Psychic Parasite

Chapter 142: Phantom

Chapter 142: Phantom

"Drink this before you celebrate." Atika Light placed a beaker in his hands, propping his weakened body. The beaker consisted of the same viscous solution as before, one that helped his body in ejecting the Brain Crystal impurities lodged inside.

As Jyorta downed its contents in one go, Atika Light placed the Tier 1 Floating Spider inside the rectangular box, closing the lid, enacting the bizarre actions as before. She then placed the box atop the stack of boxes, numbering eleven in total.

"Get some sleep. Report back at 5:30 PM." Atika Light snapped her fingers; the sound caused the door to rattle with a certain frequency. The door opened, bringing in a psychic arm that gushed into Jyorta's body, instantly turning his clothes into Refined Objects.

The psychic arm lifted his body, carrying him towards the exit.

Anruk Light noticed his malnourished state, feeling shocked. Sensing the footsteps that trailed behind him, he hurriedly controlled his emotions, using one of his psychic arms to morph the facial muscles, managing to sport an expression of normalcy.

"5:30 PM," Atika Light said to him, exiting the room, heading into the narrow hallwaywith three sides of it forming a canvas, housing a certain picture that looked blurry to most.

Anruk Light bowed towards her exiting figure, staying in the same pose until he sensed the door being closed. Once the coast was clear, Anruk Light pacified his thumping heart, controlling his emotional state, glancing at Jyorta.

'Should he realise the true nature of madam, I wonder if he would still be able to look at her in the eye?' He thought, instantly admonishing himself for the vicious thought, carrying Jyorta to the cramped room situated next.

"Take a bath and change into another set of clothes; they have already been prepared. I will also ask the chef to prepare some food to nourish your body. Your physique has turned frail; staying in this state for prolonged period will kill your Wisdom Parasite. After all, it needs a consistent amount of energy in regular periods to sustain itself." Anruk Light gently placed him atop his bed, retreating out of the room once he had said his piece.

He then sat on the circular bench, using two of his psychic arms to keep an eye on the Bone Family siblings, preventing them from encountering any harm. He was also ready to notify the doctors should Heima experience any complication, looking alert.

He had also encompassed the region under his domain. This way, even if he were to fall asleep, he would be able to wake up at the first moment should something happen.

Atika Light walked through the narrow hallway, taking in the desolate atmosphere, bereft of any people. Most of them had been sent on the recent mission to hunt the Ethereal Tail Frenzy Beasts, leaving behind a sparse few staffs that were in charge of the base's operations.

Moreover, the staffs were stationed in key locations; their duty mostly conformed to welcoming and accompanying the visitors. Only the command centre, in charge of message transmissions between the various teams in the Wilds, was busy, filled with signs of activity.

Atika Light walked through it, her pace slow but steady, her gait conforming to a motion that expressed her distraction. She mechanically walked through the place based on her memory, her mind whirring with the information she had accumulated to date.

Spurred by the influx of information from the blue-faced projection, her experience accumulated over it, connecting and fusing numerous methods, actions, concepts, principles, and functions. They formulated into a mystical concept, forming an embryo in her mind.

It was nurtured by her experiences, the information she had collected to date, and her wisdom. After a walk that spanned more than an hour, she arrived at a large door, signifying the end of the hallway, forming the head of a certain mythical beast from legend.

This door was both the start and the end of the painting that spanned the entire hallway, its mystical significance conforming to a treasure trove of knowledge. Atika Light pressed her hand on the door, manifesting a series of energy fluctuations that scanned her from head to toe, proceeding through the hallway, preventing any third party from approaching or sensing the contents behind.

The double door opened; the scene looked as if the mouth of the beast had opened, swallowing Atika Light who stood before it. It soon closed shut, the energy fluctuations that were coursing through the area abated like the tide.

Atika Light appeared inside a large hall, spanning a hundred metres in length, breadth, and height. Situated in its centre was a two-storey building, designed similar to a pyramid, but inverted in structure. Its base trailed from the ceiling, with its top almost touching the ground, separated by the gap of a metre.

The pyramid was made from marble, magenta in colour. It shone with a resplendent hue, sporting Relics all across its structure, with each emitting the aura of Tier 4 Warriors and Espers. Placed at functional places, forming the cornerstone of the structure were Tier 5 Relics, emitting blinding lustre, causing the air to tremble as a result of their aura emission.

Even the ground was made from marble, magenta in colour. It was overlaid with numerous Relics, a mixture of Tier 4 and Tier 5, forming a complex formation, their purpose unknown. Relics of other Tiers too were inlaid in the formation, creating a sub formation that individually operated in discrete regions.

Atika Light activated her Tier 5 Skill, floating in the air, proceeding towards the base of the pyramid. Hovering almost a hundred metres from the ground, she arrived before a small indentation, one that opened upon sensing her approach.

