Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata

Chapter No.36 Meeting A Kid Goddess

36  Chapter No.36 Meeting A Kid Goddess

(Please Note: Goddess Kali's Divine Memories Are Sealed By Goddess Parvati Herself.)


Next Day,

Somewhere on the outskirts of the Vrindavan, Some burly-looking beasts were running after a small figure.

The small figure darted through the trees, her heart pounding with fear. It was Kali, a young girl with extraordinary powers. Despite her tender age, she possessed a fierce determination and a deep sense of responsibility.

[Image here]

Kali knew she couldn't outrun the pursuing beasts for long. They were relentless, driven by their wild instincts. She needed a plan to defend herself and escape their clutches.

Thinking quickly, Kali spotted a nearby cave. She knew it could provide temporary shelter and possibly a way to turn the tables on her pursuers. With a burst of speed, she sprinted towards the cave, her legs carrying her with surprising agility.

As Kali reached the entrance of the cave, she glanced back to see the beasts closing in. Their snarls and growls filled the air, fueling her determination to survive. She needed to buy herself some time.

Using her innate abilities, Kali summoned her elemental powers. The earth beneath the cave entrance rumbled, and rocks and debris tumbled down, blocking the beasts' path. It was a temporary obstacle, but it would give her a few precious moments.

With a sigh of relief, Kali stepped into the darkness of the cave, her eyes adjusting to the dim light. She knew she couldn't stay there for long, but it provided a temporary respite.

Taking a deep breath, Kali focused her thoughts, tapping into her powers. She summoned a ball of fire, holding it in her small hands. The flickering flames illuminated the cave, casting eerie shadows on the walls.

Kali's mind raced as she devised a plan. She needed to find a way to outsmart the beasts and escape their clutches. Her eyes scanned the cave, searching for any possible advantage.

And then she saw it—a narrow crevice leading to a hidden passage. It seemed risky, but Kali knew it was her best chance. She extinguished the fireball, concealing her presence, and carefully made her way towards the crevice.

Squeezing through the tight space, Kali emerged into a hidden tunnel. It was dark and treacherous, but she pressed on, driven by her determination to survive.

As she ventured deeper into the tunnel, Kali's heightened senses picked up on faint sounds—a distant rumbling and the echo of growls. The beasts had discovered her escape and were hot on her trail once again.

Kali quickened her pace, her feet barely making a sound as she navigated the winding path. The tunnel seemed endless, and doubt began to creep into her mind. But she couldn't afford to give in to fear. She had come too far to turn back now.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Kali saw a glimmer of light ahead. She emerged from the tunnel into the open air, finding herself on a cliff overlooking a vast landscape. The beasts were nowhere in sight.

Breathing heavily, Kali took a moment to collect herself. She had escaped the immediate danger, but she knew she couldn't let her guard down. The beasts could still be lurking nearby.

With renewed determination, Kali set off, using her heightened senses to navigate her way back to safety. She relied on her agility and wit, blending into the surroundings as she moved swiftly and silently.

As Kali made her way back to Vrindavan, her heart was filled with a mixture of relief and gratitude. She was grateful for her powers, which had helped her survive the encounter, and for her strength and resilience. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

But Kali also knew that she couldn't face such dangers alone. She needed the support and guidance of those who understood her, who could help her harness her powers and protect her from the perils of the world.

As she reached the outskirts of Vrindavan, Kali's steps quickened. She hasn't eaten anything for 3 days and hunger gnawed at her stomach. She knew she needed to find nourishment and seek the aid of her trusted companions.

Kali's first destination was the temple where she had sought solace and guidance before. The familiar stone structure stood tall and welcoming, its sacred aura providing her with a sense of comfort.

Entering the temple, Kali approached the altar, where a statue of Goddess Parvati stood. With reverence, she knelt before the statue, her eyes closed in prayer. She sought the wisdom and strength of her divine mother, asking for guidance and protection.

"Mother Parvati," Kali whispered, her voice filled with devotion. "I am in need of your guidance and support. I have faced great dangers, and I hunger for both physical and spiritual nourishment. Please, show me the way."

As Kali finished her prayer, she felt a gentle breeze caress her face, as if in response to her plea. Opening her eyes, she noticed a small note attached to the statue's pedestal. Curiosity piqued, she reached out and picked it up.

