The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 281: Shamus Laboratory

New chapter of The Demon King is out! (2/2 chapters)

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PS2: Click links here to read today’s chapter releases; Demon King 280and Incompetent Bratty Prince 83.

PS3: I’m back now. I will resume the translation as usual. Thank you for waiting! 😀

As I was being led through the depths of the university, as if it were my own home, the door to the president’s office was opened.

“Excuse meee…” (Temi)

Temi said in a small voice. The room was dark, but it was illuminated by the silver light from the large glass window. It had been bright when we arrived, but tonight was a full moon. The chair behind the large desk had its back facing us. The shadow created by the moonlight stretched across the desk.

“Shamu-san, are you here?” (Temi)

“Sorry.” (Shamu)

A voice responded from beyond the chair’s back. Perhaps, she was gazing at the moon.

“Temi, go home alone today. I’m staying here overnight.” (Shamu)

“Is it work?” (Temi)

“No, but I just don’t want to go home.” (Shamu)

“…Did something happen at home?” (Temi)

Temi asked. She glanced over at me.

“…There’s a lot going on. It’s a big house, after all. When I’m there, I feel like I have to do something for the family.” (Shamu)

“I see.” (Temi)

“…Maybe you’d call it ‘noblesse oblige.’ I don’t really get it, but maybe it’s simpler to say it’s about repaying the luxury I was raised in. It’s honestly pretty ridiculous.” (Shamu)

The words flowed smoothly from her mouth. Her tone was different from when she spoke to me or Lily-san. It was more relaxed, probably because she treated Temi like a younger sister.

Even so, it seemed Shamu was troubled by family matters. It was rare for Shamu to stay up all night agonizing over something like that or rather, it didn’t match the image I had of her. I had assumed she was indifferent to such things, but maybe she’d been worrying about it in secret.

“If you don’t want to do something, isn’t it fine to just not do it? If you tell Yuri-san…” (Temi)

“It’s Yuri that’s the problem.” (Shamu)

Wait, me? I never expected Shamu to say something like that…

“Yuri-san? Why?” (Temi)

“Yuri is the head of the Hou Household, but he can’t remarry, right?” (Shamu)

Indeed, I can’t marry anyone. If I were to marry, it would complicate things with Shulika and my own standing, which would be very problematic.

“So even if he and Lily-san have a child, that child would be illegitimate. Even if everyone knows it’s Yuri’s child, it would be an Amian Household’s child, so they couldn’t inherit the Hou Household. In other words, Yuri can no longer produce a legitimate heir besides Shulika-chan. So, it’s up to me to have a child.” (Shamu)

“Eh…? You’re going to have a child!? Shamu-san!?” (Temi)

Temi exclaimed, genuinely shocked. She probably couldn’t imagine Shamu having a child and becoming a mother. Coincidentally, neither could I.

“Hehe.” (Shamu)

Shamu let out a self-deprecating laugh from behind the chair.

“You can’t imagine it, right? But that’s what they’re saying.” (Shamu)

Satsuki-san had come up with quite the troublesome idea. Well, I suppose it’s inevitable, given her old-fashioned way of thinking. To her, preventing the downfall of the Hou Household must be one of the unbreakable laws of the world. It’s like a religious belief. It’s not something that can be argued away with words.

“But, who’s the spouse…?” (Temi)

“It doesn’t matter who. Okay, rant over. Go home. And don’t tell anyone.” (Shamu)

Shamu brushed it off coldly. I quietly approached her chair.

“…What is it? You still need something? If you don’t behave, I’ll tickle you—fumiuh!” (Shamu)

As she turned around with an annoyed look, I sandwiched Shamu’s cheeks between my hands.

“So, you’ve been worrying about something like this, huh. Honestly…” (Yuri)

“Yuurii.” (Shamu)

Her cheeks, soft as ever despite being 22, were squished and released.

