Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 246 Battle Of Open Sea

Jareth and his small fleet continued their strategic retreat, venturing deeper into the vastness of the boundless sea. Because Ryntum ships are slightly better in quality and technology than Barlia, they manage to widen a considerable distance with Barlia. 

The pursuing Barlia forces on one side, remained relentless in their chase. As they pressed forward, Barlia's ships remained focused on closing the distance between them and their retreating enemy.

With each passing moment passed, the Ryntum fleet approached Makerton Island.

Admiral Jareth observed the pursuing Barlia forces with a mixture of anticipation and determination. He knew that his hidden plan was about to unfold, and the fate of his fleet hung in the balance.

"Line up the ship," Jareth commanded, his voice steady and resolute. "We'll block them here."

His crew sprang into action, adjusting the sails and aligning the cannons. The tension on the ship was palpable as everyone understood the critical nature of the upcoming manoeuvre.

Jareth's small fleet positioned themselves perpendicular to the oncoming Barlia fleet with the galleon in the middle and caravels on the left and right, forming a floating barrier against Barlia's advance. 

As the Barlia ships closed in, their commander realized the floating barrier in front of them. Ryntum readied their guns, aiming at them.

The cannons of the Ryntum fleet roared to life, unleashing a barrage of firepower.

The Barlia commander narrowed his eyes as he surveyed the formidable obstacle before him. A grin spread across his face, betraying his eagerness for the impending challenge. He turned to his crew, his voice filled with determination.

"Maintain our course, but alter the sails! Prepare to rush in! We'll use the wind to our advantage and swiftly manoeuvre through their fire. We'll teach them how to operate a ship!"

They adjusted the sails, angling their ships to swiftly navigate through the oncoming projectiles. The Barlia fleet began to surge forward, utilizing their superior agility to evade the incoming cannon fire.

As the Barlia fleet agilely evaded the barrage of cannon fire, unbeknownst to them, a new threat was rapidly approaching from behind. 

In the distance, the rest of the Ryntum fleet emerged from the shadows, their sails billowing with a newfound sense of purpose. They slowly caught up with the Barlia's fleet.

On board of one of the Ryntum ships, Admiral Jareth watched the manoeuver with a steely gaze. The trap had been set, and the time for its execution had arrived. He addressed his crew with a firm voice.

"Be careful not to hit your fellow sailor," Jareth commanded his words resonating with a calm yet resolute determination. "We finally have them right where we want them."

As the Barlia fleet continued to evade the incoming cannon fire, it's fleet commander glanced over his shoulder and spotted the approaching Ryntum ships. The approaching Ryntum almost neatly lined up to their right flank.

A flicker of concern crossed his face, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Keep moving! As long as we didn't stay still, the chance we are getting hit is low."

The Barlia ships manoeuvred and surged ahead while deftly avoiding the relentless attacks from the front. At the same time, they maintain a vigilant watch on the encroaching Ryntum fleet from the rear.

With each passing moment, they close in the gap, bringing themselves within striking range.

On the deck of the galleon, Jareth couldn't help but curse, "These crazy people! Are they trying to crash their ships with us?!"

The admiral's thought was exactly right. Not only do Barlia's sailors want to crush the ship but they want to hijack it.

"Prepare to board!" the commander shouted, his voice carrying across the deck. "We'll show them the strength of Barlia up close and personal!"

The Barlia crew readied themselves for the imminent clash, arming themselves with swords and grappling hooks.

As the Barlia ships closed in, Jareth, in a voice laden with fear and urgency, shouted, "Evade! Evade! Evade the crash!"

With a smug and disdainful chuckle, the Barlia's commander mocked Jareth's order, "Heh! Rookie mistake!"

As the Ryntum ships followed Jareth's order, the floating line barrier was split into two parts and Barlia ships slip in right between the gap.

The commander bellowed the orders to launch the boarding assault.

The ships manoeuvred skillfully, aligning their sides with the vulnerable flanks of the Ryntum fleet. Barlia sailors leapt onto the enemy vessels, engaging in close-quarter combat.

Leading the charge, Barlia's commander shouted his order, "Secure the ship!"