The note read:

"Dearest Kali,

Your prayers have been heard. Seek the garden of abundance, where nature's bounty awaits you. There, you shall find sustenance and the companionship you seek.

Remember, you are never alone. Trust in your inner strength and the support of those who care for you.

With love, Your Mata (Mother)"

Kali's heart swelled with gratitude and hope. She believed in the divine guidance bestowed upon her and knew she had to follow the path set before her.

Leaving the temple, Kali ventured into the outskirts of Vrindavan, where she found herself surrounded by lush greenery and colourful blooms. The air was rich with the scent of flowers, and the soft rustling of leaves filled her ears.

As she walked deeper into the garden, Kali's eyes widened with awe. She discovered a small clearing, bathed in golden sunlight, where a bountiful feast awaited her. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and various delicacies adorned the table, seemingly untouched and waiting for her arrival.

Kali approached the table, her hunger becoming more pronounced with each step. She couldn't contain her excitement as she sat down and indulged in the nourishing food before her. The flavours danced on her tongue, replenishing her strength and invigorating her spirit.

Amidst her feast, Kali noticed a figure approaching the clearing. It was Karna, accompanied by Shaurya. Kali's heart leapt with joy at the sight of the boy who looked like a reflection of the sun itself with a mysterious tilak on his forehead and golden earrings.

As Karna and Shaurya entered the clearing, their eyes met with Kali's and were surprised to see someone in their secret training grounds. They halted in their tracks, their expressions a mix of curiosity and caution.

"Who are you?" Karna asked, his voice steady but filled with intrigue.

Kali smiled warmly, her eyes gleaming with a sense of familiarity and relief. "I am Kali," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. "And I believe our paths have crossed for a reason."

Shaurya glanced at Karna, who nodded in acknowledgement. They both approached the table, eyeing the feast with hunger evident in their expressions. Kali gestured for them to join her.

"Please, join me," Kali said, her tone inviting. "There is enough here for all of us."

Karna and Shaurya hesitated for a moment, exchanging a silent conversation with their eyes. They had never encountered someone like Kali before, but her presence felt strangely comforting and familiar.

Taking a seat beside Kali, Karna extended a hand in greeting. "I am Karna, and this is my companion, Shaurya. We have been training here in seclusion. How did you find this place?"

Kali took Karna's hand, a sense of connection sparking between them. "I stumbled upon this garden guided by divine intervention," she explained. "I sought nourishment and companionship, and it seems our paths were meant to intertwine."

Shaurya joined them at the table, his gaze shifting between Kali and Karna. "You mentioned divine intervention. Are you connected to the gods?"

Kali nodded, her eyes filled with reverence. "I carry within me the powers of the divine, bestowed upon me by the goddesses themselves. I am on a journey to discover and harness these powers, to protect and serve those in need."

Karna was calm on the outside but inside he was freaking out, 'What is Goddess Kali doing here? And from the looks of it, she doesn't have that terrifying aura around her, which I have heard in my past life.'

Karna tried to contain his surprise and maintain his composure, although his mind was racing with questions. He had heard tales of Goddess Kali, known for her fierce and formidable presence, but the young girl before him seemed different.

She was filled with a sense of innocence and vulnerability that contradicted the stories he had heard. Karna's curiosity grew, and he found himself drawn to Kali's presence.

"Your powers... they are truly extraordinary," Karna said, his voice tinged with awe. "To have the blessings of the goddesses is a remarkable gift."

Kali smiled appreciatively, her eyes sparkling with gratitude. "It is a gift that comes with great responsibility," she replied. "I have faced many challenges on my journey, and I believe that our meeting is not a coincidence. Perhaps we can learn from each other and support one another in our paths."

Shaurya, who had been quietly observing the exchange, spoke up. "I trust Karna's judgment, and if he sees potential in our collaboration, then I am willing to give it a chance. But before we proceed, I must ask, what are your intentions, Kali? What do you seek to achieve with your powers?"

Kali pondered Shaurya's question for a moment, her gaze thoughtful. "I seek to protect the innocent, to bring justice to those who are oppressed, and to use my powers for the greater good," she replied earnestly. "But I am still on a journey of self-discovery. I believe that by joining forces, we can learn and grow together, supporting each other in our individual quests."






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