Atelier Tanaka

Book 5: Chapter 4 (5)

Book 5: Chapter 4 (5)

Secret Medicine of Rejuvenation

It hasnt been very long since I woke up and Im already setting off for the capital.

Id grown used to flying wherever I needed to go, but today I was in the back of a horse-drawn carriage travelling from Dragon City to Kalis. Richard had brought a procession of carriages with him and we were now travelling back to the capital in formation.

There were more than a dozen carriages travelling in a single file line.

I climbed into one of the carriages in the middle where Goggoru-chan and I sat facing each other. Both the interior and exterior of the carriage were extravagantly designed.

Its nothing less than what Id expect from the FitzClarence family.


There was one other person with us.

Edita Sensei.

She was easily within range of Goggoru-chans ability, yet, she was sitting here of her own free will. Richard even offered her a carriage all to herself, but she quickly refused.

I could occasionally see a small twitch on Edita Senseis face that revealed how nervous she was feeling. Ive noticed that this is a regular occurrence recently concerning Edita Sensei. Shell go somewhere or do something that takes her out of her comfort zone and force herself to stay there even though she can leave at any time.

Whats pushing her to go so far?

as expected of you, Edita-san, this is easy to read.

I-I get it, so hurry up! Finish reading it!

What was easy to read was Edita Senseis book.

In my hands was the manuscript she entrusted to me nearly a week ago.

Of course.

I dedicated all of my focus to this small bundle of pages bound together with string. I wanted to give her my feedback as soon as possible. Which is why I decided to focus and try to finish it all on the carriage. I only ever paused for these brief exchanges with Sensei. I was hoping to read through it twice before we make it to the capital.

I was focused on the pages in my hands, but I could still notice the stares of both Goggoru-chan and Edita Sensei. It made me more than a little nervous having both of them stare at me combined with the close distance between all of us. As my eyes scanned the pages before me, I couldnt help but overhear the conversation between them.

Oi! I have a q-question for you Goggoru!

what is it?

Can you really read it?

Read what?

M-M-M-My thoughts!

I can.


She already knew the answer but couldnt stop herself from asking. Shes like a cat that takes an interest in an odd-smelling sock. It takes a sniff and is surprised by the unpleasant smell but cant help itself from trying to taste it.

Right now, youre thinking about.

Ah, aaaaaaah! Aaaaahhhh! aaAAAAAaaaaa!


The chocololi almost revealed Edita Senseis precious thoughts.

Edita Senseis shot straight up and leaned across the small table that sat in the centre of the carriage as she reached across to try to cover the chocololis mouth. But, she was too short and her arms couldnt reach. How cute.

Goggoru-san, dont do that even as a joke.

Why not?

If you wont keep your promise, I wont keep mine.

I understand.

Thank you.

I desperately want to know what Edita Sensei is so worried about other people knowing. But if I were to ever hear it, our relationship would be over. Ill never get another panty shot from her again. Could something so beautiful be destroyed so easily?

I dont want to find out.

Even now, Senseis legs are closed tightly with one leg over the other. The towns number one panty shot store has been closed. Were sitting so close to each other and yet I cant even admire her thighs. What is a virgin like me supposed to look at now?

As I was wondering about this, there was a knock on our carriage door followed by the voice of a man. He was wondering what the screaming was about. I told him everything was fine.

An ugly older man in a carriage with two beautiful girls and one of them is screaming. Im sure I sounded suspicious to the man. 

I dont know how long Ill be able to stand having my thoughts read like this.

You could move to the carriage behind us. I dont want you to think I betrayed your trust twice. Im worried that I might not be able to avoid that in this situation.

S-Shut up! Forget about it and get back to reading!

right, of course.

For now, she has something to obsess over, so shes able to ignore the chocololi.

Sensei once again turned her attention to Goggoru-chan.

If you want to know something about me you can just ask!

Ask you?

W-Whats that supposed to mean? Are you complaining!?

not really.

Then, w-why dont we try talking!?


This isnt good.

Two of my acquaintances are getting into a pseudo-fight right in front of me. This is an unsettling situation to be in. Its made even worse because both of them can be rather curt with their words.

What? Do you not want to talk to me?

I do have one question. How did a High Elf come to live in the middle of nowhere? High Elves tend to have a high sense of self. They tend to avoid living with others, especially when they are of what the High Elves would consider a lesser race.

