Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 248 Went On Separated Path

The town of Szazki fell swiftly and decisively under the joint assault of the massive armies belonging to Barlia and Inverloch. The town of Szazki stood defenceless in front of the combined forces of Barlia and Inverloch.

The clash was swift and brutal, overwhelming the town's meagre defences. Although the defenders of Szazki fought valiantly, they were outnumbered and outmatched. Szazki's inhabitants, ill-prepared for such a ferocious onslaught, found themselves caught in a maelstrom of chaos and destruction.

Following the fall of Szazki, their temporary alliance between Barlia and Inverloch came to an end. The victorious armies of Barlia and Inverloch made separate decisions on their next targets.

"This is where our paths diverge, Lieutenant," said Hector Hajdu, addressing the Inverloch leader.

"Yeah," Sarika nodded, "Barlia will set its sights on Mezorin, while your forces can proceed with your intended target, Manfura. We fought well together, but now it's time to pursue the goals of our individual nations."

Recognizing the temporary nature of their alliance, both leaders part ways and resume their individual campaigns.

The lieutenant general from Barlia maintained her focus on the preplanned objective of capturing Mezorin. She regrouped her forces, ensuring they were prepared for the upcoming campaign.

Meanwhile, Marquess Hector felt confident with his recent consecutive success, redirecting his forces towards the capture of Manfura.

Believing it to be a valuable target, Hector saw an opportunity to further solidify Inverloch's position in the region.

He gathered his troops, adjusted their strategies, and instilled in them the determination to overcome any obstacles they might encounter. "I know that our initial plan may have been to target a different town, but circumstances have changed. Manfura presents a unique opportunity, and I am confident in our forces to seize it."

As such, Marquess Hector Hajdu departed from Szazki. His army marched resolutely towards Manfura.

As the day wore on, Hector's keen senses picked up the sound of marching feet grew louder in the distance. 

By his order, the imperial army slowed their pace, prepared for the unexpected. After enduring an anxious wait, an army emerged through the same path they are taking.

Their banners billowing in the wind. Hector's eyes locked onto the banner, recognizing it to be the emblem of Ryntum. It was a reinforcement army sent from the capital to aid Bain Lawarence at Mezorin. 

His gaze swept across the soldiers. He spotted a figure, mounted on a noble steed, positioned at the forefront of the formation. "That must be the commander," he muttered. He has no collection of the said man. Nevertheless, Hector prepared himself for the encounter. 

As the Ryntum reinforcement drew nearer, their commander was taken aback by the unexpected sight that awaited them. His eyes widened with surprise as he witnessed an army blocking their path.

Confusion mingled with curiosity as he studied the opposing army, trying to discern their intentions and the identity of their leader.

Riding forward, Hector raised his voice, calling out to the leader of the Ryntum army. "I am Marquess Hector Hajdu of Inverloch."


"As expected, it's the Inverloch," Colonel Levi muttered. He was informed beforehand of the possibility of imperial forces joining hands to attack Mezorin. Meeting them here was out of his expectation. 

He raised his voice, "Marquess Hector! Behind me is the Kingdom of Ryntum's territory. Crossing the border with your army would be considered an act of declaring war against us. I advise you to return back to where you came from."

Hector, his voice steady and determined, responded, "That is exactly wants I wish to do, to capture Manfura."

Levi's face hardened. His eyes narrowed as he listened to Marquess Hector's response. Tension is rising. Inwardly, Levi knows any more talk would be useless as Hector's determination was visible on his face.

"Charge!" Hector shouted. The ground trembled beneath the hooves of his steed, the sound of their unified gallop reverberating through the air.

Levi's eyes widened in response to Hector's unexpected move. He swiftly raised his voice, commanding his troops, "Hold your ground! Brace for their charge!"

Ryntum soldiers reacted swiftly, forming a steadfast defensive line to meet the oncoming onslaught.


The ground shook as the charging hooves of Hector's heavy cavalry made contact with the Ryntum's defensive line. The sheer force of their impact threatened to break the steadfast formation of the Ryntum soldiers.

His voice echoed once again through the chaos, urging his men to hold their ground. The Ryntum soldiers dug their heels into the earth, determined to maintain their formation despite the tremendous pressure.

Meanwhile, at the rear of the Ryntum formation, the artillery crews sprang into action. They swiftly loaded their cannons. 

Once Levi knew the cannons are ready, his voice cut through the chaos to relay his command. "Split in half, to the left and right!"

In perfect synchrony, the Ryntum soldiers swiftly adjusted their formation, creating a path through which the artillery crews could take aim at the charging cavalry.

The soldiers parted, creating a corridor flanked by tenacious combatants on both sides.

"Fire!" The artillery crews wasted no time.

The cannons erupted in a cacophony of thunderous booms. Projectiles hurtled through the air, aimed at the heart of the heavy cavalry. 

The heavy cavalry, located in the middle of the trajectory path bore the brunt of the destructive force. Horses were struck down under the impact. Riders were thrown from their saddles, their bodies tumbling to the ground.

The rhythm and coordination of their attack shattered, replaced by a disarray of scattered soldiers and panicked horses.

"Fall back! Regroup!" Hector's voice carried the weight of disappointment and urgency. The surviving riders, their spirits dampened by the unexpected turn of events, began to withdraw from the battlefield. 

As he watched his forces disengage from the battle, Hector couldn't help but curse his impatience. "Damn it! I should have waited and asked Barlia to lend me one or two of their artillery instead." 

He had assumed that catching them off guard would provide a decisive advantage, but it seemed that they were far more organized and responsive than he had anticipated.

However, Hector's numerical advantage remained on his side. And he was aware of Ryntum's limited mobility. Unlike him, they can't make a sudden change in direction.

The air crackled with anticipation as the two leaders assessed their options, searching for a breakthrough as neither army was willing to yield.

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