Psychic Parasite

Chapter 140: Evolution!

Chapter 140: Evolution!

Jyorta unleashed his Soul Cornea, slithering it out his body, prodding its way towards the tiny wisp. The Soul Cornea exerted its influence, having arrived next to the wisp. The next moment, the trace murky substance covering the wisp vaporised, allowing the pure memory fragments to condense within it.

The Soul Cornea touched the wisp, destroying its ego in an instant. The soul core experienced some changes as a part of Jyorta's ego was attached to it, fusing into its essence. The Soul Cornea then approached the other soul, spanning one-tenth its size.

When it neared the soul, it exerted its influence once again, vaporising the murkiness covering the other party, consuming a longer time to get the process done. The soul faintly trembled, sensing its presence. But, it wasn't developed to the extent capable of retaliation, its only fate to be invaded by the Soul Cornea.

The Soul Cornea pierced through the soul, slithering its way through the gaps between each memory fragments, soon arriving before the core. It wrapped itself around the core, the gap between them as minimal as possible while avoiding contact.

The Soul Cornea turned jet black for an instant, reverting to normalcy as it inspected the core, finding the majority of its ego destroyed in the corrosive attack. The Soul Cornea touched the core, instilling Jyorta's ego within it, allowing the ego to fight with the remainder of the other party's ego.

Within a minute, the soul had become his subsoul. The Soul Cornea absorbed all the memory fragments, collating them into a pile inside the blue soul. Retracting the Soul Cornea, Jyorta used his blue soul to arrange the absorbed memory fragments in order.

The Sour Cornea thinned out considerably, making contact with each memory fragment, shaving off the white layer covering it. Within an hour, the Soul Cornea had gone through all the fragments it had absorbed from the two new subsouls, destroying all the attached personality traits.

Exiting from the vision of his blue soul, Jyorta closed his eyes, sensing his Brain Crystal, finding the psychic energy expended in the previous process amounting to only half its total capacity.

'Anything below Tier 3 lacks that barrier protecting their souls. This makes converting them into my subsoul a cakewalk thanks to my reserve of psychic energy.' Jyorta held the rectangular box, inspecting it to figure its method of opening.

Seeing his actions, Atika Light frowned, "Inside it is a Tier 1 Floating Spider. If you open the box, it would destroy the Frenzy Beast's restrains."

"Ma'am, it has already become my subsoul." Jyorta smiled, landing on the floor as he made his way towards Atika Light, presenting the box to her. Atika Light was someone who was privy to his existence. Moreover, judging by his observation, he concluded that she was also quite knowledgeable about Gajara Rahi, the late Rhachis Ancestor Space.

It was why she was never surprised by his actions, always looking at him with a smile, the calmness in her disappearing not even once.

"You have exceptional adaptability," Atika Light gazed into his eyes, gleaning information about his character through each of his actions. Having observed his behaviour for the past two days, all the time using her Tier 4 Skill to do so, she had an ample grasp of his character.

She placed the rectangular box on her lap, filing the tip of her nail along a particular surface, her actions never once conforming to any fixed pattern. The rectangular box was smooth, with no grooves or indentations anywhere, lacking the spot for a lock and key mechanism or any other mechanism for the matter.

A second after her action, the rectangular box formed a line that converged across one side, parting the surface to the ends, revealing enough gap for the creature within to come out. A Soul Cornea flashed into it, imbuing certain memory fragments inside the soul of the Frenzy Beast.

A hairy leg emerged out, holding the edge of the top, pulling its body. It let out faint shrieks, feeling the restraints on its body relax, giving it freedom. A tiny Floating Spider, spanning the size of two feet climbed out, gently taking flight, hovering a foot above the box.

As the lid closed, the Floating Spider landed on it, looking exhausted, its weakened body failing to hold its body straight. It let out faint squeals, glancing at Jyorta, raising goosebumps in his arm, making him involuntarily take a step back.

It was his first time seeing a Frenzy Beast up close, not to mention a spider at that. Just its appearance alone delivered a critical hit to his mental state, despite the fact that the other party was another him.

"You would eventually get used to their horrid appearances." Atika Light said, placing her hand on the Floating Spider's back, showing no trace of repulsion. "Considering the appearances of the other Frenzy Beasts, the Floating Spiders can be said to fall on the cuter side. Many soldiers puke on the spot when they first bear witness to a Ring Worm."

