The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 197: (Self Edited) Eisa-senseis Classroom

Eisa-sensei spread a small tatami mat on the wooden floor of an unused classroom and sat on it, praying. This was a small lecture room near the classroom where Telor language lectures were usually held.

Recently, the Kura language course had gained exclusive use of a large classroom, but it hadn’t always been that way. Back then, after the lecture ended and before the next session began, they would move to this room to continue accepting questions even during break times.

When she heard the door open, Isa-sensei stopped praying and turned towards me.

“Um…?” (Eisa)

Eisa-sensei stood up from the mat and took a step back from me.

“It’s me.” (Yuri)

I removed my hat and scarf.

“Huh, Yuri-san?” (Eisa)

“Yes, I’ve come to greet you.” (Yuri)

“Oh, I see…” (Eisa)

It seemed Eisa-sensei was somewhat surprised or taken aback that I had come.

“Eisa-sensei, I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused.” (Yuri)

I bowed slightly.

“Oh, no, not at all… It was perfectly fine.” (Eisa)

Eisa-sensei had been detained by the Second Army on the night of the assassination attempt and was under house arrest. Apparently, he was with Telor at the time.

After making contact with Tillet, I had investigated Eisa-sensei’s whereabouts. As expected, she had been detained, but instead of rescuing her on the spot, it was safer to continue monitoring her and then attack to rescue her from a location away from the royal capital during his transfer.

However, the royal capital fell before the transfer could take place. If they were going to hand her over anyway, they would likely have transferred her at the same time. So, there was a good chance Telor would have survived as I had told Dolla.

“More importantly, did you come alone? Considering your position, it’s a bit careless.” (Eisa)

I didn’t want to be told that by Esa-sensei…

“Well, let’s just say it was necessary… I also wanted to check on the situation at the School of Liberal Arts. It would be a problem if they were being oppressed.” (Yuri)

As I said this, I took a seat on a chair near Eisa-sensei. Since the classroom was hardly ever used, it was a bit dusty.

Eisa-sensei also brushed off the seat of his chair with his hands and laid out a handkerchief a

“Sensei, were you okay when you were taken away? Any injuries…?” (Yuri)

“Yes, everything was perfectly fine, really… The place where I was confined was actually quite a nice room…” (Eisa)

‘Well… Eisa-sensei was held captive in the royal castle, so the guest rooms there were probably better constructed than Eisa-sensei’s own quarters. Given that 3% of the Holy Scriptures’ sales go towards translation fees, she should be able to live in a room like that if she wished…’

“I see. Well, that’s good to hear.” (Yuri)

“Yuri-san, it must have been tough for you too… Your parents, I don’t know what to say…” (Eisa)

Eisa-sensei looked genuinely sad.

‘She must be mourning for them.’

“Yes, well… By the way, I checked the preparation room. Six people were waiting there.” (Yuri)

I changed the subject.

‘We shouldn’t dwell on sad things too much.’

“I see… It’s been quite chaotic lately.” (Eisa)

“I’m sorry if I’m causing you any trouble…” (Yuri)

“Oh no, not at all. But even though I’ve declined everything, why is this happening…” (Eisa)

Eisa-sensei seemed troubled, running her hand through his hair. It must have been bothering her with his glasses on.

“Some of them are genuinely coming to ask questions, so I’m reluctantly doing this… But if I entertain them, a line forms…” (Eisa)

“How about hiring a student who is good in Telor language to act as a proxy there?” (Yuri)

‘That way, only the questioner would remain. After all, that student doesn’t know me.’

“But even that feels awkward…” (Eisa)

“If you pay them, there’s nothing wrong with it. The Witches are all like unemployed people, so they’ll probably be happy.” (Yuri)

“Is that so? Indeed, what you’re saying might be right.” (Eisa)

‘Good. She seems interested.’

“We’ll have the school cover the expenses. Let’s just give money to all the students who can become teachers and have them teach Telor language to the School of Liberal Arts’ students who have free time.” (Yuri)

‘The school is already closed anyway.’

“Huh? No, but…” (Eisa)

“It’s okay. This is really necessary.” (Yuri)

‘Either way, having too many Telor language speakers won’t be a problem. Even if they lose and become a slave, it’s better to be able to speak Telor language.’

“I’ve decided. That Holy Scriptures would be a good textbook.” (Yuri)

We can learn about their culture and it’s good to know about their religion too.

