Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 247 Changing Flag In Caushilbo

Admiral Jareth stood on the deck of his flagship, his gaze fixed upon the pool of blood staining the vast expanse of the sea. The heavy air bore witness to the aftermath of the intense conflict that had unfolded upon the boundless sea.

His subordinate approached him with solemn expression to deliver the report of their losses, "Admiral, we lost three ships," the officer informed, his voice filled with a tinge of regret.

Upon hearing the report of their losses, Admiral Jareth's face tensed, hinting a mix of emotions. His brow furrowed, and a shadow of disappointment crossed his features. Though he try to remain composed, a flicker of concern still passed through his eyes.

The admiral's countenance tightened, emotions mingling across his face.

"Three ships," he repeated quietly. His voice was laced with a hint of resignation. He had anticipated losses in the battle, but the reality of the casualties weighed heavily upon him. 

However, his resignation was short-lived. Jareth swiftly adapted to the ebb and flow of war. He knew that dwelling on the losses would hinder their progress and undermine their resolve.

Taking in a deep breath, he steeled himself and redirected his focus towards the next course of action.

"Prepare to set sail for the port town of Caushilbo," Jareth commanded, "Victory almost lies within our hand, and we will not be deterred by this loss."

Sails were hoisted and the ships begin to leave the scene, leaving the bodies behind as fish foods.


When the port town came into their sight, the fleet moved swiftly into the port and strategically positioned themselves.

Having already destroyed Caushilbo's fleet, only remnants were left in the town, making it easier for Jareth's forces to seize control.

Under Jareth's orders, the Ryntum forces launched a coordinated assault.

The cannons roared to life once again. The sheer power and intensity of the cannon fire shattered the tranquillity that once enveloped the town, sending shockwaves through the hearts of the inhabitants.

Barriers were breached and fortifications crumbled under relentless bombardment.

The Barlians in Caushilbo, caught in the crosscurrents of war, watched with trepidation as the Ryntum fleet loomed on the horizon. Fear mingled with curiosity as they braced themselves for the impending clash.

After a few minutes, the cannons fell silent. A thick haze of smoke and the smell of burning timber hung in the air. 

Jareth stood at the prow of his flagship, gazing at the battered town before him.

His eyes, gleaming with determination, surveyed the scene as he prepared to lead his sailors in the final stage of the takeover.

"Prepare to make landfall!" Jareth's voice resonated across the ship, stirring his crew into action. Sailors hurriedly readied ropes and lowered sturdy gangplanks, creating a makeshift bridge between their vessel and the shore.

The former inhabitants of Caushilbo, who had been under the occupation of Barlia offered their knowledge about the town's layout, acting as guides to Jareth and his sailors, pointing out Barlians' whereabouts.

With the support of the locals, Jareth and his sailors gradually took control of Caushilbo in no time.

On 4th May 303 Paign Era, as a symbol of their triumph, Jareth ordered the removal of Barlia's "Pristine" flag fluttering at the town centre. In its place, the proud banner of Ryntum was raised, fluttering in the wind as a proclamation of their victory.

With this town slipping from Barlia's grasp, the disruption in their supply line loomed ahead. The loss of control over this vital outpost meant severed connections to crucial resources and provisions.

The admiral was fully aware that this loss would not totally cripple the massive Barlia army. But, this act will force them to devise alternative routes and methods to sustain themselves.

Jareth, accompanied by a group of sailors, led the way to the largest warehouse in the town. The warehouses, once belonging to Barlia, stood as a potential source of much-needed supplies for his comrades in the ongoing war. 


They pushed the doors open. Inside, they discovered a treasure trove of provisions: barrels of salted fish, sacks of grains, bundles of cloth, and various tools.

The supplies, originally intended to sustain Barlia's forces, now lay at Jareth's disposal. It was an opportunity to bolster the strength of his own troops and provide aid to his comrades in arms.

Jareth's eyes sparkled as he see the mountain of resources, "These resources shall not go to waste," he declared to his sailors. "We shall utilize them to bolster our forces and ensure the welfare of our fellow soldiers in the field. Prepare to distribute them accordingly."

The sailors swiftly move according to his instruction, loading the necessary amount of provisions they need onto their vessels.

Recognizing the need for efficient governance, Jareth assigned a trusted officer to embark on a journey to Wemeywesto. Their mission was to seek assistance from the commanding officer stationed there and request the dispatch of a competent individual to oversee the affairs of Caushilbo.

They carried with them a letter penned by Jareth, outlining the current situation and the necessity of having a capable administrator to manage the newly acquired town.

The dispatch officer would then go straight for the capital as Jareth appealed for additional ships as a replacement.

In his letter, he eloquently described the number of ships and manpower available only sufficient to protect Erle Island and its surrounding water. Safeguarding a town as far as Caushibo would stretch his manpower thin. 

"It would be better if the kingdom could raise the third fleet," he muttered. It was a suggestion he put together in his letter aside from the additional ship request. 

Before, two fleets seems reasonable since the Kingdom of Ryntum doesn't have much sea territory to cover and it will be a waste of money to build a lot of fleets.

However, current circumstances are changing now. Ryntum gain a lot of territory and it came with a long coastline. If the navy can't keep up, they will be bounded to lose all the territory they worked hard for. 

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