She noticed the state of the Floating Spider, apprehensive at the hand that caressed its back, but showed no signs of hatred towards her. Its demeanour was no different from a human child getting patted by a stranger.

The strange disharmony between its appearance and its behaviour made Atika Light chuckle. She began to play with its legs, teasing it in amusement. "When they don't try to attack you, they are pleasing pets."

'The domain of the soul is impressive as always. An enemy has been converted into one of our own in an hour. If used well, this will prove to be an advantage to Marble City.'

Atika Light looked at Jyorta, watching him take furtive glances at the floating Spider, trying to win over his sense of disgust but failing grandly. "It is not something you can overcome in a day. The military academy will give you ample training in this regard."

"Also," She pointed at the Floating Spider, "Are you affected in any way due to this?"

"Affected in any way?" Jyorta shook his head, noticing Atika Light sport an expression of concern.

"How much do you know about Rhachis Ancestor Space?" She paced the rectangular box on the floor beside her chair, watching the Floating Spider stay put, behaving obediently.

"Only some stuff that my sister has shared with me," Jyorta replied, feeling strange at the direction of conversation that Atika Light was manoeuvring towards. He decided to be truthful for now, considering how he didn't have an inkling to her knowledge base. He didn't want to lose trust due to a haphazard lie; forming a relationship with Atika Light would only prove to be beneficial to his future, something he didn't want to destroy without sufficient reason to bank upon.

"Do you know that she suffered from a multiple personality disorder in her later years? It was all thanks to her creating numerous subsouls without restraint and taking them all into her soul." Atika Light pointed at him, "Does your ability of corrosion give you any methods to deal with this issue?"

"Yes ma'am, it does." Jyorta nodded, feeling unsurprised about the connection she made with his corrosion's ability to affect the soul. The blue soul in him had long since overlaid the false persona over the blue face, subtly affecting his thoughts and emotions.

"I can destroy the personalities of my subsouls. Though, it is a tedious process, consuming tremendous energy and time."

"Good, I will be monitoring your mental state for the time being. If I detect any problems, we will immediately stop this." Noticing him nod at her words, she continued, "What are you planning to do next?"

"I plan to make numerous subsouls to support me," Jyorta said, stopping his explanation on seeing the other party nod in comprehension, having formulated numerous ideas in an instant.

'She is a terrifying individual just on this aspect alone. Anyone who dares to make an enemy out of her will get a free pass to the afterlife.'

Atika Light snapped her fingers, producing a sound that reverberated through the room, rattling the door in a certain frequency, producing a sonorous tune. The door immediately opened as ten rectangular boxes flew in, stacking next to her. The door closed without a sound, the actions quick, executed without any flaws.

"You can continue." Atika Light pointed at the boxes, motioning for Jyorta to proceed with his plans. She never asked him to describe his plan, nor devise one for him, leaving everything to his discretion. It was as if she just wanted to witness his actions and arrive at a conclusion; as to what factor she wanted to conclude upon, Jyorta had no idea.

After taking in the view of his blue soul, Jyorta grabbed another rectangular box, sensing the souls being no different from before. Using the Soul Cornea, he repeated the same process as before, taking an hour to destroy all the personalities from the resulting memory fragments.

He summoned his Caterpillar and absorbed a Brain Crystal, getting back to making subsouls. Finally, after consuming five Brain Crystals, he had converted the souls in all the ten rectangular boxes, totalling to 22 subsouls he had recently obtained.

The entire processfrom the soul of the first Floating Spider to the last Tier 1 Frenzy Beasthad taken him 11 hours in total. His hunger had long abated, due to his intense concentration levels that blocked his primal senses.

A faint reaction erupted inside his blue soul, stemming from the blue face in it, actuated by the memory fragments that had reached a certain density, occupying the entirety of the blue soul. A faint undulation spread forth from the blue face, enveloping the entire blue soul in its wake.

'It is here!' Jyorta heaved a sigh of relief. His eyes brimmed with confidence as he once again summoned his Caterpillar, allowing it to land on his right palm. His left hand held a small rectangular box filled with the Brain crystals while his psychic arm flashed into existence, having grown to 60 centimetres in length.

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