“Hmm… but is it really okay?” (Eisa)

“It’s fine. Studying ancient Shan language won’t be of any use anymore.” (Yuri)

“Oh… I’m sorry.” (Eisa)

Eisa-sensei bowed her head for some reason.

“With the Crusaders coming… it’s because of us that your parents…” (Eisa)

It sounded ironic. Personally, I just had a hatred for ancient Shan language.

“Eisa-sensei, please don’t say anymore. That’s not the kind of conversation we should be having.” (Yuri)

“But…” (Eisa)

‘Ah… It feels like someone has been feeding her some nonsense. She’s a Kuran, so I can’t help but think it’s unavoidable… But trying to lead them on like ‘Kuran people are friends!’ would also be problematic, as it could lead to a loss of fighting spirit…’

“Given Eisa-sensei’s position, someone might have said something like that to you, but you don’t need to worry about it. It’s tit for tat in times of war.” (Yuri)

“But my fellow countrymen seemed to have betrayed me… There’s this person named Ryuk Morette.” (Eisa)

“Ah, that guy…” (Yuri)

He was useful to me.

“I’m sorry… for hiding him as a refugee in the kingdom.” (Yuri)

I found out about it recently, but there’s a clause in the asylum contract that says he won’t commit treason against the Shan state, and he violated that clause.

Well, even without that clause, he’d be executed for inciting foreign aggression, but since contracts are agreements of good faith, Isa-sensei must be concerned about it.

“Eisa-sensei, isn’t Ryuk Morette a different person? You don’t need to worry about it.” (Yuri)

“That person is from the Papal States. He couldn’t fit in like me and always wanted to return to his hometown, Ahornakato. He’s not a bad person at heart…” (Eisa)

“Is that so… Well, it’s a bit too late now.” (Yuri)

‘Hmm… Well, it’s too late.’

“What’s happening to him now?” (Eisa)

“In short, it’s something Eisa-sensei would rather not hear about.” (Yuri)

“Please tell me. I’ve seen plenty of terrible and ugly things. I’ll be fine.” (Eisa)

‘Even if you say that…’

“Well, enjoying life from now on will be difficult in every sense.” (Yuri)

The torture of the Queen’s Sword was terrifying, and even I was impressed. The marks of torture were so severe that it would seem difficult to inflict them without considerable knowledge of human anatomy. In that situation, even if one were to survive, it would be more merciful to kill them.

“Ah…” (Eisa)

Eisa-sensei exhaled as if lamenting the widespread misery in the world.

“He didn’t have any significant information. It seems he was just used as a link. However, he would have conveyed detailed information about the situation in the royal capital and the names of prominent figures.” (Yuri)

‘Of course, he must have mentioned that Isa-sensei that she was in exile, alive, and teaching.’

“I understand that he won’t escape punishment. But… it’s truly sad.” (Eisa)

“I’ve killed many people myself, but I believe there are very few truly evil people. Ryuk Morette may be a good person, but I will kill him. In return, I won’t complain when it’s my turn to be killed. It’s tit for tat.” (Yuri)

‘I think killing or being killed is unavoidable. Even in a society governed by law, humans kill others to steal things, so in a lawless world of anarchy, this is even more likely to happen. I can understand their perspective to some extent. It’s easier to steal or take than to create wealth. It’s obvious that killing a homeowner and taking over their house is cheaper than working for decades to build a house.

I have a certain level of education and ability, so I can live a prosperous life with the wealth I’ve created. But this is only possible because I was born with these abilities. If I had been completely incompetent, leading a miserable life where nothing goes right, I might have thought of living by taking from others. Humans are inherently afraid of death, so it’s an unreasonable demand to tell them to die rather than take.

The same goes for one’s position. If someone tells you to step down and retreat to the countryside because you’re in the way, and you can’t comply, killing you might be the easiest and quickest solution. I don’t think that’s unfair. In fact, I proposed this to Oron Boff and when he rejected it, I had him removed from the scene. In that case, the only logic that aggressors and victims can share is tit for tat.

Humans are placed on the world stage from birth, whether they want to or not. There are no divine laws created by God. Humans have created laws to bind each other and operate them against a backdrop of violence and coercion. In peacetime society, these laws may function normally. Some people may misunderstand them as moral codes that govern the world. But in the event of war, which is the ultimate exercise of violence between armies, such things do not function.

The weak are trampled upon by the victors, and power can reverse, causing perpetrators and victims to switch places. Except for one, the Great Witches did not call it unjust or excessive violence. They knew that as people who had trampled on others for a prosperous life, it was not their place to speak such words even in death.’

