Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata

34 Chapter No.34 A Quest!!!

34  Chapter No.34 A Quest!!!

The next day, As the sun rose over Vrindavan, Karna woke up feeling refreshed and energized. He performed his morning routines and prepared himself for the day ahead.

As Karna prepared for the day, the aroma of home-cooked meals wafted through the air, enticing his senses. He joined his loved ones around the table, where laughter and stories flowed freely.


While in the middle of breakfast, Karna heard a notification sound, Indicating a notification or alert.

Karna's curiosity was piqued as he wondered what the notification could be. He excused himself from the table and retrieved the notification.

[Ding! A Quest]

[Name: Asura Attacks 2]

[Objective: Kill/Defeat the Asura Trinavarta (0/1)]

[Rewards: 3x Gold Upgrade Tickets, Asura's Wrath Skill Book]

[Do you want to accept the Quest?]


Karna's eyes widened with excitement as he read the quest notification. The prospect of facing an Asura and the rewards it offered intrigued him. He quickly made up his mind and selected "Yes" to accept the quest.

"Can you show me the description of Asura's Wrath, Athena?"

[Of course, Here you go.] n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

[Name: Asura's Wrath]

[Type: Skill]

[Grade: SSS-]

[Description: Asura's Wrath is a powerful combat skill that taps into the primal fury and strength of the ancient Asuras. When activated, the user harnesses the destructive energy of the Asuras, enhancing their physical attributes and granting them immense power. The skill increases the user's strength, speed, and durability, allowing them to unleash devastating attacks against their foes. However, the power of Asura's Wrath comes at a cost, as it drains the user's energy rapidly and can have detrimental effects if overused.]

Karna's eyes scanned the description of Asura's Wrath with growing anticipation. The power and potential of the skill intrigued him even more, But he also noted the warning about its drawbacks. Taking a moment to contemplate, Considering his strength and combat abilities, Karna felt confident that he could handle the Asura Trinavarta.

With a determined expression, Karna tucked the notification away and returned to the breakfast table. He finished his breakfast quickly and made his way towards the Asura with Shaurya by his side.

As Karna and Shaurya ventured deeper into the dense forests of Vrindavan, the tranquillity of nature gave way to an ominous ambience. The chirping of birds ceased, and the rustling leaves whispered a warning. Their senses heightened, and they remained vigilant as they followed Athena's guidance.

The path led them through a labyrinth of ancient trees, their gnarled branches reaching out like twisted fingers. Shaurya's presence offered Karna a sense of reassurance, his loyal companion ready to face any challenge that lay ahead.

After what felt like hours of navigating the dense forest, Karna sensed a subtle shift in the atmosphere. The air crackled with otherworldly energy, and a distant roar echoed through the trees. The Asura Trinavarta was near.

As they moved closer, Karna's anticipation grew, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation. They emerged into a clearing, bathed in dappled sunlight that pierced through the thick canopy above.

There, towering before them, stood Trinavarta—an Asura of immense size and power. Its monstrous form was adorned with dark, tattered garments, and its eyes glowed with a menacing crimson light. The wind picked up around Trinavarta, swirling in a vortex of chaos.

Trinavarta turned its gaze toward Karna and Shaurya, a wicked smile stretching across its face. It emanated an aura of malevolence, Its intent clear—annihilation. The battle was about to commence.

Karna took a deep breath, Centring himself in the face of the daunting adversary. He summoned Divine Axe Rhiita in one hand and Kusanagi in another, his weapons glinting with the promise of battle. Shaurya stood faithfully by his side, ready to lend his strength and agility to the fight.

His mastery over the "Four Season Sword Technique" and "Void Steps" filled Karna with confidence as he prepared to engage in combat with Trinavarta. The Four Season Sword Technique was a skill that allowed Karna to adapt his fighting style to the changing seasons, imbuing his attacks with the unique qualities of each season. It granted him the ability to harness the destructive force of winter, the speed and agility of spring, the fiery power of summer, and the unpredictability and versatility of autumn.

On the other hand, Void Steps was a technique that enabled Karna to move swiftly and silently, leaving no trace of his presence. It allowed him to evade attacks effortlessly, confound his opponents with unpredictable movements, and position himself strategically in battle.

