feudal lord who had stood with her. She aimed the tips of her blade at the two Knights among the guards and spoke out.

“If anyone objects, step forward. I, as the sole Knight, will engage.” (Tigris)

However, not a single person moved. Even though there were five Knights, not a single one poised their short spears, nor drew their blades. For Tigris, who had prepared himself for the possibility of dying a gruesome death, it was anticlimactic.

“Hahaha…” (Yuri)

On the other side of the table, Yuri Hou chuckled happily.

“She’s old-fashioned. We have lively ones among us, don’t we?” (Yuri)

“It appears so.” (Kien)

“Hey, you, what’s your name?” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou asked Tigris for his name.

“I am Tigris Hamon.” (Tigris)

“Can you command the soldiers of Kotlaha?” (Yuri)

“Most likely.” (Tigris)

“I see. Surrendering would have been preferable. By the way, I killed Orlon.” (Yuri)

As expected. Tigris felt a sense of understanding. This man would indeed have carried out the killing.

Yuri Hou wiped away the smile from his face and stared into Tigris’s eyes.

“Then, if you’re interested, join our army. If you worry for the country and the people’s misfortune, come under my command. Offer your spear to Her Highness Carol.” (Yuri)

Tigris’s inner sense of aesthetics rejected an immediate response. After wiping his sword clean of blood with a handkerchief, Tigris silently passed through the tent and left the place.

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