The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 199: (Self Edited) Meeting at the Main Residence

The day after Olron’s wife and son were killed, I entered the castle at Kotlaha and made my way to the main residence’s conference room. Inside, I found Kien and others gathered. Seated at the far end was a spirited young lady.

Tigris Hamon.

Though she hadn’t officially joined as a vassal, and I didn’t think poorly of her, I invited her here to sit. She was dressed sharply with a high-collared outfit, her long hair tied neatly behind her head and cascading down. She appeared to be around thirty years old. There had been talk of adopting someone into the Hamon Household, as no male heirs had been born, but when Tigris declared, “No, I will go to the General household and inherit,” she became the lord of the estate.

A feudal lord typically oversees several Knight households and takes on a frontier-like role as they move away from the capital. Distance is a significant factor in governance. The farther away, the harder it was to control effectively. To maintain control, a meticulous bureaucratic structure was needed, which Knight households lacking in political acumen usually didn’t possess. So, they appointed trusted individuals as local lords to manage large territories. It was an old-fashioned governance method.

While it was not unheard of for a woman to hold a Knight title, it was rare to become a feudal lord. The process of appointment often faced interference from others, and there were usually many contenders wishing to marry and become a feudal lord.

Receiving a knight’s title is honorable, but in a female-dominated society, being a knight remains predominantly a male domain, requiring considerable effort to secure and maintain. I was not familiar with her background, but if she managed to surrender without bloodshed, it indicated she had a certain level of respect and accomplishment.

Depending on the morale, if Tigris was less popular and the Boff Household was well-liked, peacefully capturing their territory without bloodshed would be challenging. Conflict was bound to occur somewhere, and it won’t be a childish brawl but a clash between armed soldiers resulting in casualties.

“It took us two weeks to capture the Boff Household’s territory. Next is the Noza Household.” (Yuri)

I said.

Two weeks. It was about time for the next development. I had been eagerly awaiting updates from the Albio Republic, but maybe fourteen days was too short, as there was still no news.

“What are Yuri-dono’s thoughts?” (Kien)

Kien Rube asked. Liao wasn’t present here. It seemed he was tasked with securing the northern borders of the Noza Household.

“The Boff Household was vulnerable in Olron Boff’s absence, allowing us to attack without delay in notifying the cities. However, it won’t be the same with the Noza Household. I assume troops are gathering near Kien-dono’s territory?” (Yuri)

“Yes. According to reconnaissance by Eagle, they’ve holed up with around 3000 troops. There are no proper cities within the borders.” (Kien)

The vicinity of the Noza and Rube households was a land dotted with villages on frozen fjords, with roads connecting these villages, although they lack the fertility to form proper cities.

‘Well, if defense is necessary, they could have built fortresses, but that requires maintenance costs, and if there’s no war, it’s deemed unnecessary, so they probably don’t bother. Besides, General households aren’t real enemies.’

“They’ve evacuated the nearest village residents from the borders and set up emergency defenses with palisades.” (Kien)

“Dimitri, tell me what’s going on in this territory.” (Yuri)

The border area was under the domain of the Daz Household, ruled by Dimitri.

“There are some makeshift fortifications on the southern side, but not many troops are deployed, probably around 500. Regarding the south, they’re likely pulling back to Oregano.” (Dimitri)

The distance from Oregano to the border was quite far, with no significant towns in between. As harsh as it sounds, abandoning it might be the right choice.

‘Come to think of it, Lily-senpai’s family’s home is a bit north of Oregano. Since they’re in custody, her father won’t be deploying, but I’ll need to ensure their protection.’

“The road through the mountains is the Yutan Pass, right? It seems that’s the widest, but it’s challenging to defend due to its terrain.”

The Yutan Pass was a crucial point on the trade route connecting Oregano, the Noza Household’s capital, and Sibyaku. It diverged north due to the undulating terrain of the mountains and appears to be better maintained than other passes. However, it was narrow and favors the defending side. If we were to attack from here, not only would the battle be difficult, but supply lines would also become an issue. The difficulty of supply wasn’t solely determined by distance but also by the ruggedness of the terrain.

Narrow, steep mountain paths were the most challenging environments for supply. Even if we managed to pass the pass, we would need to continue supplying food and other essentials to sustain operations beyond it. Of course, supporting supplies through a difficult mountain pass means enduring endless back-and-forth movements. Doubts arise whether the roads were wide enough for carts to pass.

