The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 280: Math Teacher

New chapter of The Demon King is out! (1/2 chapters)

When I entered the room, I saw three-year-old Shulika burying her face into the armrest of a fluffy sofa, kicking her legs furiously as if they were about to tear off.

“I don’t waaaaaaaant toooooo!!” (Shulika)

Good grief. As I looked around for an adult, Tillet of the Royal Guard was standing still, looking troubled.

“What on earth is going on?” (Yuri)

“Regent. Lady Shulika is throwing a tantrum because she doesn’t want to do math…” (Tillet)

“That’s not it!!” (Shulika)

Suddenly, she raised her face and began to protest. Her golden hair flipped, revealing her neat face. Judging from her not having swollen eyes, it didn’t seem like she had been crying. It appears she was really just throwing a tantrum.

“How is it not?” (Yuri)

“Oh, it’s daddy!” (Shulika)

Only just now realizing it, huh.

“Yeah. What exactly are you doing? You don’t want to study?” (Yuri)

“That’s not it!!” (Shulika)

She protested. It seems that wasn’t the case. Is there really such a gap in understanding that she feels the need to deny it so strongly?

“Today! It’s supposed to be a foreign language day! I told you, didn’t I? Why do I have to do math!?” (Shulika)

“Since Malta-sensei had an urgent matter and couldn’t come, there’s no helping it.” (Tillet)

“If the teacher couldn’t come, then it should be a break! Right!?” (Shulika)

Even if you say that, you’re looking for agreement… From what I gather, there must have been a similar situation in the past where a day off was granted when a teacher couldn’t make it. This time, however, things were different, and it was decided that since the math teacher was available, they should come in. Shulika, who was fully expecting to play, is now in a bad mood. It’s true that she’s not just throwing a tantrum because “she doesn’t want to study,” but the premise of “the teacher is absent, so I can play” is flawed to begin with, and Shulika should give up. However, it’s a difficult problem since she’s not at the age where reasoning would work.

What a situation.

“I don’t waaaaant to! I want to plaaay!!” (Shulika)

Hmm… this is…

“Um, excuse me!” (Melissa)

At that moment, Melissa raised her voice.

“Um, if it’s about foreign languages, that’s fine, right? In that case, I could…” (Melissa)

Why Melissa? You’re not a teacher. And besides, Shulika only truly wants to play, so even if you suddenly suggest doing foreign languages now, I wonder how that would go.

“…Who are you?” (Shulika)

This is the first time Shulika noticed Melissa, and she looked puzzled at the unfamiliar Kuran person standing there.

“Oh, my apologies for the late introduction. My name is Melissa from the Albio Republic. It’s an honor to be in your esteemed presence.” (Melissa)

She bowed her head politely.

“Thank you for the courte-syyyy.” (Shulika)

As a royal, Shulika has been strictly trained in etiquette, so it seems she thought it proper to show respect to an unknown foreigner. Though I’m not sure about her just lowering her head while still lying on the sofa. Well, let’s overlook that since she’s in the middle of a tantrum.

“Um, I can speak four languages, so I think I could share some interesting things about foreign languages. If you like, we can even do it while playing…” (Melissa)

Melissa can speak Shan, Terol, Arn, and another language spoken in several countries in the southern part of the African continent called Mateirwaka. Mateirwaka has a different word order from northern languages, and when translated directly into Shan, it’s called Luwakka. Similarly, for example, the word for “kitchen” would be built as “room-cooking,” and in Shan it becomes “Mateishan.” Since it’s not very important, I haven’t bothered studying it much, but it’s a language that can cause some confusion. I certainly think she’s qualified to teach, but why all of a sudden? Maybe she wants to establish a connection with Shulika as a young elite?

“Well… Shulika, what do you think?” (Yuri)

I decided to throw the question to Shulika. After all, broadening one’s connections wasn’t a bad thing. It might help her develop a sense of international understanding.

“Eh, me?” (Shulika)

“Yes. If you don’t like it, it’s math.” (Yuri)

“Ehhhhh…” (Shulika)

Shulika glanced at Melissa.

