Psychic Parasite

Chapter 141: Tier 2 Blue Soul

Chapter 141: Tier 2 Blue Soul

Atika Light sensed a faint disturbance in the surroundings, the source trailing from Jyorta who sat on the floor before her. She inspected his condition, arriving at a conclusion based on the data obtained through her Skill.

Tier 4 SkillCataclysmic Inferrer!

While retaining the Skill at an activated state, her body ballooned up, soon flattening up across the front, turning into a 2-dimensional figure. Her limbs retreated into her, replaced with limbs made up of psychic energy. Her body floated to the air, arriving at the back of Jyorta, separated by a distance of two metres.

Three circles formed on her front, emitting a beam of light, transparent to the eyes. The beam of light fell on Jyorta, causing faint projections to appear overhead. The projections were blurry to the extent they looked like dust flying through the air due to an updraft, their motion visible due to the ray of sunlight that cascaded the area.

Tier 5 SkillMystic Lord Transformation!

Noticing the state of Jyorta, his concentration occupied to the extent unable to sense his surroundings, Atika light voluntarily activated her Tier 5 Skill, trying to glean concrete information through the phenomenon she had sensed.

Atika Light concentrated, modifying the beam based on all the information she had accumulated, turning it faint blue, solidifying the projection formed overhead. The projection turned into a face, a replica of Kaushik from his previous lifetime.

The face was a shade of dark blue, sporting a pair of eyes that were jet black. It turned around, witnessing the beam of light fall on it, the source originating from an old lady who looked to be in her forties.

The blue face opened its mouth, forming a set of words that resounded in her mind, "You have grown well, Atika."

Atika Light felt shocked, her eyes widened in surprise, hearing the voice resound in her head. She then heard the blue face speak further, contorting her expression with a trace of fear.

"Probe any more, and my arrangements will be destroyed. Then, the essence of corrosion infused into him will invade your soul, corroding it in a matter of minutes, leaving you behind in a vegetative state."

Atika Light dispelled the beam of light, having sensed an intense sense of danger through her extraordinary senses, watching the projection slowly fade away, leaving behind a final sentence that resounded in her mind.

"Your abilities are unique, the only one in this world. Based on my research conducted long ago, as long as you are alive, another human will never come to possess your Tier 5 Skill. It is a saddening fact that you failed to reach Tier 6 but, the child next to you will be able to inherit it. I'll also destroy the remaining influence of Gajara Rahi in her and make some preparation. Even though this will expend the remainder of my will infused into his soul, this will be worth it for the future of humanity." 

A flash of blue flickered towards Heima, seeping inside her soul, changing its inherent composition. Another flash entered Atika Light, instilling numerous memory fragments in her mind, bypassing all the guards she had installed in place.

'The Trait of Transference.' Atika Light formulated a name based on its details, thinking it through based on her rich experience, not taking the information at face value. Only when she confirmed it in relation to her trove of knowledge was she willing to believe it.

"I can't believe a part of him still lives on inside Jyorta, despite his death. The domain of the soul gives you some leeway to play around with life and death." Atika Light sighed, deactivating her Tier 5 Skill.

She solely used her Tier 4 Skill to gain as much information as she could, also making notes on the knowledge she had gained, trying to derive a mystical technique.

The blue face melted, expanding along the inside of the blue soul, drowning all the memory fragments. It soon began to contract, pulling everything towards the centre. Many soul tendrils attached themselves to his Brain Crystal, siphoning all the energy in a matter of seconds.

The Caterpillar began to voraciously consume Brain Crystals, almost to the point of overloading Jyorta's body due to the massive influx in psychic energy. The blue soul absorbed all the psychic energy it could get, also forcing the Wisdom Parasite to Nurture at a faster pace, leading to his body thinning out.

The blue soul began to shrink, getting compressed every second. The blue substance inside it was akin to a pond trying to swallow up all the leaves that had scattered over its surface. The drowned memory fragments dissolved into the mixture, turning into specks of light, illuminating a faint blue hue.

The blue specks of light converged into the centre, forming a sphere, attracting all the dark blue substance filling up the blue soul. The dark blue substance converged around the sphere, almost turning it black.

A pair of eyes appeared overhead, forming the blackest substance in the world. It oversaw the happenings, unknown to Jyorta who had his mind focused on controlling the dark blue substance inside the blue soul.