It would be ideal to raid for supplies beyond the pass, akin to some famed mountain bandits, but that was not feasible. Besides, the Noza Household’s territory was barren, so even if we raided, we might not find enough to replenish our resources.

Moreover, strategically speaking, not all entrances to the Noza Household’s territory were blocked by mountains. The north and south were pretty open, so crossing the pass might not be the wisest choice. At least, I wasn’t particularly keen on it.

“If they’re on high alert, there’s no need to use the pass unnecessarily. Either way, we can sandwich Noza from the north and south, and that will be the end of them. The issue lies in how to defeat them.” (Dimitri)

“Since the fall of the royal capital, our casualties have been about 300.” (Kien)

“That’s right. There were battles in two cities.” (Yuri)

“Noza has 8000 troops, and they’re now in a solid defensive posture. It’s troublesome.” (Dimitri)

As Dimitri suggested, indeed, they could overwhelm the enemy in every scenario. However, they would likely lose 1000 or 2000 troops in the process.

“First, let’s suggest surrender.” (Dimitri)

Dimitri proposed, echoing what I was about to say.

“I was also considering that. I’ve known that guy for a long time, but he’s really cautious. Surprisingly, he might just surrender easily. Although he acts all high and mighty as the head of the household, he’s not the type who enjoys fighting from the start.” (Kien)

‘Kien’s evaluation of Borafura Noza is harsh, but I wonder if something happened in the past…’

“Exactly. During the last Crusade, I heard he didn’t move his troops at all and fled.” (Dimitri)

Dimitri agreed.

“Exchanging positions turned out to be the right decision. Noza was right in front of Tyrellme, so we had to switch them out even if it meant risking danger. If we had left them there, they would have been overwhelmed.” (Kien)

It seemed there were various events during the Crusade.

“Then let’s start by proposing a meeting. It’s free anyway, and we’ll need time to move our troops north and south.” (Yuri)

“Yes. The meeting place should be at Yutan Pass… but we shouldn’t arouse suspicion. He’s really cautious, after all. If we let him decide, he’ll probably suggest Yutan Pass.” (Kien)

‘I wonder about that. Kien can ride an Eagle despite his size, but I’m not sure if Borafra Noza can. If he can’t ride an Eagle, then all the borderlines between the Noza Household and other territories would be along the ridgelines, making it difficult to reach the meeting place. Even if someone holds the title of Heavenly Knight, it doesn’t guarantee they can ride. Flying on an Eagle entails a significant risk of death, and many experienced individuals who used to ride no longer do so.’

“Well then… while we’re at it, let’s draft a document now since everyone’s gathered.” (Yuri)

“Sounds good.” (Kien)

“In that case, Tillet, could you fetch a knowledgeable maid or someone from the main residence?” (Yuri)

I called out to Tillet who was standing in the corner of the room.

“I’m not your servant…” (Tillet)

Tillet muttered discontentedly before leaving the room.

‘I guess she went out to fetch a maid. Even though she complains, she still obeys orders.’

“Is that the Queen’s Sword?” (Dimitri)

Dimitri asked.

“Yes. I brought her just in case. It might be useful for sabotage.” (Yuri)

“I see.” (Dimitri)

The door rattled open, and an elderly maid appeared. That was quick.

“I’ve brought her.” (Tillet)

She must have been right outside the room. The elderly maid seemed quite scared, avoiding eye contact with anyone as she bowed her head.

“What can I do for you?” (Maid)

“I’m sorry to bother you, but could you bring a piece of stationery and an envelope? Also, prepare some writing materials and sealing wax.” (Yuri)

“Um, well… it’ll have to be with our household seal…” (Maid)

“That’s fine, any will do.” (Yuri)

I reassured her with a smile to ease her tension.

“Of course… Excuse me…” (Maid)

The maid said before leaving the room.

“You’re quite polite when you ask her for something. You’re usually so arrogant when talking to me.” (Tillet)

Tillet complained.

“Sorry about that. I always respect you in my heart, but it comes out differently when I speak. It’s respectful in my mind, so please don’t mind.” (Yuri)

“You…” (Tillet)

Tillet sighed in exasperation.

Someone chuckled.

“Hahaha— Oh, excuse me.” (Kien)

It was Kien who laughed. It seemed my joke earlier hit the spot.

At that moment, the door creaked open.

“I’ve brought them.” (Maid)

The elderly maid said as she placed a tray with a set on it on the table.

