The Messenger of Death

Chapter 205: al's ambition

Chapter 205: al's ambition

Camron and the rest were scared of Emma now. They all looked at Al at the same time.

['Rabbit, we might have woken sleeping monsters up.'] He uttered before he took a look at Adrian, wondering if his potential was just as monstrous as Emma's own.

Understanding what Al's look meant, the rest all turned and took a look at Adrian. They looked at him the same way that they looked at Emma.

"What? I haven't done anything similar to hers so don't look at me like that." Adrian whispered.

"I might have created monsters," Al muttered.

"Not might, you did create monsters." Drake thought out loud.

['Emma and Adrian pledged their loyalty to us, if they really plan on sticking to their pledge then we have made us great subordinates that follows our commands.'] Al thought in excitement.

At this moment, Al thought of a crazy idea. ['Rabbit, have you ever thought of ruling a world of your own?'] He asked.

['What do I want to do with a world of my own?'] Alex asked, wondering where this sudden thought came from.

['But would you like to have one of your own?'] Al asked.

['No, not really.'] He answered.

['What about you guys?'] Al was referring to Lex and Xander.

['I don't have anything against it, nor do I gave any desires for it.'] Xander answered.

['I don't mind having a place to ourselves.'] Lex interjected.

Al had given birth to an ambition of his own. This ambition automatically became the number one on his list of priorities and it will also become the drive that will make Al want to get stronger.

Although he too wanted to get stronger so that they could return to Mars and end Kain, and have their revenge, this sudden ambition of his pushed that down to 2nd position on his list of priorities.

['Why would I want to rule a world? That's too much stress.'] Alex refused once more.

['But if it is what I want, will you do me a favor and grant me this wish of mine.'] Al asked in a gentle tone...

To Alex, it didn't sound like the Al that he knew and argued with most of the time. It sounded like a person whose life depends on a wish that they made, like someone that needed that wish to come to life.

Alex was lost on what to do. Al just asked him if he would love to rule a world out of the blue, then he changed the way that he spoke to Alex. All these were unexpected and Alex didn't know how or what to say to Al.

['Stop messing around Al, you want me to give you a whole world to rule, just because you want one? Who am I to do that, I'm not even strong enough to hold my own sh*t together. How do you expect me to-']

[It's not a matter of if you can do it or not, you have me, Lex, and Xander with you. This is a matter of if you will do it?'] Al interrupted him.

['I-I, just'] At this point, Alex wasn't okay with rejecting this. ['It's just a world, what can't I do with the talent that I have? What's wrong with gifting myself with a world to rule? So yes, sure, alright, okay, I'll help make your wish true.'] Alex agreed.

His agreement sounded more like him trying to convince himself that he wants to rule the world.

['Softie.'] Al commented and started to chuckle.

"Hahaha!!" Al's chuckle turned into a burst of full-blown laughter. His laughter caught the attention of everyone there. They all just faced something that they couldn't understand but here was someone laughing.

After people have died for reasons that were unknown to them.

"Is he mad!!?" The friend of the girl that was shot down by leaves cried out. Her friend had just died and this guy that she knows nothing of was laughing.

"He's probably still in shock from everything that has happened and this is the only way that he knows how to process it." Another person said in Al's defense.

Al noticed that all eyes were on him and he put a stop to his laughter, nonetheless, he still had a smile on his face.

['I agree to grant you your wish and you call me a softie, seems like you don't want me to grant that wish.'] Alex threatened.

['You better not go back on your words.'] Al uttered.

Alex hissed after Al said that.

Al ignored the stares of everyone and picked Emma up gently, he carried her bridal style. ['I can't leave my important chest piece here now, can I?'] He thought.

['Important chess piece? Weren't the one that wanted to use Emma and Adrian to test the effects of the poison? You wanted to test their loyalty and now she's an important chess piece? And I thought that I was the one that was getting attached. You freaking hypocrite!!'] Alex accused.

['Ahhh! Shut up rabbit, yesterday is yesterday, today is today, and tomorrow will always be tomorrow. So don't blame me for what I said a few days ago. The Al of then didn't know what I know, he's the hypocrite, not me.'] Al said in his defense.

['What the!? What sort of twisted logic is that!?'] Alex got frustrated by Al's unreasonable logic.

"Adrian, let's go," Al called to his other chest piece.

['The first goal is to get stronger and the second goal is to take over a world, or two. No, one, let's start with one.'] He thought.

Suddenly Al smiled. ['You know what?'] Al asked.

['What?'] Alex, Lex, and Xander asked at the same time.

['Before I take over a world, I want to take over all the talents that I can find. With the help of the skin crawler, we will find and raise talents I mean raise monsters like Emma and Adrian. From today onwards, they are part of my legion. Later we will think of a name for this legion of mine.'] Al thought excitedly.

Alex and the rest didn't know what to say in response to Al's new idea. Al wanted to laugh out loud but resisted the urge because there were still eyes on him.

['I guess the commotion that she caused has a better result than what yours would have brought.'] Xander commented.

['A damn blessing in disguise. Hey rabbit, after we kill Kain, should we take over Mars too?'] Al asked.

['Ahhh no, there are no cultivators there, and according to the Dragnel brothers, QI must be very scarce there, taking over a world like that, it is like picking up trash. We shall only take over great worlds, no scraps. Forget I asked that question.'] Al spoke with excitement, excitement for what the future held in accordance to his ambition.

['Rabbit, should we start with this lower plain realm?'] Al questioned.

['Wait, no, if we start with the lower plain realm, then after ascending to a higher plain realm, we'll have to start from scratch again. Scratch that, we shall conquer the celestial plain realm first.'] He proceeded to answer his own question again.

['Rabbit, do you think we should-']

['Don't ask me any freaking question if you are not going to let me answer any of them, you mutt!!'] Alex was frustrated because he kept on asking him questions but didn't give him the chance to reply.

['Hahaha, don't let it get to you Alex, this is the first time that I've seen Al this excited about anything. It's almost as if he's a child.'] Lex commented.

['Hey, I'm no child.'] Al Interjected.

['I know, you must really want to take over worlds and rule them.'] Lex was kind of happy for Al, he knew that this was the beginning, the first step of having another goal in mind, apart from enacting revenge on Kain.

This was the first step in living for their selves and not living for the sake of revenge. With this, even if they do get to kill Kain or don't get to do so, they will still have something to live for.

The hostility that Alex had for them, his alternate personalities had dropped. Alex, agreeing to help Al fulfill this wish is proof that he had agreed to co-exist, even when he hasn't said it yet.

Al started to make his way to the guest inn and no one stopped him. He smiled like nothing took place a few minutes ago.

Because of what took place, many people had forgotten why they were there in the first place.

Seeing Al's expression, Xiao En couldn't help but suspect him, she felt like he was involved in what happened. After all, he did create a storm of lightning last night but that one was different.

'Before the storm of lightning happened last night, I could feel the QI around, stir, I could tell that something was about to happen. But this one is too sudden, am I mistaking?' Xiao En contemplated.

'No, he can't have a hand in this, can he? But why is he smiling like that?' She thought.

She shook her head and tried to shake off the suspicion that she had for Al. Even when she didn't want to believe that Al had anything to do with what just happened, she couldn't help but suspect him still.

Al and the rest left the area and made their way into the guest inn...

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