The Messenger of Death

Chapter 204: emma's disaster

Chapter 204: emma's disaster

['What the hell are you doing!?'] Alex shouted.

['Didn't you hear what I said? I'm stripping.'] Al answered.

['You can't actually be doing that, are you?'] Alex was scared that Al was really going to do that.

Al chuckled. ['Hmph, I'm not that much of a pervert you fool. I just want to change my uniform and I don't think they will comply if I ask them to give me some privacy. There's still a brown uniform in my ring.

This is our chance, after changing, I'll have one of them rough me up and throw me into the forest. That's the commotion that we are going to create. Although it's simple, basic, and a bit dumb it is all I've got at the moment.'] He explained the reason behind his stripping.

Al was about to start taking his trouser off but paused when he noticed that his stripping had drawn a few eyes towards him, and most of them were females. He smirked at them.

"Camron, Drake, and Adrian, help me create a little private space, I want to change my uniform into a brown one," Al revealed why he was stripping.

They quickly surrounded him and blocked the sight of his body from everyone that was looking. Katherine, Emma, and most of the girls that were looking at Al were bummed out that they were shielding the sight of his body. They all wanted to see him do what he was doing.

Shortly after, Al finished changing from the blue uniform into the brown one.

"You are done?" Katherine sounded disappointed as she asked.

Al knew why she sounded like that and he couldn't help but feel proud that he made girls feel that way.

['Maybe I should strip more often.'] He wondered.

['Maybe you should just drop dead.'] Alex uttered.

['Me and you both, rabbit.']

Al checked his dressing to see if there was anything else that he could add. The warm afternoon breeze blew and grazed his skin. As it graced him with its light but warm touch, Al's hair began dancing to its waves.

That was when he knew what to add next. He looked at Emma's hair, on it she had a silver hairpin by the side that matched her blue hair. Al walked forward and removed it from her hair, causing the neatly rolled part of her hair to fall down to her shoulders.

Noticing how silky Emma's hair was, Al couldn't help but give her a compliment. "You know, you should let your hair down more often like this, it really brings exorbitance to your face." He flashed a small smile at her.

Listening to that simple compliment, Emma couldn't help but blush a bit. She hardly gets compliments about her looks. The most that she gets most of the time, were compliments about how silky her blue hair is.

"Ahh, wait, my hairpin." She quickly stopped Al. "That hairpin, my mother gave that to me before she died, that's the last of her belongings that I own," Emma added.

Thinking about her mother, Emma's emotions changed. This happened almost every time she thought about her mother, but it wasn't as intense as she was feeling it now.

Suddenly, the clouds started to change color. From white, they started to turn into dark clouds as they covered the sun, making the bright day look gloomy. Now it looked like it was about to rain. This happened so suddenly and unexpectedly that most of the people there didn't know how to react.

Seeing the weather change so suddenly, it felt like they were all in a dream or an illusion. But most of the staff there knew that it wasn't an illusion, they could all tell that it was real. They thought that there might be some powerhouse individuals around the school.

This sudden change in the weather was enough to make the steward of the guest inn and Xiao En, step out. They too knew that something was off about the weather.

"Old man, I can't feel QI being infused into the clouds. Is it because a very strong individual is controlling it? Or is the person using some kind of formation to summon this sort of weather?" Xiao En asked the steward.

"Even if they did use a formation to summon this weather, it wouldn't have happened so suddenly and that fast. I would have been able to sense it while it was forming, but this this is something that I've never heard of happening in the lower plain realm. There's no QI infused into it nor is there any sign that it is being manipulated. It is as if the world just decided that it wants this." The steward answered.

He was hoping that there was no strong individual around. Because, someone that is able to make all of this happen in the lower plain realm, without having to use QI, is not someone that he was able to deal with. The steward turned and took a glance at Xiao En who was still staring at the clouds.

'If there's any danger then I will have to take her away from here. That is the only mission that I was given.' The steward made up his mind.


Thunder rumbled and shook the stunned souls of almost everyone that was within the vicinity of this phenomenon.

The only people that knew who the cause of this, is, all stared at Emma. They could see the sadness in her gaze as she stared at the hairpin that was her mothers'.

Although this was not the first time that they are seeing her emotion affecting her surroundings, her ability still scared them just as much as the first time.

Emma's eyes started to water little by little, whether it was because of her ability or because it has been long since she thought of her mother, her heart ached and longed for the woman that gave birth to her.



As the tears from her face fell to the ground, upon contact with the floor the whole place started to shake like an earthquake was about to happen.

Al's eyes opened wide. He watched as more tears slide out her eye but before they could fall from her face Al quickly cleaned them and handed her hairpin back to her.

['Damn, this girl's ability gives me chills. Just her damn tears can cause an earthquake.'] Al thought as he started considering the thought of keeping his distance away from her.

Just when he was about to take the first step backward, Emma hugged him.

"What the?" Al was surprised, he didn't expect it, nor could his eyes keep up with her movement. He just saw her holding him.

She started to sob silently as she buried her head on his chest.

Al frowned. ['What the f*ck is going on?'] He thought.

He could feel how hard and strong her heartbeat was "What the." He uttered again.

The clouds in the sky started to rotate in a clockwise motion as the thunder started to strike.


Thunder, struck the ground and divided the earth. At the moment, it looked like a natural disaster was about to happen. Little hurricanes started to form.

This hurricane was fiercer than it looked or seemed. A student tried to put his hand in it and his fingers got sliced off.

"Arrrghh!!" The guy screamed out in pain.


One of the staff quickly came to his rescue before the hurricane proceeded to slice the rest of his body.

"Skiaahhh!!" Students started to scream after seeing that happen to one of them. They started running around and many of them left the area.

Some of them that ran towards the forest regretted that decision. The trees too became fierce. They started to shoot the leaves on their branches like they were bullets. The leaves passed through everything that they hit, even the ground.

"Argh!!" A girl screamed as she rolled and wailed on the ground.

She was one of the students that ran towards the forest. She had been pierced by thousands of leaves that left thousands of small holes on her body. She looked like a sieve as she was bleeding to death on the floor. 

Now there were over a dozen little hurricanes and it didn't look like that was going to be the end of them.

Al watched all this and he couldn't help but look at Emma with caution. ['All I did was to take her hairpin. Nothing else, this girl is a ticking time bomb. Although I did want to cause a commotion, this however is a disaster.'] He thought.

['Do something about it, Al, before it affects us.'] Xander urged.

['Okay, on it.'] The first thing that came to Al's mind was to knock Emma out.

Just before he could raise his hand and complete the deed, he felt a massive QI flowing into his core.


Al was stunned for a moment because he heard something in him, crack. He then frowned because he could tell where the massive QI was coming from.

It was coming from Emma. This QI that was coming from her was unnaturally pure, it was like she had filtered all the impurities in QI and was forcefully feeding it to Al.

['Quick, knock her out!'] Alex ordered.


Emma's eyes were jolted open due to the hit from Al. slowly she leaned more on Al as her eyes rolled to the back.

She had passed out and just as sudden as the phenomenon came, it left as soon as she passed out.

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