With his weapons in hand and his skills honed, Karna approached Trinavarta with a focused determination. He knew that this battle would be intense and challenging, but he was prepared to push his limits and unleash the full extent of his abilities.

As the clash between Karna and Trinavarta began, the forest trembled under the weight of their power. Karna's agility and speed were put to the test as he dodged Trinavarta's devastating blows, his Void Steps allowing him to evade with grace and precision. With each dodge, Karna retaliated with swift and precise strikes from his Divine Axe Rhiita and Kusanagi, utilizing the Four Season Sword Technique to adapt to the Asura's movements.

Trinavarta, driven by its malevolent nature, unleashed powerful gusts of wind, trying to knock Karna off balance. But Karna stood firm, Channeling his inner strength and resilience to withstand the onslaught. He utilized his heightened senses and battle instincts to anticipate Trinavarta's attacks, countering with calculated strikes that chipped away at the Asura's defences.

Their battle raged on, the clash of their powers creating a symphony of destruction in the forest clearing. Karna's determination burned brightly, fueled by his desire to protect his loved ones and overcome this formidable foe.

Trinavarta, realizing the tenacity and skill of his opponent, grew more enraged. It summoned dark energy, causing the winds to howl and the very ground to tremble. The Asura unleashed a devastating storm of elemental forces, testing Karna's resilience and resolve.

But Karna was not one to be easily swayed. He retreated a few steps away and put Divine Axe Rhitta away and summoned Vijaya Dhanush (Bow) and Surya Tarkash (Quiver).

Karna swiftly notched an arrow onto Vijaya Dhanush, Who's one TWANG has the sound of thunder-clap, As the thunderous sound of Karna's bow echoed through the clearing, he focused his gaze on Trinavarta, his eyes filled with determination. He pulled the bowstring back with unwavering strength, channelling energy the same as Cruel-Sun's.

The arrow on Karna's bow glowed with radiant golden light as he drew it back further, charging it with the power of the sun itself. With a resounding release, the arrow shot forth like a beam of light, streaking through the air towards Trinavarta.

As the arrow struck its target, a brilliant explosion of light erupted, engulfing the Asura in a blinding cascade of energy. Trinavarta roared in agony as the power of the sun seared through its dark form, weakening its defences and sapping its strength.

Seizing the opportunity, Karna swiftly transitioned from his bow to his swords, Divine Axe Rhiita and Kusanagi. He dashed forward with incredible speed, closing the distance between him and Trinavarta in an instant.

With a series of precise and relentless strikes, Karna unleashed a barrage of attacks, each blow infused with the fury and determination of a warrior driven by the desire to protect his loved ones and bring down the Asura.

Trinavarta fought back with all its might, unleashing powerful gusts of wind and dark energy in an attempt to repel Karna. But the warrior was undeterred, his mastery over the Four Season Sword Technique enabling him to adapt to the Asura's onslaught. He evaded and parried with grace, finding openings amidst the chaos and striking with unwavering precision.

As the battle raged on, Karna's relentless assault began to take its toll on Trinavarta. The Asura's movements grew sluggish, its attacks losing their potency. Sensing its weakness, Karna channelled the remaining energy within him and Activated Void Fist at his heart.

With the activation of Void Fist, Karna's fist crackled with otherworldly energy. His speed and strength reached unprecedented levels as he unleashed a flurry of devastating blows upon Trinavarta.

Each strike landed with overwhelming force, shattering the Asura's defences and leaving it vulnerable to Karna's onslaught. The battlefield became a whirlwind of motion as Karna's movements blurred, leaving only afterimages in his wake.

Trinavarta, now reeling under the combined assault of Karna's skills and the power of Void Fist, struggled to mount a counterattack. Its once-formidable presence diminished as Karna's relentless barrage of strikes wore it down.

Finally, with one decisive strike, Karna delivered a powerful blow that shattered Trinavarta's remaining resistance. The Asura let out a final, guttural cry before dissolving into an ethereal mist, its malevolent presence vanquishing.

As the dust settled, Karna stood amidst the remnants of the battlefield, his chest heaving with exertion. The power of Void Fist faded, and he returned to his normal state, the aura of immense power dissipating.

With a satisfied smile, Karna retrieved his weapons and took a moment to catch his breath.





*To Be Continued*


Sorry For the Short Chapter.

Guess What happened to Shaurya???

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