“…If you were here, you could’ve at least said something. You have terrible taste.” (Shamu)

“Sorry. You started talking on your own, so I thought it’d save me the trouble of prying into things.” (Yuri)

“…Mmm.” (Shamu)

Shamu sulked and fell silent.

“So, has the arranged meeting already happened?” (Yuri)

“…Was that someone you chose, Yuri?” (Shamu)

Me? Why? From her words, it seemed the arranged meeting had already taken place.

“No, I had no idea about it until today. Did Satsuki-san say that?” (Yuri)

Did Satsuki introduce someone saying, “This is the person Yuri chose as your match”? If that’s the case, things were a bit different.

“No, but you can’t help but wonder. If Yuri’s been silent, then I thought maybe you were in agreement with it…” (Shamu)

“Do you really think I’d give Satsuki-san an order like, ‘Marry this person’? I’d never do something that ridiculous.” (Yuri)

“…I don’t know. I mean, I can’t even talk to you about it…” (Shamu)

It seemed Shamu had been driven to the point where she couldn’t even think rationally.

“I would never tell you that you have to have a child for the sake of the household.” (Yuri)

“But what about the Hou Household? Is what Okaa-san’s saying wrong?” (Shamu)


“It’s not entirely wrong, but there are ways to handle it. You don’t need to worry about it.” (Yuri)

“I don’t want to…” (Shamu)

Shamu averted her eyes.

“So, I’ll just be pampered by Yuri again, have him fix things for me, disappoint Okaa-san, and keep working here carefree? I don’t want that. I wouldn’t mind having a child or two if that means I can fulfill my responsibility.” (Shamu)

“Are you really okay with having a child?” (Yuri)

“…Not really.” (Shamu)

Shamu kept her eyes turned away.

“…When I actually met the person, he didn’t seem so bad. Even though he probably has a lot of accomplishments, he didn’t brag about them, and he seemed interested in academic things… well, at least in new technology, and his voice wasn’t loud either.” (Shamu)

As expected from someone introduced by Dimitri. He seemed to be a decent person.

“I’ve only spoken to him once, but I feel like I could tolerate being with him…” (Shamu)


“If it’s about tolerating, then I can’t approve of such a marriage. You’d just be unhappy.” (Yuri)

“Then what do you suggest? You already have Lily-san. I’ve seen firsthand how much she’s cared for you over the years, living in the same room. Do you expect me to steal you away from her? I would absolutely hate that, even if it meant dying.” (Shamu)

“Um…” (Temi)

Temi interjected.

“What is it?” (Shamu)

Shamu glared at her, causing Temi to flinch slightly.

“Uh, well… don’t you like Yuri-san, Shamu-san? You always seem so happy when you talk about him…” (Temi)

“…Even if I like him, it doesn’t matter. He’s in love with Lily-san first.” (Shamu)

In love, huh? She’s been using that word for as long as I can remember.

“Shamu-san, you’re always telling me to think logically, right? Let’s break this down. If you and Yuri-san… well, if you two were to be together without getting married, what’s the problem? You’re fine with it, right? So, the problem is Lily-san, isn’t it?” (Temi)

Uh, what about me?

“That’s the issue, right? Lily-san would definitely hate it.” (Shamu)

“That’s not very like you, Shamu-san. Besides, it’s not like having… well, an affair—no, not an affair. Having more than one lover… oh, wait, I mean having another lover wouldn’t be that big of a deal.” (Temi)

Lover is the word she settles on. I want us to at least be lovers.

“Temi, you don’t understand the depth of Lily-san’s feelings. She wouldn’t be fine with it. Her love is heavy, almost pathological. If something broke after she finally got what she wanted, it’d destroy her.” (Shamu)

“But having multiple relationships doesn’t necessarily mean things would break with Lily-san. In my hometown, wealthy men often had three wives, and they managed just fine.” (Temi)

Temi’s attitude likely stems from her upbringing. In her eyes, polygamy is an ideal situation for men, so there’s no psychological resistance to it.