A small section opened up, allowing her entry. Atika Light entered the structure, watching the section close behind her.

The inside of the structure shone with resplendent lights, encompassing all the colours that existed in the world, the resulting uniform mixture creating a white that was different from the normthe white that resulted due to the seven colours representing VIBGYOR.

Numerous marble slabs, with each conforming to different sizes, randomly floated across the space, their motion fuelled by the Relics. Each marble slab housed mysterious hieroglyphics; when gazed further, they were comprised of densely packed information, inscribed in an alien language.

"Modern Rodawri is no longer safe. Thankfully, our foundational data is stored in another language, only known to me and Angrushen." Atika Light stretched her hand, grabbing hold of a marble slab.

"Ancient Dharvi is really efficient when it comes to information storage. It also allows us to get a direct representation of the knowledge through words, making it easy to rectify errors in any Trait, Unranked Skill, etc." Atika Light released her hold, watching the marble slab fly away, taking its own unique, bizarre path.

Her left armhaving turned into a psychic armgrabbed hold of a certain sphere affixed on the walls, infusing her energy into it. Soon, a marble slabtwo metres in length, a metre in breadth, and two centimetres in thicknessformed before her, condensed from her energy, magenta in colour.

Using the myriad Relics infused into the architecture, she had managed to replicate the effects of Psychic Ancestor Marble's Unranked Skill, one actuated at Tier 6 level.

Atika Light's body emitted blinding light, soon converged into a thin ray of light, turning magenta. The ray of light flashed on one corner of the marble slab, forming certain designs, shapes, etc. conforming to the language of Ancient Dharvi.

She also inputted many diagrams, symbols, and energy patterns flowing across the body, arising to a mystical effect. Each data was inscribed onto the marble slab one by one, with east stroke consuming ample time.

The ray of light wavered in intensities, causing the indentation formed across the strokes to vary, the meaning of the data changing with the depth. Having expended most of the energy in her Heart Crystal, Atika Light looked slightly exhausted, gazing at the marble slab in satisfaction.

Inscribed on the marble slab was a realistic depiction of Jyorta, with each indentation conforming to his body structure, forming his definite traits. All the strokes were composed of minute words; the method of inscribing created numerous symbols across it, forming mystical effects, causing the air to faintly turn ethereal.

The effects were quickly suppressed by the environment actuated by the Relics, turning the slab into nothing more than a marble slab. Jyorta's body hadn't yet been completed, lacking in many areas of his face, arms, and legs.

But, based on the effect it could manifest, Atika Light was assured of her hypothesis. She smiled, having confirmed that her train of thought was in the right direction. It was all thanks to the environment she was in and the language she had used.

This was a Tier 6 Artifact encompassing numerous Relics from Tier 1 to Tier 5, creating a mystical environment that would complement her Tier 5 Skill, allowing her to gain a comprehensive improvement in her research capabilities. It was her lifetime's accomplishment, the sole reason she was able to create the Unranked Skill of Rhachis Ancestor Strongest with the heaven-defying abilities it possessed.

She had also used this to perfect the Unranked Skills of the other cities when her services were requested by the other Ancestors. Moreover, she had created the language of Ancient Dharvi to create another mystical effect.

When the knowledge pertaining to a Skill was fully imbued in a marble slab inside this environment, it was possible to invoke the effects of the Skill. Moreover, the Tier of the Skill invoked also depended on the data of it recorded in the marble slab. This was how she was able to use Marble Sonata at Tier 6, having complete knowledge of the Skill. 

It was the same case for all the Skills that had passed through her hands, for both creation, and improvement. Now, consolidating her experience, she had designed the basic structure of an Unranked Skill.

From the tip of the pyramid, a beam of energy impacted the floor, turning silent in the next second, showing no trace of the energy emission.

Circle Zero, Mount Nilgiri; situated within a certain cave walled by magenta marble, an old man sat in a meditative posture. Suddenly, the cave's interior lit up in light, convulsing as a ray of energy flickered across it like a snake.

It soon approached the old man, spinning around him while emitting faint roars. Hearing the roars, the old man created a marble slab spanning 2 metres in length, a metre in breadth, and two centimetres in thickness.

The energy shaped into a snake gushed into the marble slab, forming the figure of a boy, the appearance plain, unlike before. Forming above the boy's head was a row of words, in Modern Rodawri.

Unranked SkillPhantom!

"So, this is what you are planning for Jyorta." Psychic Ancestor Marble smiled, looking interested. The image on the marble slab disappeared, the case being the same for the row of words.

He waved his hand, dissipating the marble slab into pure energy, retracting them into his body, heaving a sigh, his strained voice suffusing with traces of relief.

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