The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 173 - Stranded

After initiating the teleportation process in his mind, Graven opened his eyes and was shocked to find out that they're still inside the cave! They're not going anywhere!

What the heck is going on!?


Did he lose his power already?

Was it because of the black liquid inside his body?

He tried releasing the deadly flames in his body through his fingers, the flames leaped from his fingers! His power is still working! Huge relief washed over him.

But why can't he teleport now!?

Laura studied her husband's bewildered face for a few seconds. "What's bothering you husband?" she inquired.

"I can't teleport! I lose my power of teleporting!" he blurted.

"Really-? Maybe this cave is mysterious? It can block your teleportation power," she commented.

Graven roamed his eyes around the chamber. "Maybe you are right..." he murmured.

"Let's get out of this chamber and locate the entrance so that we can leave this cave," Laura suggested. "B-but I'm getting tired and sleepy... I don't have the energy to walk anymore," she said.

"Okay, let's just rest for the night, and tomorrow morning we will explore the cave," Graven said.

They found a comfortable corner inside the chamber to rest for the night.

"Wife, what happened when my brother Luke took you away from Bay Meadow?" he began interrogating her.

Laura took a deep breath. "Luke and I were onboard the moving carriage. We're traveling day and night and only stop to feed the horses, take care of the call of nature and eat our meals. On the fifth day, we're traveling near the mountain with dense trees on both sides of the road when suddenly... I heard a commotion outside and the carriage stops moving. Luke went outside to check what the commotion is all about...then after that... there was silence and when I opened the window and looked outside there were dead bodies around the carriage. I can't see Luke, it's too dark outside and suddenly a smoke enveloped the carriage and I passed out..."


"The next time I opened my eyes, I'm already inside that abandoned mansion. Later on, I discovered that I was abducted by vampires in a black hooded cape. I was kept there and fed with human food three times a day. They say that the king was coming to get me until you finally found me. The rest is history," Laura explained.

"Did those vampires hurt you? But why no vampires are guarding you when I arrive at that crumbling mansion?" he asked.

Laura took a deep breath. "No, they didn't hurt me psychically they just put a shackle on my feet and hands so that I can go to the bathroom freely and prevent me from escaping the place. The vampires usually feed during the night and left me alone after they gave me human food for my dinner," she replied.

"Okay, go to sleep now," Graven said. He pondered about what happened to his brother. He wouldn't abandon Laura in that carriage alone unless something bad happened to him. Maybe, a powerful opponent defeated his brother? Could be. But where is he now? Is he dead or alive?

Ugh! All he got now is more questions but no answers... which is frustrating!

A few minutes later.

Laura sleeps soundly in her husband's arms. Graven shut his eyes as well to rest his weary mind.

Hours went by.


The following day.

The couple woke up and left the chamber, they ventured into the surrounding areas to find the mouth of the cave.

Half an hour later, they finally managed to find the entrance of the cave and exited, only to find out that the place was surrounded by mountains, towering trees, wild plants... and there was also a stream nearby.

They continue to explore the area and saw a wooden house under the clusters of towering trees. They inspected the house, it's a bit old but still standing strong, it looked like it was already abandoned for a long time because cobwebs and dust were hanging in the ceiling and gathering on top of the wooden table, chairs, and the bed.

"Let's clean this house, we are going to stay here for a few days if my teleportation power has not returned yet. I need to figure out where is this place and where are we exactly?" Graven told his wife. His teleportation power malfunction at the last minute and instead of bringing them to Bay Meadow, they landed in this strange place.

"Okay, husband," Laura said. She found a broom made of twigs still in working condition in the corner, she picked it up and starts taking out the cobwebs hanging in the ceiling. She also dusted the table and chairs, the surface of the bed, the tiny kitchen, and the floor.

Graven checked out the entire nooks and cranny of the house to make sure that it's safe for Laura and him to stay. After finding out that the place is safe, he felt relieved. He helped his wife cleaned the rest of the house.

After they finished cleaning.

Laura looked at her husband holding her tummy. "Husband, I'm so thirsty and hungry," she complained.

Graven rose to her feet. "Wife, I'll go outside and find something for you to eat. I will also get water from the stream nearby. Just stay here and don't leave this house, closed the door while I'm away. Never opened it unless you hear my voice first," he said.

"Okay..." she replied.

"Just lie on the bed first, rest for a while, you must be feeling tired after cleaning the house," he ordered gently and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Come back quickly, husband! I'm scared being left alone!" she said, fear leaping from her eyes.

