Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata

Chapter No.35 Heartstone of Asuras

35  Chapter No.35 Heartstone of Asuras

Karna looked down at his notification, curious about what it could be after such an intense battle. He opened the notification to see what awaited him.

[Ding! Quest Completed]

[Quest: Asura Attacks 2]

[Objective: Kill/Defeat the Asura Trinavarta (1/1)]

[Rewards: 3x Gold Upgrade Tickets, Asura's Wrath Skill Book]

Karna's eyes widened with excitement as he realized that he had completed the quest. He felt a surge of accomplishment and anticipation for the rewards that awaited him. With a sense of satisfaction, Karna acknowledged the completion of the quest and eagerly awaited his rewards.

[Ding! Rewards Granted]

"That was a great battle." Suddenly, a voice echoed through the clearing, catching Karna's attention. He turned to see a figure emerging from the shadows, clad in a cloak that concealed their features. "You have proven yourself worthy, Karna," the mysterious figure spoke.

Karna narrowed his eyes, curious about the stranger's identity. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice filled with a mixture of caution and intrigue.

The figure chuckled softly. "Call me the Guardian of Asuras," they replied cryptically. "I have been observing your progress, Karna, and I must say, you have impressed me. Your skills and determination in battle are commendable."

Karna's curiosity grew, and he took a step closer to the Guardian. "What do you want from me?" he inquired, his gaze fixed on the figure.

The Guardian of Asuras extended their hand, revealing a small, ornate box.

"I have a gift for you, A token of my appreciation for your valor. Open it, and you shall find a power that will aid you in your future battles."

He/She said.

Intrigued, Karna cautiously reached out and accepted the box from the Guardian. With a gentle motion, he opened it to reveal a radiant gemstone, pulsating with a mysterious energy.

"This is the Heartstone of Asuras," the Guardian explained.

"It is said to contain the essence of their strength and resilience. With it, you can tap into the power of Asuras even further, enhancing your abilities and unlocking new skills."

Karna's eyes widened in astonishment. The prospect of harnessing the power of Asuras intrigued him, although he understood the potential risks and consequences. He glanced back at Shaurya, who looked just as curious as him.

"What are the risks?" Karna asked, his voice tinged with caution.

The Guardian nodded, acknowledging Karna's concerns.

"The power of the Heartstone is formidable, but it is not without its challenges, Tapping into Asura energy comes with a price. It may consume your vitality, and if used recklessly, it can corrupt your spirit. You must wield it with caution and balance."

He/She explained.

Karna nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"I will be cautious."

The Guardian of Asuras smiled beneath their cloak.

"Very well, Karna. May this power serve you well in your future endeavours. Use it wisely, and it shall aid you in protecting what you hold dear."

With those words, the Guardian of Asuras faded back into the shadows, leaving Karna and Shaurya alone in the clearing.

Karna held the Heartstone of Asuras in his hand, its pulsating energy resonating with his own. He felt a mix of excitement and trepidation, knowing that this newfound power could shape his destiny in unforeseen ways.

With a sense of gratitude and determination, Karna pocketed the Heartstone and turned to Shaurya, who had been standing with an angry face... once again.

Karna noticed the anger on Shaurya's face and approached him, concerned about his loyal companion's emotions.

"What's troubling you, Shaurya?" Karna asked gently, his voice filled with empathy.

Shaurya let out a frustrated growl, his tail swishing back and forth.

"Karna, I feel overlooked and unappreciated," Shaurya expressed, his voice laced with disappointment. "In all these battles and quests, it seems like I'm just a sidekick, forgotten in the shadows."

Karna's expression softened, and he knelt to meet Shaurya at eye level.

"I'm sorry, my friend. You are far from being just a sidekick," Karna reassured him, sincerity in his words. "You are my trusted companion, my source of strength and support. I couldn't have achieved all that I have without you by my side."

Shaurya's anger began to dissipate, replaced by a glimmer of hope.

"You mean it?" he asked, his voice filled with longing for validation.

"Absolutely, From this moment forward, I promise to acknowledge your contributions and ensure that you receive the recognition you deserve. We are a team, and together, we will face any challenges that come our way."

Karna affirmed, placing a hand on Shaurya's head.

A sense of relief washed over Shaurya, and a grateful smile graced his face. He nuzzled against Karna's hand, feeling the warmth of their bond.

"Thank you, Karna, I believe in us, and I'm ready to face whatever comes our way, as long as we face it together."