“Thank you.” (Yuri)

“No problem… Excuse me then.” (Maid)

She bowed her head before leaving the room.

“Alright, let’s write.” (Yuri)

Request for Dialogue

Regarding the treatment of the Noza Household, we wish to establish a venue for discussion and hereby request a meeting.

  1. Meeting Location

To be designated at the Noza Household. However, the location should be within border territory, avoiding deep incursions into your domain or other potentially hazardous areas. Please select a sensible location, not atop steep mountain peaks.

  1. Response Deadline

Given our urgent preparations against the Crusade, we request a response by the end of April. Considering the time for message delivery, if no response is received by May 3rd, this letter will be considered a declaration of war, initiating invasion. If a response is received, hostilities will be postponed.

  1. Meeting Period

Designated at the Noza Household between April 25th and May 7th. Due to our urgent preparations against the Crusade, we cannot extend this period. We apologize for the brief deadline but ask for your understanding.

  1. Regarding the Witch Household’s Pledge and Treatment of the Noza Household

We possess a binding document from the Witch Household acknowledging a secret agreement between your household and the Witch households. We intend to deny the continuation of the Noza Household’s natural nobility and demand its abolition, along with the return of the territory. However, if surrendering, we do not intend to hold Borafra Noza accountable. Our aim is solely the removal of the natural nobility and return of the territory.

We are keen to avoid the loss of life, expenditure, and, above all, time that invasion would entail. If your household surrenders, all resources that would have been lost can be directed towards the Crusade.

Upon swift resolution, including disarmament and transfer of the territory, we would like to offer your house forgiveness, along with appropriate gratitude and treatment.

Signed by Agreement

Yuri Hou

Finally finished writing.

“Is this sufficient?” (Yuri)

I handed the paper over to Kien. He carefully read through the contents, then signed it and returned it to me.

“As expected. Your reputation as a brilliant mind in the school of Knights is well-deserved.” (Kien)

“Tigris, what about you?” (Tigris)

I turned to Tigris, who looked back at me.

“I…” (Tigris)

“I’m not asking you to represent the Boff Household. Your signature would just add a bit of weight to it. Take a look. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to sign.” (Yuri)

“…Understood.” (Tigris)

Seated at a separate table, Tigris, who had been sitting alone, came over to me to receive the document.

Tillet, perhaps not trusting me, positioned herself by my side, and looked ready to cut me down if I made any strange movements. I didn’t fully trust her either, but if there was any sudden movement, I could draw my dagger faster than she could unsheathe her sword, especially considering that the sword that killed Einola was currently in my possession.

Without incident, Tigris took the document back to her seat and began reading it.

“So, who came up with this idea?” (Yuri)

I turned back to Kien and asked.

“It was my cousin, who happens to be the head of School of Knights.” (Kien)

“Ah…Rabelo Rube, right? I haven’t talked to him much.” (Yuri)

‘He’s your cousin, huh?’

“I heard you had the most exempted credits in history.” (Kien)

“Really? I didn’t know that.” (Yuri)

‘Seriously? Was it the most.’

“That must have left you with a lot of free time right after enrolling.” (Kien)

“Creating the Hou Company was all thanks to that free time. If it weren’t for the system of exemptions, I wonder where I’d be now.” (Yuri)

‘As busy as it was, maybe I wouldn’t have thought of starting the Hou Company. No ships, no celestial navigation, no New Continent, no Molotov cocktails, no printing technology.’

“Was it true that you were doing it separately from the Hou Household back then?” (Kien)

“No, as our business grew, the interference from the Witches became more intense. Eventually, it became like being under the umbrella of the Hou Household. Until then, I had been doing it without my parents’ help, so it was reluctantly done.” (Yuri)

‘It was frustrating. We paid taxes and covered security costs, so technically it was fair, but having to rely on my parents was still annoying.’

“Well, not relying on your parents for money alone is quite an achievement.” (Kien)

“Yeah, thanks to that, we were able to spread leaflets and make Molotov cocktails. The money-making venture we started back then is now helping in the war effort. You never know how things will turn out.” (Yuri)

‘Who would’ve thought that the business I started back then would be useful in a war? Life’s full of surprises.’

While chatting with Kien, Tigris got up from her seat and approached us. She placed a paper on the table, took a quill, and signed it under Kien’s name.

“I’ve signed it.” (Tigris)

She handed over the paper with a swift motion.

