Atelier Tanaka

Book 5: Chapter 4 (4)

Book 5: Chapter 4 (4)

Secret Medicine of Rejuvenation

The next day, I was awoken by the voice of my lovely maid.

T-Tanaka-san, please, get up! Its morning already! Richard-sama is waiting to speak with you, umm, s-so please, wake up! Hes awaiting your arrival in the reception room on the first floor!

I could hear her soothing voice from beside me as she placed a hand on my shoulder and gently shook me.

This was almost too much.

Ive always dreamed of being woken up in this way.

Thank you. Please, let him know that Ill be down soon.

O-Of course.

Thanks to her presence, I was fully awake in only a few seconds.

I was up late last night building Goggoru-chans new home. I probably only slept for half as long as usual. Despite that, Im feeling strangely refreshed. I wish I could wake up with this feeling every day.

Maybe one of these days Ill be woken up by a blowjob. With that thought in mind, I was reinvigorated to face the day ahead. Under my blanket, my son was feeling invigorated too. The fact that Sophia-chan touched me had already pushed him to the edge.

now then.

I shouldnt waste her love.

I quickly cleaned myself up and left my room.

I went downstairs and headed toward the reception room as Sophia-chan had instructed.

I opened the door and was met by Ester-chans father.

Good morning, Richard-san.

Yes, same to you, Tanaka-san.

He had already made himself at home in the loligons mansion. I sat down across from him on a separate sofa. Shortly after, Sophia-chan brought me a cup of tea.

It was slightly darker than her normal tea and the flavour was also different. It made me appreciate her thoughtfulness even more. I couldnt stop myself from gulping it down.

I know its early, but I wished to speak with you as soon as possible.

No, its no problem at all. Im sorry for keeping you waiting.

After an exchange of brief greetings, we got down to business.

If youll agree to it, Id like for you to travel with me back to the capital.  I would like to properly introduce the newest member of the FitzClarence faction myself.

Are you sure thats a good idea? After what happened the last time I was there.

There are no doubt many that will view the announcement in a negative light, but I believe you will bring prosperity to our faction. Which is why Ive decided to introduce you as soon as possible.

I see.

Im sure hes been dealing with a mess in the capital since I left. There must be plenty of other nobles that want to know about the new baron thats causing all of the issues. I suppose it would be best just to go along with his plan so that I can be in a position to no longer have to worry about him or any other nobles interfering in my life.

Besides, I also have some business to take care of in Kalis.

Specifically, business with the King.

I understand. If thats the case, we can leave right away.

Are you sure? I didnt mean to impose on you, but I would rather get it taken care of as soon as possible.

No, its no trouble at all. I look forward to it.

Thank you. As for transportation to the capital, I have a carriage waiting for us. I was wondering if youd be willing to share the ride with me.

That sounds good. When were you wanting to leave? The sooner the better, right?

You are correct. If youd like, I was hoping to leave today.

I can do that.

Thats why he wanted to meet so early in the morning.

Theres only one thing Id like to ask.

Whats that?

I would like to bring a companion with me. Does that sound okay?

It doesnt matter to me. The number travelling doesnt make a difference.

Thank you.

The capital is filled with people that would love to take advantage of a new baron. Even many of my fellow nobles from the same FitzClarence family as me. Once I step foot outside of Dragon City, I become a target.

Goggoru-chan was the obvious choice to bring along. If I can keep her identity secret, shell appear to be a normal Goggoru. Anyone that meets her will believe that they are safe as long as they avoid coming into physical contact with her.

This should be like playing through a game on easy mode compared to my visit.

is it who Im thinking of?

Yes, most likely.

Richard was able to accurately guess my intention.

I gave him a confident nod as we ended our meeting.


The decision was made for Goggoru-chan to come with us to the capital.

I didnt want to leave again without saying anything to anyone, so I decided to speak with a few people before we leave. Gon-chan, Neumann-san, and Sophia-chan to be specific. The three that had the most power while Im away.

Due to it still being so early, I was easily able to find everyone in their rooms. The only person I was unable to find was the loligon, but I wasnt worried about this. She probably went out for a walk or one of her patrols.

And as I was going from room to room, saying my goodbyes, I encountered someone that wanted to join me. In a completely opposite manner compared to yesterday, as soon as I knocked on her door, Edita Sensei opened up and greeted me, still dressed in her nightgown. 

I-I can come with! Lets go together!

She was gently rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Edita Sensei is a night owl so she must have only recently gone to sleep.

If she were left alone, shed probably sleep past noon. 

I want to put my cock in the sleeping Edita Senseis mouth.

Are you sure? Its still so early.

You dont want me to come with!?

No, thats not what Im saying. Is there a reason you need to go to Kalis?


The sudden proposal wasnt what I expected from my hikikomori Sensei.

It was surprisingly aggressive.

When has she ever been this aggressive in the past? The only time I can think of is when she attended the academic conference hosted by the noble mage in Kalis. I wonder whats got her equally excited now.

But her reply left me disappointed.

You still havent given my feedback on my book!


I forgot again.

It took all of the free time I had to build Goggoru-chans home and I passed out shortly after I finished. This is the second time I forgot my promise to her. This time, I forgot in less than a day.

Did you forget? Your promise to me?

Im sorry. Im so, so sorry. I completely forgot.

Ah, this is bad. I can tell her opinion of me is quickly plummeting. Her gaze is turning demonic and shes starting to no longer look like the Edita Sensei I know. Would this Edita Sensei ever flash me her panties?

I glanced down but her nightgown covered her thighs.

Edita Sensei clenched her fist tightly with a disappointed look on her face. She reminded me of an elementary school student that was promised a day at an amusement park but was told the trip was cancelled the day of.

Ill read it on the way to Kalis and Ill give you my feedback.

you will?

Yes, Ill read every line carefully.


Now that I think about it, opportunities to talk with my Sensei have been rare these days. Ive spent much more time talking to the loligon. Considering how infrequently weve been speaking, a mistake like this cannot be permitted. A long journey with her may be just what I need to repair our relationship.

You should come with us to Kalis.

Our roles were now reversed and I was the one insisting she come.

However, this made the most sense.

h-hmph! I-Ill have to think about it!

Thank you.

Im so relieved. I was worried she might actually hate me. I placed a hand on my chest and let out a sigh of relief.

By the way, wouldnt this situation look a little odd to someone walking by? Im standing in front of Edita Senseis room early in the morning while shes still in her nightgown. Ive always longed for a situation like this to be real.

Im sorry, but theres still a lot I need to take care of before I leave, but please be ready to go.

I-I will!

I still need to speak with the other person Im bringing.

other person?

Yes, the girl you met yesterday.

O-Oi, you dont mean.

The blonde lolis shoulders trembled slightly.

I know how you feel, but given what Ill be doing in the capital, her ability is invaluable.


The defeated expression she showed was lovely.


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