The dark sphere began to rotate, absorbing more of the dark blue substance, turning solid, looking similar to an egg. It absorbed the rest of the dark blue substance into it, turning silent. The jet black pair of eyes disappeared as the activity within the blue soul came to a still.

It was empty, except for the dark egg in its centre. The face mask pertaining to his false persona had been pushed into the subsoul belonging to his Wisdom Parasite, possessing enough space to house it for the time being. After gaining a massive influx of memory fragments, it had absorbed enough energy from the body to balloon in size, now large enough to safe keep the facemask.

Jyorta heaved another sigh of relief, thanking his stars as he gazed at his thinned body, faring slightly better than a state of skin and bones. As a thick stream of psychic energy gushed into his Brain Crystal, it was siphoned by 11 soul tendrils.

After its first voracious absorption, the number of soul tendrils connected with the Brain Crystal reduced to the amount in sync with the energy influx. The absorbed energy was converted into soul energy, allowed to course through the blue soul, nourishing the egg.

The process continued for more than an hour, leading to the Caterpillar having devoured more than 15 Brain Crystals, causing his body to slightly tremble. Though, it would only be later, when he consumed more than 30 Brain Crystals would his body would no longer be able to tolerate.

After another hour, when his situation was just a step before to the one when had to be operated, the soul tendrils detached themselves from the Brain Crystal. Jyorta retracted the Caterpillar, leaving behind a half-eaten Brain Crystal, one that began to faintly dissipate into the air.

The dark egg cracked, the lines soon coursing through its entirety, leaking out a flash of gentle blue light, sporting a shade lighter than the blue soul. Soon, the egg cracked into innumerable fragments, turning into the memory fragments, filling the blue soul, looking more condensed than before.

They also occupied less space, their condensed structure making the framework of the blue soul sturdier. Hovering at the centre of the blue soul was a blue figure, sporting a head, a body, and the neck that connected them.

The shape, structure, bodyline, etc. were the exact same as his previous life. It only lacked the four limbs, hovering in the same place as before. It undulated with a faint fluctuation, releasing faint energy into the blue soul, circulating it through it, forming loops that passed through it each time.

The blue figure lacking limbs breathed like a regular human, inhaling, and exhaling the soul energy. The soul energy it exhaled was slightly condensed, nourishing the blue soul, raising its sturdiness, also elevating it to an advanced state.

'My soul has finally evolved, after condensing life experiences worth more than a century.' Jyorta smiled, feeling a sense of euphoria. 20 years from his previous lifetime, 10 plus 2 years as Jyorta, the years spanning between 6 and 8 for each Frenzy Beast, numbering 11 in total; amounting them all, it totalled to a life experience worth more than a century.

The blue soul in him experienced another change, leading to an overall shrinkage in size, consuming most of the available energy.

Two arms appeared, filled with complex inscriptions, dark blue in colour, the condensed form of memories forming runic structures of knowledge. They possessed all the abilities that the blue soul could execute, forming its arms that could affect the outside world.

He now possessed two Soul Corneas.

Jyorta smiled, exiting the vision of his blue soul, watching Atika Light seated on her seat in silence, watching him without interruptions. She neither said any word nor inquired about his jubilant state, leaving him to his devices.

'The information that was imparted by the creepy-haired man's arrangements is mystical. The more I make use of it, the more I am in awe of his accomplishments. If I have to break out of his control, I should become a formidable character myself. Only then will I have any semblance of a chance to gain control of my fate.'

Despite his thoughts, Jyorta's expression of happiness didn't abate but further increased in intensity. Thanks to his false persona left in the subsoul of his Wisdom Parasite, Jyorta wasn't able to control his emotions, breaking into laughter.

He slumped on the floor, gazing at the ceiling of the room as his laughter resounded in the area, echoing across the walls. He had momentarily forgotten about the existence of Atika Light seated on a chair next to him, watching his actions with a smile.

His soul had evolved, experiencing an overall increase in its abilities, giving him the confidence to save his sister. He soon controlled himself, thanks to the blue soul placing the face mask on the blue face.

Despite the existence of the blue body underneathuncovered by the face maskhe still felt his emotions cool down. The face mask worked with the same efficiency as before, not suffering much of an impact.

Jyorta took in the view of his blue soul, watching the changes, relishing the renewed experience of an increase in his abilities.

Tier 2 Blue Soul!

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