“So, assuming it’s impossible from the start is wrong.” (Temi)

“And what does that matter? Yuri and Lily-san are happy together, so there’s no room for me to interfere with such a perfect couple.” (Shamu)

“Hah… Shamu-san, why are you being so stupid?” (Temi)

Stupid? I wonder if anyone’s ever called Shamu stupid before.

“Stupid? You called me stupid?” (Shamu)

As expected, Shamu was furious. For someone who takes so much pride in her intelligence, being called stupid or dumb must be the most infuriating insult.

“Yes, you’re being stupid. Shamu-san, you might understand science, but you don’t understand people at all. Human relationships are all about mutual interaction. If you care about their happiness, don’t you think they’d want you to be happy too?” (Temi)

Ah, that hit the mark. It was a wake-up call. What she said was painfully obvious, yet it felt so profound. Memories of past events flashed through my mind, like a slideshow. If Shamu’s being stupid, then I must be a complete fool.

“…What would you think if the roles were reversed? Let’s say you were the one who got together with Yuri-san first, and Lily-san was forced into a loveless marriage for the sake of her family, trying to have a child with someone she didn’t care for. Imagine how you’d feel watching her suffer. Could you just turn a blind eye and live happily with Yuri-san?” (Temi)

Suddenly, everything made sense. I finally understood why Carol had said those things during her final moments. Shamu had clearly been burdened by the situation. She hadn’t dismissed Myaro’s feelings after her own relationship with Yuri solidified, nor had she considered romantic relationships as purely a matter of conquest. What she saw in Lily-san back then made sense now. I mean the reason behind Lily’s words when I gave her ring.

Lily and Carol both understood that their true happiness couldn’t be built on the misery of someone they cared about. It wasn’t because they didn’t care about infidelity or wanted something strange from Sham. They simply couldn’t be at peace knowing that someone they loved was unhappy.

“If Lily-san were someone who could handle that sort of thing, you wouldn’t be so opposed to the idea of taking Yuri away, Shamu-san. Instead of giving up, maybe you should think it over a bit more. It’s not too late to ask Lily-san how she feels.” (Temi)

“But… what if she says no? If she hates the idea, I might end up hating her too.” (Shamu)

Shamu’s expression wavered with uncertainty. It seemed that her friendship with Lily meant more to her than her feelings for Yuri.

“If it’s Lily-san…” (Yuri)

I cut in, matching Shamu’s words.

“She told me she wouldn’t mind. In fact, she asked me not to reject you because of our relationship.” (Yuri)

“What? Then it’s all solved! That’s great news, Shamu-san!” (Temi)

But Shamu didn’t seem to hear Temi’s cheerful tone. She was staring at me with her mouth slightly open, as if in shock.

“What…?” (Shamu)

Her uncharacteristically high-pitched voice cut through the air.

“Did Lily-san really say that?!” (Shamu)

“Yeah.” (Yuri)

“When? Recently?” (Shamu)

“No, about a year ago, when our relationship first started.” (Yuri)

Shamu’s expression grew even more bewildered. She couldn’t seem to wrap her head around the situation.

“Why? That doesn’t make any sense. She would never say something like that. She was so devoted, so in love. Why, on the very day she finally became your girlfriend, would she say it’s okay to cheat? Lily-san’s not that crazy!” (Shamu)

“She said she learned it from Carol.” (Yuri)

At the mention of Carol, Shamu’s jaw dropped, and she seemed at a loss for words. Her lips moved as though she was about to say something, but nothing came out. Then, her face shifted through a range of emotions, as if she were sorting through countless thoughts all at once.

“Unbelievable… that big-breasted woman! Does she have any idea what I went through when I decided to step aside for her?” (Shamu)

With a loud clatter, Shamu jumped up from her chair, nearly knocking it over. She stormed out, brushing past me and bumping into the corner of the desk in her haste.

I hurried to follow her, but before I could get too far, she snapped.

“Don’t follow me! This is between a senpai and a kouhai!” (Sham)

She disappeared through the door with her lab coat fluttering behind her.

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