"Ok, I'll take my leave now. I'll be back before you knew it," he said. He went to the kitchen and found a jar, he picked it up and walked towards the door. He exited the house and went in the direction of the sounds of the water trickling a few meters away.

He walked towards the sound of the trickling water.

He finally found the stream. The water is crystal clear! He washed the jar thoroughly and filled it with clear water.

He put the jar aside. He looked around him, he needs to find food for himself and his wife!

Then all of a sudden, he heard something splashing on the water. He looked at the area of the stream where it's a bit deeper, he saw the head of the fish bubbled in the surface. Fantastic! There is a fish in the stream!

He went to the area and discover more fishes swimming in the water. "Perfect!" he said.

He began catching the fishes and able to catch five big ones, perfect for roasting above the fire!

Done...he put the fishes on top of the rock and looked around him, he left the stream and investigated the surrounding area looking for something to eat aside from the fish. Then he spotted banana leaves!

He rushed to the area where he saw the banana leaves and found green banana fruits! It's exactly what he needs! He can boil the banana and then make a grilled fish out of his catch. This place is not exactly bad. He looked at the fish and the bananas. Awesome!

He set to work.

He removed the clusters of banana fruits, cut some banana leaves and put the green fruit inside the leaves, and left the area. He went back to the stream and put the fishes inside the banana leaves then he grabbed the jar and left the stream, going back to the wooden house.

When he entered the house. He found his wife lying on the bed. "I'm back wife! I found some fishes and banana fruit in the stream!" he said and walked towards the kitchen, putting all the stuff on the table.

Laura's eyes sparkled after seeing her husband returned with food. She sprang from the bed. "Husband, we will boil the banana and roast the fishes above the fire!" she suggested.

"Yeah, that's what exactly I have in my mind right now. I will roast the fishes outside while you boil the banana, can you do that?" he asked her.

Laura smiled. "Of course, I know how to boil a banana!" she replied enthusiastically. She found a pot made of clay and wash it with clean water then she drinks two glasses of water first to quench her thirst before she began to work.

She saw a pot and cleaned it quickly with the water and put the banana's inside the pot. She looked at her husband. "Can you make a fire first?" she requested.

"Sure..." he said. But when he went to the cooking area, there's no wood to burn. He looked at his wife. "I'll go outside for a few minutes to gather some dry woods," he said and left the house.

A few minutes later. Graven returned with an armload of dried branches of the tree. He arranged the dry stick and twigs on the makeshift stove made of medium size rocks and then released fire from his fingers. When the wood was already burning brightly, he put the pot on the makeshift stove. He looked at his wife. "Done, I'm going out now to roast the fishes," he said.

"Thank you, husband!" Laura said and planted a kiss on his cheek. He kissed her back on her forehead.

Graven left the house bringing the fishes and banana leave with him. He found a nice shade under the tree in front of the house and decided that it's the right place to roast the fish. He put the banana leaves containing the fish in the ground. He picked up several sticks, dry woods, and leaves nearby and gathered them to make the fire.

A few minutes later.

Graven was casually roasting the fishes above the burning timbers careful not to burn the fishes.

Meanwhile, back inside the house.

Laura opened all the windows in the house and looked below, gazing lovingly at her handsome husband roasting the fishes on the ground.

She went back to the kitchen to watch over the boiled banana.

A few minutes later the banana was already cooked.

Laura exited the door and went down the stairs to join her husband on the ground. She lowered herself beside him and looked at the delicious roasted fish.

Graven looked at his beloved wife. "Hungry my love?" he asked.

"Yeah..." Laura answered.

"Is the boiled banana ready to it?"


"You may start eating now... I already finished roasting one fish," he said. "Stay here, I'll get the boiled banana from the house and bring it here," he said and stood up, going to the house.

Laura watched her husband climbed the stairs and entered the door. She giggled happily. It's so nice to enjoy the beauty of nature and stay in this lovely place with her husband!

She's loving it more and more!

She wants to spend the next one thousand years of her life with him by his side.

She grinned mischievously, feeling alive after a long time.

A few minutes later.

Graven returned with the pot containing the boiled banana and put it in the ground above the banana leaves.

"Nice! Let's eat here surrounded by mother nature!" Laura gushes in delight.

Minutes went by.

Two more roasted fishes were cooked, only one left to go. The couple began eating their delicious food in the open-air serenaded by the chirping birds hopping from branches to branches of the trees that surround the area.

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