“Thank you.” (Yuri)

I folded it into thirds and placed it in an envelope embossed with the Boff Household’s emblem. On the tray, there was also a heavy candlestick to prevent tipping, with candles burning on it.

The wax used for candles and sealing wax were different, so they could not be substituted. I tilted the candle to pour the excess wax back into the jar, then held the sealing wax stick near the flame to melt it onto the envelope. I pressed the stamp firmly. The envelope with the Boff Household’s emblem was ready.

“Your Excellency Yuri, I’ll have this delivered by a messenger.” (Dimitri)

Dimitri said.

“Ah, thank you.” (Yuri)

I lightly shook the envelope to seal the wax a bit more before handing it over.

“Well then, I’ll move the troops north.” (Kien)

“Could you leave a decent unit from the Rube Household here? It would be easier for evacuation if we had control over Kotlaha.” (Yuri)

Kotlaha blocked the main highway connecting the Rube Household with the royal capital, and it had been collecting tariffs for a long time. Managing the internal accommodations would facilitate evacuations. If the Hou Household controlled it, communication would be easier, and it would be more convenient to have family members in charge.

“That would be helpful, but are you sure?” (Kien)

He seemed to be asking if he could trust me.

“It’s fine. The Hou Household doesn’t have extra troops. We’re responsible for security in the capital and training the second army. It’s actually a relief.” (Yuri)

“Then, I’ll take you up on your offer.” (Kien)

“I’m not saying this with any post-war intentions toward the Rube Household.” (Yuri)

“Haha, understood.” (Kien)

Kien said with a smile, then left the room.

“Yuri-dono.” (Tigris)

After the meeting adjourned, Tigris called out to me.

Dimitri left to dispatch an envoy, and the others also departed, leaving only Tillet behind.

“What is it?” (Tigris)

“I have something I want to ask. Yesterday, you mentioned that you would capture Kotlaha within a week. How did you intend to do that?” (Tigris)

‘Oh, is that what this is about?’

“Hmm…” (Yuri)

‘What should I do?’

“Was that just a lie to deceive us?” (Tigris)

“No, I was confident in capturing it within a week. I was just unsure if I should talk about it.” (Yuri)

“I see. I haven’t yet entrusted my spear. It’s understandable.” (Tigris)

“No, I’ll tell you. It doesn’t matter if I reveal it now.” (Yuri)

‘There’s no need to think about the Crusades aftermath, and in a few years, other methods will also be possible.’

“Then, please tell me.” (Tigris)

“This city has impressive gates, but the walls are a bit too thin.” (Yuri)

“Were you planning to break down the walls?” (Tigris)

Tillet furrowed her brow.

The walls of Kotlaha were not like those of a hill or an embankment fashioned into a castle. They merely encircled the city on flat ground. Essentially, they were an extension of a fence, making them the weakest form of wall.

For example, if there had been a wall resembling a stone rampart next to an embankment, no matter how many cannons were fired at it, it wouldn’t break because it was filled with soil. Well, with persistent artillery fire, the steep wall might collapse, becoming sloped and ultimately resembling a breach, but it wouldn’t disappear.

In contrast, the walls of Kotlaha were just fences, thin in both dimensions. They weren’t castle or fortress walls but city walls, so there was no alternative. They were effective enough to deter bandits and thieves, but beyond that, their purpose was different.

“There was an unrepaired section on the north side. Stones had fallen out at a low point.” (Yuri)

“And?” (Tigris)

“I would dig a hole there, open a narrow hole in the inner wall, fill the entire hole with gunpowder, attach an explosive device on top, and detonate it. I haven’t actually tried it, but that would probably collapse the wall. Then, we would send in the troops, and it would be over.” (Yuri)

“And how were you planning to set it up to collapse the wall?” (Tigris)

“I observed the wall from above for several days. They were only vigilant at the gates, but the wall security was lax. Do you think the sentries would notice what someone was doing under the wall in the middle of the night?” (Yuri)

“I see.” (Tigris)

She seemed satisfied.

“Let me make it clear. If you ever have the opportunity, don’t even think about repairing the wall. It’s an outdated relic. It won’t be of any use in the future. It’s a waste of money.” (Yuri)

“Understood.” (Tigris)

“I’ll decide your fate after dealing with the Noza family. Until then, return to your territory and train your troops.” (Yuri)

“I will do that.” (Tigris)

‘No matter how good your reputation is, you’re still the Knight who killed her lord. Even if I were to entrust the army to the Boff Household someday, it would be better to wait for a while.’

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