“If we can play, then it’s fine…” (Shulika)

“Yes, let’s play then.” (Melissa)

For most kids, having a complete stranger as a substitute teacher would be uncomfortable, but Shulika isn’t shy in the slightest. Even during public ceremonies, she’s calm and composed.

“Regent.” (Tillet)

“Well, this will be good social experience. Make sure to keep a close watch on them.” (Yuri)

A physical inspection had already been done before Melissa entered, so there was no concern about her carrying anything dangerous. Shulika got down from the sofa where she had been throwing a tantrum, stood up straight, and quickly swept her long, disheveled golden hair back behind her shoulders.

“Well then, I look forward to working with you.” (Shulika)

She bowed her head once again.

“No, no, the honor is mine.” (Melissa)

Melissa also bowed deeply in return.

Shulika then flashed a smile and said…

“Okay, let’s go.” (Shulika)

She took Melissa’s hand.

At that moment, I overheard Melissa mutter softly in her native tongue, “So cute… truly an angel…”.

“This way.” (Shulika)

Melissa was led to the large study desk she usually used.

“Well then, let’s call it a day.” (Yuri)

After leaving Melissa behind in the room, we naturally headed toward disbanding.

It’s almost evening now.

“Your Excellency Yuri, if I may, could I have a moment of your time? There’s something I’d like to bring to your attention.” (Dimitri)

Dimitri called out to me.

“Oh, what is it? Should Myaro be here too?” (Yuri)

Myaro was walking a bit ahead in the hallway, likely heading back to her office.

“No, this is about the Hou family, so Myaro-dono doesn’t need to be present…” (Dimitri)

“Ah, I see. Then let’s talk in the room from earlier.” (Yuri)

Since we hadn’t locked the war council room we used earlier, I quickly entered the room. The room was getting dark. If this was going to be a long conversation, we’d need to turn on the lights. As I sat in the chair…

“So, what’s the matter?” (Yuri)

“Well, it’s not a big issue, but when I stopped by Karakumo recently and had a meal with Satsuki-sama, the conversation turned to Shamu-sama.” (Dimitri)

Dimitri stood as though he had other business and so he began speaking quickly.

“Ah…” (Yuri)

A conversation from an older relative, huh.

“She was wondering if there might be a suitable match for her, and I ended up mentioning some promising young men. At the time, it didn’t seem like an issue, but looking back, I think the alcohol may have impaired my judgment. Since it concerns the future of the Hou Household, I realized it might not have been right to discuss it without consulting you, Your Excellency Yuri.” (Dimitri)

“Is that so? Well, you might have a point.” (Yuri)

During a meal, it’s natural to make conversation, and it wasn’t something he needed my permission for. There’s no real problem in talking about it. However, since marriage discussions are sensitive, I can see why Dimitri might worry about the possibility of Satsuki taking it seriously, potentially igniting some drama within the household.

“I thought it best to inform you, just in case.” (Dimitri)

“By the way, who did you recommend?” (Yuri)

“A man from the Felu Household named Luwen. You might have heard of him.” (Dimitri)

“Ah, that guy.” (Yuri)

He’s one of the rare, more intellectual types in the Hou Household, not a rough-and-tumble warrior. I remember him from the all-school Togi tournament. He lost quickly, though. I think he’s been doing pretty well in the war, as I’ve heard his name a few times. For a young man commanding a small number of troops, getting word of his success to me is impressive. Dimitri probably recommended him knowing Shamu’s feeling.

“Well, that’s all. I apologize for holding you up.” (Dimitri)

“No, it was good to hear. Thanks for letting me know.” (Yuri)

“Then, I’ll take my leave.” (Dimitri)

With such a minor report, Dimitri quickly excused himself from the room.

So, Shamu is considering arranged marriage, huh…


After some time, I left the room and walked down the hallway, only to bump into a girl with a dark complexion. It was Temi, the former slave I bought and freed from the Albio Republic.

“Ah, the Math teacher, right?” (Yuri)

If Temi had business in this hallway, it could only be the room where Shulika was.

“Yes, I’m currently teaching her.” (Temi)

I knew it.