The deck of the caravel instantly became a chaotic battleground. Blades clashed and the air filled with the clang of steel meeting steel. Barlia and Ryntum crew members grappled with each other, locked in close combat, their strength and skill put to the test.

Barlia sailors fought fiercely. However, they didn't forget their main objective which is to gain control of the ship. They manoeuvred every crook and cranny of the ships, employing tactics to separate and overwhelm their opponents.

Amidst the chaos, a Barlia sailor made a daring leap onto the mast, using the advantage of height to rain down blows upon a group of Ryntum fighters. His agile movements and precise strikes created an opening for his fellow Barlia comrades to push forward.

At the same time, the Ryntum ships who had been chasing them from the rear catch up. Shots were fired, finding their mark on the closest Barlia vessel.

The ship shuddered under the result of the impact. Its structural integrity weakened.

As the hull gave way to the relentless assault, the sea outside rushed in. 

"Sir, we lost one ship!" reported one of Barlia's sailors.

"Then we have more than enough reason to press on and seize control of this caravel," their commander declared, his voice filled with a steely resolve. "We will not let their sacrifices be in vain."

The Barlia crew, though weary and battle-worn, rallied behind their commander's words. With a unified surge of adrenaline, the intensity of the battle increased severalfold. 

However, their hopes of victory were quickly overshadowed by the arrival of the Ryntum ships from the left. The sudden change in the direction of the enemy's approach caught them off guard, leaving the Barlia fleet trapped in a perilous position.

The Barlia fleet is now sandwiched between the caravels they had crashed into earlier and the newly arrived Ryntum vessels.

The Ryntum navy had effectively boxed Barlia in. The tension in the air grew palpable.

Although the enemy ships were in a favourable position, Ryntum was hesitant to unleash their firepower out of fear of hitting their own sailors.

A sudden voice cut through the chaos, amplified by the winds and echoing across the water. "All Ryntum sailors, evacuate the ship!" Admiral Jareth's order resonated with urgency and authority.

In a frenzy, Ryntum sailors scrambled to comply with their commander's order.

They hastily abandoned their posts and weapon, jumping into the sea. The sound of hundreds of splashing bodies was audible to everyone.

Ryntum sailors spend their energy getting away from their own ships and swam towards the nearest ships to seek refuge with their comrades.

Seeing their comrades plunged into the sea, the newly arrived Ryntum vessels, now unburdened by the presence of their own sailors, took advantage of the opportunity to strike.

Without hesitation, the Ryntum ships unleashed a barrage of cannon fire upon the Barlia fleet. In such close proximity, the shot creates more than just boring the hole through the ships, it creates a hailstorm of destruction.

Barlia ships rocked violently as they were pounded by the deadly onslaught. Wooden planks splintered, sails tore, and the air filled with the cries of wounded sailors. Ship after ship succumbed to the sea. 

Seeing the ships they try to take over were rendered useless, their commander shouted with urgency to his crew, "Jump into the sea, Barlians! Save yourself!"

The remaining Barlia sailors leapt into the unforgiving waters. Their bodies plunged into the depths and swam frantically, seeking safety from the impact.

The relentless barrage of cannon shots soon ceased when the last ships belonging to Barlia disappeared beneath the waves. The once turbulent sea grew eerily quiet, the only sounds the lapping of waves against the floating debris and the distant cries of survivors.

Admiral Jareth ordered his ships to encircle the remnants of the Barlia sailors, who clung to wreckage and fought against the currents.

A chilling silence settled upon the scene as the Ryntum's sailors were seen aiming their rifles toward the remnants of Barlia's sailors.

"Wait!" he shouted, his voice carrying across the water. "You're sailors too! It's an unspoken rule among seafarers to help those stranded at sea. Show us some mercy!"

Jareth, playing ignorant and feigning indifference, responded with indifference. "I don't know what you're talking about. I've never heard of such a rule," he replied, his voice laced with a hint of maliciousness.

The Barlia commander's heart sank. His frustration and disbelief were evident on his face as he stared back at Jareth. 

With a wave of a hand, hundreds of shots were released. One by one lost their life. Blood flowed out, mixing with seawater.

The bodies of Barlia's sailors were riddled with bullets, floating silently in the vast ocean. 

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