I-Its not hard to believe I might be different from the rest! M-Maybe I prefer being around people!


What is it!? its possible, isnt it?!

Edita Sensei quickly became teary eyed from Goggoru-chans sudden questioning. 

What did Goggoru-chan ask to make her like that? I cant fully understand without knowing what Goggoru-chan read from Edita Senseis mind.Even without being able to fully understand, my busamen heart is pounding.

This is the first time Ive heard that Sensei is a High Elf.

I cant recall ever checking her status window. I thought about doing it right now, but as this thought crossed my mind, I saw a slight grin flash across Goggoru-chans face and I thought better of it. 

If she has a strange trait like Ester-chan, Ill definitely get upset.

Why are you asking anyway!? Youve read everything already so you obviously know the reason! I have my own reasons for wanting to live out here and thats all that matters!


J-Just dont stick your nose in other peoples business.

What did Goggoru-chan learn from the mind of Edita Sensei? I dont know. The only thing I do understand is that Edita Senseis mental state is slowly deteriorating being so close to the chocololi. I dont think its a good idea to keep them close together for long.

Edita Sensei is doing her best though.

In the first place, youre not an ordinary Goggoru.

Yes, I can read your thoughts without even touching you.


Goggoru-chan is showing a surprisingly sadistic side of herself.

I was starting to feel bad for her, but seeing Edita Sensei with tears in the corner of her eyes is cute, so I cant help but want to see more of it. Its settled. Goggoru-chan, if youd be so kind.

Ah, but dont go too far.

I honestly, truly believe that Edita Sensei is a good person so this is just a bit of teasing.


You wont get in trouble, Goggoru-chan.

So, lets have some fun.


It took me half of the day to finish reading through Edita Senseis book.

Her book explained everything in great detail. I was able to learn exactly how my actions caused a reaction in the potion. Even though I was already able to create the final product, I never really understood how I reached it. This is a great learning tool for even a beginner alchemist.

I thought about this as I finished the final page and adjusted the bound papers on my lap.

I think its easier to read than your previous books.

Y-Youre right. I shouldve done something to make it sound more academic.

No, thats not what I meant at all. Its what I like so much about your work. Ive been to several schools in my life and the books they use are similar but get increasingly thicker as you get older.

There are many books that go into great detail on any subject you can imagine. They have tables, figures, and charts that help explain the ideas expressed inside, but the verbiage used is too difficult for most beginners.

The quality of educational institutions is always improving and as they have, these universities have begun using translated works from other countries. This introduces new methods of understanding different fields of study which forces many students to fall into the category of bottom-dwelling part-time worker.

Thats why, as a reader, I prefer writings similar to Edita Sensei. Theyre reader-friendly and you can really feel the love she has for the subject matter in every line. You can tell how much she wants the reader to understand.

Seriously, why cant Edita Sensei still be a virgin?

I want to turn these papers red with Edita Senseis love juice.


Whats wrong? Why is the Goggoru staring at you like that?

its nothing.

Really? I hope so.

Im sorry, but Im more interested in staring at Edita Sensei than Goggoru-chan.Edita Sensei is so cute. She mustve worked all of her life to be this cute. Her previously closed thighs are slowly starting to open.

The shops sign has been turned around to read open.

The panty shot store is finally open.

I cant wait to read the final product.

R-Really!? Then, Ill get straight to work binding the book as soon as I can!

Im looking forward to it.

A smile appeared on Senseis face for the first time in a while.

My plump thighed, blond loli Sensei is cute no matter if shes sad, happy, worried, or impatient. However, this innocent smile blows all of those out of the water.

I dont even want the chocololi to tease her anymore.

As soon as we arrive in Kalis Ill get to work in my atelier!

If you need any help, Ill always be here for you.

Eh!? Ah, oh, r-right, were co-authors after all!

Another cheerful smile.

The blonde lolis smile is the best.

Theres one thing Id like to ask, though.

What do you want to know?

Its something unrelated.

Sensei gave a more energetic response than normal.

However, her expression quickly changed

Actually, I managed to collect the wings of a Green Sylph and wanted to know the remaining ingredients and the rest of the recipe for the Elixir of Youth.


She froze in place and turned white as if she had just seen a ghost.


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