“I see. Shulika was throwing a fit, and after some back-and-forth, Math was canceled. Now they’re doing foreign language lessons instead.” (Yuri)

“Oh, is that so?” (Temi)

Temi didn’t seem particularly disappointed.

“Sorry about that. You came all this way.” (Yuri)

“Oh no, not at all!” (Temi)

Temi waved her hands quickly in denial.

“How’s it been lately?” (Yuri)

“At the university, I’ve been learning and teaching some difficult stuff. It’s been so busy every day…” (Temi)

By “university,” she’s referring to the Royal Sibyaku Math and Science University, which we started building shortly after the war began. It took over an entire district of the city originally owned by Charlville. The land already had a lot of stone buildings, so for now, we’re using those as-is while expanding the number of students. As we go, we’ll demolish the old buildings and construct new school facilities. Recently, the largest main building was finally completed. I suppose Shamu has also moved her base of operations there by now.

“But it’s fun. I might not be suited for research, but it seems I’m good at passing on what Shamu-san has taught me to others.” (Temi)

“Ah, I see. Shamu skips a step when she understands something, and she skips a step when explaining it too.” (Yuri)

Shamu’s brain works differently. She finds it hard to explain things in a way that everyone can understand. On the other hand, Temi has a more ordinary way of thinking, which helps her understand the struggles others have when learning. She knows where people get stuck.

“Exactly. So, I’m the one who steps in and explains things. But there’s still a lot of advanced math I don’t understand yet, so I’m attending lectures to keep learning.” (Temi)

The university professors are mostly drawn from the Academy’s science and math courses at the School of Liberal Arts. We cut out those who taught superstition as if it were scientific fact, but math has strict rules of formation. Fortunately, there weren’t any odd professors treating unproven theories as established theorems. It’s the same with logic, so they were allowed to transfer and continue teaching.

“Hehe, Shamu-san introduces me to everyone as her little sister, so at the university, I’m called ‘imouto-chan’ or ‘nee-san.’ But, well, being her ‘imouto-chan’ technically makes me part of the royal family, which could be a huge problem, right? Once, it did become an issue, but Lady Shamu just got mad and said, ‘There’s no such thing as rank or family standing within the university grounds. If you have time to talk about nonsense, study!’ And that’s how it got settled. It’s pretty amusing.” (Temi)

“That sounds exactly like Shamu.” (Yuri)

I could easily picture Shamu scowling in anger. Temi, who had arrived here with no formal education, had adapted remarkably well in just three years. Normally, mastering the language alone would be a significant achievement.

“Um…!” (Temi)

Suddenly, Temi spoke in a more formal tone.

“What is it?” (Yuri)

“Back then… thank you for buying me. Thanks to you, Yuri-san, I’m incredibly happy now!” (Temi)

She bowed deeply.

It felt a bit embarrassing to be thanked so sincerely. That impulsive act of kindness from back then now seemed like some grand and noble deed.

“I never got to properly thank you, and I’ve always wanted to express my gratitude…” (Temi)

“I see.” (Yuri)

I lightly patted Temi’s slender shoulder.

“I appreciate that you feel grateful, but don’t let it weigh on you. Like I said back then, you’re free to live however you want. If you’re happy now, that’s what matters most.” (Yuri)

“Yes! Thank you so much!” (Temi)

“By the way, there’s something I want to ask you.” (Yuri)

I voiced something that had been on my mind.

“How’s Shamu doing lately? Has anything strange happened?” (Yuri)

“Well, for the past two days, she hasn’t returned to the villa. She’s been working overnight. Although, she tends to do that whenever she’s tackling a difficult problem… But now that you mention it, something does feel a bit off.” (Temi)

“Is that so.” (Yuri)

I hadn’t confirmed whether that arranged meeting had even taken place. Still, I hadn’t seen Shamu in over two months, so it might be a good idea to go check on her. I had some free time today, after all.

“So, Shamu’s at the university, right?” (Yuri)

“Yes, probably. I was planning to stop by before heading home, so shall we go together?” (Temi)

“Yeah, I’d appreciate that.” (Yuri)

I decided to go to the university.

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