Atelier Tanaka

Book 5: Chapter 4 (3)

Book 5: Chapter 4 (3)

Secret Medicine of Rejuvenation

[Sophia-chans point of view]

The Elf-san suddenly started crying and ran away. Tanaka quickly flew off chasing her with the Rocoroco-san chasing after him for some reason.

What am I supposed to do if Im left behind in a situation like this?

U-Umm, Christina-san.

Maybe I should ask the Dragon mayor.

[Hmph, this is why I told him not to bring that Goggoru!]

My shaky voice didnt reach her.

What she said was surely meant for Tanaka.

[Humans are weak for needing something like a Goggoru. I can force anyone to tell me their secrets with my own hands if needed.]

She spoke as she sat on my desk with her legs crossed.

It was a very intimidating pose.

Ah, but I guess its fitting for her considering shes the mayor.


When she climbed onto the desk, she sat on some important papers. I hope she doesnt tear anything or make them dirty. I tried to carefully pull at the exposed ends to retrieve them, but all of her weight was leaning back on them and I couldnt get any out.

Aah, what should I do? How am I going to get those papers back?

Should we call it for the night?

While I looked down at my crumpled papers, Richard said this.

I think thats a good idea.

Alright then, Im sorry, but Im going to head out.

Ill have to excuse myself as well. I have other matters to attend to.

The first one to quickly exit the room was Gonzalez-san. Ive heard from other members of the Twilight Company that he doesnt like the nobility or being treated like one. Neumann-san followed right behind him.

The two most attractive men just left.

A sad moment.

I was hoping theyd take me with them.

On the other hand, Fahren-sama and Richard-sama remained seated on the sofa, chatting to one another. Apparently, theyve known each other for a long time. They look more like friends rather than fellow nobles.

Richard, what are your plans for tonight?

Ive been told that this city also serves as an inn town.

Youve heard correct. Come with me, Ill show you to the baths and find you a place to stay for the night.

That would be a great help, Lord Fahren.

The baths here may seem like troughs compared to the ones youre used to, but I still believe youll be pleasantly surprised.

Now that you mention it, Ive heard a lot about them, but Ive never experienced them. Im looking forward to it.

[Oi, what do you mean by trough?]

The Dragon-san glared at Fahren-sama with her golden eyes.

Im scared of her. She looks cute, but shes still scary. Im sure Im not the only one that feels this way. The Dragon-san is always listening even when nobody notices her.

S-Sorry, it was just a figure of speech. Im sorry if it offended you.


Yes, its the truth. Im sorry.

[Hmph! Youre concerned about the size of the baths, no other place can compare to the quality of the baths! The quality is more important! I dont want to hear you saying anything bad about this place again! Understand!?]

O-O-Of course. She speaks the truth.

Fahren-sama looked kind of cute as he backed away from the Dragon-san.

The two of them followed after Gonzalez-san and Neumann-san as if they were scared off by the dragon.

The sight of two of the most powerful nobles in the Penny Empire being chased out of a room was so shocking to me that I wanted to remember it for the rest of my life and pass it down to future generations of the Bacon family.

The Dragon-san is amazing.

The number of people in the room quickly diminished before it was only the Dragon-san and myself left. I think this may be the first time weve been alone.

And my papers are still stuck underneath her butt.



I want her to lift her butt.

The documents are in bad shape. Each time she shifts her weight, they get more crumpled. They were about 80% finished, so Id be devastated if I had to redo them.

Its starting to get late. D-Dont you think a bath sounds nice?

Its the only thing I can think of to get her to leave.

Tanaka-san has finally returned to town. I figured now that hes back, the Dragon-san will have no interest in a simple maid and wish to speak with him more. 

[Ah, it certainly is getting late.]


[Ive been sweating, so a bath doesn sound nice.]

Yeah, I think that sounds like a great idea!

[Youre right! And youre coming with! Its good to spend time with your subordinates! That man even appointed you as my deputy, so I think it would be good for you to learn from the best! Dont you think so!?]



Why is this happening?

[Dont you think so?]

O-Of course.


I think this should actually be a luxurious experience for a commoner like me, but I just want to be alone right now.


I chased after Edita Sensei for a while.

The chase finally ended when she locked herself in her room in the mayors house. Naturally, the door was locked and I couldnt open it. My best option is to just try talking to her through the door.

U-Umm, Edita-san.

This was starting to feel like a romantic comedy. The protagonist chases down the heroine after an unfortunate misunderstanding. A fulfilling moment of a middle-aged man chasing after his youth.

Shes inconsolable.

I figured.

Goggoru-chan spoke from beside me.

Of course shes devastated. I need to prioritize her feelings over my own satisfaction. Goggoru-chan is already proving useful. I shouldve known how sad she would be but instead I was focused on making myself out to be the main character of a rom-com.

This is my fault, after all.

Edita-san, can you open the door?

I never thought something like this would happen in my life. Ill try my best like a boyfriend trying to clear up a misunderstanding.


I started to call out her name once more but my words were cut short by a thud as her door shook.

Did she throw something at it?

Now I at least know shes in there and safe.