“I see… But Yuri-san looks sad. That’s evidence that someone’s heart is wounded.” (Eisa)

“Do you think so?” (Yuri)

“Yuri-san, even during the war, you tried to minimize the number of casualties.” (Eisa)

‘That was because of the Crusaders. I wanted to massacre anyone of Witch descent even if they were students of the School of Liberal Arts. Fortunately, we managed to avoid it, but I truly had that thought back then.’

“Well… Anyone who starts a war is inhuman. Actually, if Eisa-sensei knew what I was planning to do to the Crusaders, you would probably be disappointed in me.” (Yuri)

‘She’d probably be thoroughly shocked. Someone like Isa-sensei wouldn’t even conceive of such a notion.’

“I won’t be disappointed. Yuri-san, you couldn’t disappoint me.” (Eisa)

Eisa-sensei said something strange.

“Do you really think so?” (Yuri)

“In that case, please tell me. I won’t tell anyone. I swear to God.” (Eisa)

“Why do you want to know? Even if you find out, it’ll only make you uncomfortable.” (Yuri)

‘I’m not trying to sacrifice Eisa-sensei. She is in a good position to live and enjoy peace on the foundation I’ve laid. There’s nothing wrong with that.’

“I want to know what Yuri-san is planning so I can offer advice if necessary.” (Eisa)

“Well, it’ll be known eventually, so I don’t mind…” (Yuri)

‘She did just swear to God earlier. When Isa-sensei swears to God, it’s absolute.’

“In that case, let’s talk.” (Eisa)

“Wha…” (Eisa)

As expected, Eisa-sensei was speechless, covering his mouth.

“So, Eisa-sensei, there’s really no need for you to anguish like you’re part of the perpetrators. We’re both doing similar things.” (Eisa)

‘It’s a mutual understanding. There’s no room for complaints about that.’

“Yuri-san… it’s okay. I’m more worried that your heart might be affected by all this.” (Eisa)

“Why’s that? I’m fine.” (Yuri)

‘In reality, after slicing someone’s neck, I’m calmly moving on to the next task. If the timing were right, people might call me a psychopath.’

“Yuri-san, you’re someone who can empathize with others’ pain. And you won’t try to ignore it. That’s why I’m worried.” (Eisa)

“I’ll be fine… I’m not that delicate.” (Yuri)

“If you were to join us, we could forgive countless sins… but I suppose that wouldn’t bring you peace of mind, would it?” (Eisa)

‘That’s quite a random suggestion.’

“Yes, you’ve atoned for your sins, and God has forgiven you. Therefore, you have no more sins.” (Eisa)

‘It sounds convenient, but to me, it just seems like a farce.’

“Unfortunately, I’ll have to decline that.” (Yuri)

“You’re right. Then, at least…” (Eisa)

Eisa-sensei stood up from her chair, knelt before me, and wrapped her hands around me. Her warm hands enveloped mine. It felt unsettling looking down Eisa-sensei in this manner. She muttered something like a prayer under her breath while looking at my hands, then quickly stopped and looked up at me.

“Yuri-san… please don’t carry this burden alone. You have many people around you.” (Eisa)

“My sins are mine to bear.” (Yuri)

“I forgive you. I won’t be disappointed. Facing your sins while committing them and living with the pain, that’s what it means to be human. Yuri-san, you’re just human. No one is without sin.” (Eisa)

Today, Eisa-sensei seemed more like a religious figure than ever before.

“That won’t bring to mind the people who were killed.” (Yuri)

‘Even those Witches I burned alive, well, they were scoundrels, but weren’t some of them good mothers despite being strict at home?’

“I forgive you. This is not about Isus-sama. It’s me forgiving you, Yuri-san. Please keep that in your heart.” (Eisa)

When Eisa-sensei held my hand and said that, I suddenly felt a sense of calm in my heart. Feeling a sense of self-disgust at what I had become, I knew it wasn’t right.

“…I see. Understood, I’ll keep that in mind.” (Yuri)

With a strange feeling lingering, I pulled my hand back slightly, and Eisa-sensei let go of my hand.

“Well then, I have a few things to attend to, so I’ll take my leave.” (Yuri)

Though there was still some time left, I stood up from my chair. I had to head north now, to face another war.

“May fortune favor you.” (Eisa)

Eisa-sensei stood up, bowing slightly with his head down.

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