Shaurya said sincerely.

"Thank you, Shaurya, Your loyalty and friendship mean the world to me. We will face the future together, as equals and true companions."

  Karna replied, his voice filled with gratitude.

With their resolve strengthened and their spirits uplifted, Karna and Shaurya left the clearing, ready to go home, The Heartstone of Asuras tucked safely away, Karna knew that he would need time to understand and harness its power. He couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and determination as he thought about the new skills and abilities he could unlock.

After a few hours of walking, Karna and Shaurya arrived at their home.

Karna's eyes softened as he saw the little one playing at the door. It was little Krishna, Their neighbour's child, whom Karna had grown fond of. Krishna's face lit up with joy as he saw Karna and Shaurya approaching. He started crawling towards them.

Karna smiled warmly at Krishna's enthusiasm and knelt to greet him. Shaurya wagged his tail, happy to see the little god's excitement.

"Hello there, Krishna! How have you been?"

Karna asked, his voice filled with genuine affection.

Krishna giggled and reached out his tiny hands, wanting to touch Karna's face. Karna gently held Krishna's hands, allowing the child to explore.

Karna chuckled at Krishna's curiosity and playfully tickled his fingers.

"You're such a curious little one, aren't you?" Karna remarked, his voice gentle and full of warmth. "I hope you've been having a wonderful day."

Krishna's eyes sparkled with joy as he babbled incoherently, expressing his happiness. Karna's heart swelled with affection for the child, appreciating the innocence and purity in his presence.

"I'm glad to see you so happy, Krishna," Karna said, his voice brimming with fondness.

Shaurya, sensing the tender moment, approached Krishna and licked his tiny hand, eliciting a burst of giggles from the child. Karna smiled at the interaction, grateful for the bond that existed between them.

As the sun began to set, Karna carried Krishna in his arms, with Shaurya walking alongside them. They entered their home, where warmth and tranquillity awaited them. Karna gently placed Krishna down, ensuring his comfort and safety.

Shaurya curled up near the fireplace, his eyes watching over the room with a sense of contentment.

"Oh! Karna, You are back!" Karna's Mother, Radha, exclaimed as she entered the room, her eyes lighting up with joy upon seeing her son and Krishna.

"Yes, Mother, we're back," Karna replied with a smile, his heart filled with warmth at his mother's presence.

Radha Maa (Mother) approached them, her arms outstretched and embraced Karna tightly.

"I'm glad you're home, my dear, And it seems you've brought Krishna with you."

She said, her voice filled with love and relief.

Karna nodded a gentle smile on his face. "Yes, Mother. Krishna was waiting for us at the door, so I thought it would be nice to have him join us for a little while."

Radha Maa's (Mother) eyes softened as she looked at the child. She had always adored Krishna and treated him as her child.

"That's wonderful," she said, her voice gentle. "You know how much I enjoy spending time with him."

Karna nodded, appreciating the bond between his mother and Krishna. He knew that Radha Maa's (Mother) love extended not only to him but also to those he cared about.

"Mother, Where are others?"

Radha Maa (Mother) smiled and gestured towards the dining area.

"They're all in the dining area, eagerly waiting for your return," she replied.

Karna's heart swelled with gratitude as he realized the warmth and love that awaited him at home. He thanked his mother and made his way towards the dining area, with Krishna in his arms and Shaurya following closely behind.

As he entered the room, His father, Khushi, Hina, Balram, Uncle Avinash, Uncle Vivek, Maa Yashoda and Nand Baba turned their attention towards him. Their faces lit up with smiles and relief at his return.


Khushi exclaimed, rising from his seat and embracing his son tightly. "We were worried about you. It's good to have you back."

Hina and Balram joined in, showering Karna with hugs and expressing their relief at his safe return.

The room filled with laughter and chatter as the family gathered around the table, sharing stories and enjoying a meal together. Karna held Krishna in his lap, watching the joyful interactions between his loved ones, his heart filled with a deep sense of contentment.

As they ate and laughed together, Karna couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. The intense battle, the mysterious Guardian of Asuras, the Heartstone of Asuras, and most importantly, the bond he shared with his family and Shaurya. It was a reminder of the complex and interconnected nature of his life, the battles he fought not only for himself but also for the people he loved.

As the night grew darker and the stars sparkled outside, Karna went to his chamber, As he settled down for the night, Karna whispered a silent prayer, asking for guidance and strength in the battles yet to come.




*To Be Continued*


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