Rocoroco-san, how is she feeling?


She didnt give me any reply.

Did Edita Sensei move out of range?

Im not sure.

She probably can but has decided not to tell me so I can figure this out myself. Im thankful for that. She can keep the secrets she learns when needed. I think I can really trust her. I want to be reverse-raped by Goggoru-chan right now.

I want to be reverse raped right in front of Edita Senseis room.


I know.

But, what should I do? This is something that happens in movies because the heroine actually loves the protagonist. If thats the case, could Edita Sensei maybe.


This thought got my imagination going.

thats not it.

I see. Thank you for your input.

Damn it, Goggoru-chan.

When its her saying it, you know its true.

Please, move back a little. You can still read her thoughts, right?


Goggoru-chan nodded and took a few steps back.

It sounded like Edita Sensei could hear me. I heard footsteps from the other side.

It sounded like she was running further into the room.

Edita Sensei must have had her ear pressed against the door to listen in.

I need to speak with Edita-san. Rocoroco-san, please, wait here until I return. You might think this is troublesome or a waste of time, but this is important to me.

I understand.

Thank you.

I waited until I got the chocololis approval before trying to turn the doorknob.

Of course, it was still locked.

Edita-san, could you please open the door?

I tried asking once more.

Edita-san? Youre in there, right?

No matter what I said, there was no response from the other side.

Its sad, but I guess Ill have to try talking to her through the door.

Im sorry about what happened with Goggoru-san. If it makes you feel any better, she never tells others what shes read. Please, I promise she wont tell anyone what she read. Can we just act like nothing happened?

I made this promise before I brought her back to Dragon City.

then why would you even bring her back?

The first time I heard her voice.

It was a reasonable question.

I understand what youre getting at, but she will only use her powers for business. Shell be a great help when interacting with other nobles. That being said, I would never allow her to do anything that would embarrass or hurt someone I know.


Ill do something about her if she ever starts any trouble.

Just like the masochist demon said.

Goggoru-chan is desperate for some form of interaction with others. She understands that if she were to break her promise, our relationship would be over.

You understand that, right?

do you understand?


E-Even now, Im reading you.

Of course. Youre always reading.


I think I know what shes getting at.

Shes seen the darkest parts of my mind and the only choice I have is to do my best to prevent her from spreading this information to others. What would my choices be if Goggoru-chan was to ever let something slip?

When I thought about it, I started getting anxious.

I was starting to understand the anxiety Edita Sensei was feeling.

I can understand how youre feeling, but I owe her a debt that I hope to repay.

debt? Is it something major?

She helped me out of a dangerous situation on the Dark Continent. However, I dont want to act like it wasnt ultimately me that decided to bring her here. Shes free to do as she wishes, and if she ever gets disgusted by my thoughts and decides to leave, I wont try to stop her.

I brought up the instance on the Dark Continent where Goggoru-chan saved me from the Green Sylphs. She did so without anything to gain on her end. I hoped this would help convince Edita Sensei. Because its her, I feel like shell understand.


Yes, its true.

So, it doesnt matter to me if you decide to leave, Goggoru-chan.

I glanced over to see the chocololis reaction.

However, she didnt react at all and only continued staring at me. Her hunger for conversation is real.

Do you understand why I brought her?

I do.

Thank you. That makes me happy.

But that doesnt mean I have to accept the consequences of your actions.

You wont. I plan on building her a home on the outskirts of the city. Ill be the only one thats ever around her. Youll never have to worry about her reading your thoughts again. Im the only one that will suffer the consequences.


I dont think its fair to Goggoru-chan, but its still necessary.

The thoughts in ones mind are meant to be kept there for a reason.

Does that sound agreeable?

Has she already agreed to those conditions?

I guess I havent asked her yet.

I wonder what shell say.

I once again glanced back at Goggoru-chan.

it doesnt matter to me.

All right, Ive got her consent.

Essentially, her home has moved from the Dark Continent to the Penny Empire, so it might not mean much to her. Considering shell be provided with better living quarters, higher quality food, and proper clothing, Id say there are more positives than negatives.

She agreed. There should be no problem.


What will she say?

I turned my attention to the other side of the door and pleaded one last time.

I hate being on bad terms with you, Edita-san. Will you please forgive me? I really hope we can continue getting along in the future. I know it might be asking a lot, but I hope I can keep seeing your beautiful face every day.

I tried to casually weave in a compliment with my request.

This is as good a chance as any.

Goggoru-chan killed my hopes earlier, but that doesnt mean I cant keep putting in an effort. One day in the future, when my son has gained some experience, I would like to ask her for her guidance.

I-I-I-I get it! I forgive you!

You do? Im so happy to hear it.


Im glad shes forgiven me.

I dont know what I wouldve done if I wasnt able to make up with her.

Im sorry to do this so suddenly, but I need to prevent this from happening again. I need to prepare her new home.



y-you can go. I dont need to always know what youre up to.

Then, excuse me. I hope you have a good night.

Ive managed to reconcile with my plump thighed, blonde loli Sensei.

Now, I need to get Goggoru-chans new home created.


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