The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 202: (Self Edited) The Battle at Yutan Pass*

On May 4th, Vilan Tomin had arrived at Yutan Pass. Yutan Pass, crafted to navigate around the tall mountains and glaciers of the White Wolf Mountain Range, twists and turns at the base of sharp peaks. The glaciers form crevasses, making it impossible to use as a road for carriages. The border area features a road crossing a gently sloping path, easy enough to walk up.

At the center point of the mountain range, the altitude was high, surpassing the limit where low shrubs could grow, leaving no trees in sight. There was no soil, only expanses of bare rock with patches of scale-like gravel scattered around. The temperature was low, and snow remained in the hollows, forming small snowfields. Fortunately for Vilan, there were no soldiers from the Noza Household, only the Tomin Household at this location.

This spot was completely closed off by wind and snow during the winter, making it unsuitable as a base. The defensive position capable of blocking the road is situated a bit further up the slope on the Noza Household’s territory. Here, only a large sign indicating the border stood amidst the desolate foothills. Vilan had avoided conflict at the checkpoint by demanding they open the gate and let him through, reaching this point. Inside the tent set up the previous day, logs were burning.

“Gonzo. Are you cold?” (Vilan)

“Not cold.” (Gonzo)

Gonzo was warming his hands by the fire. He wore a thick, worn-out coat over chainmail, and on top of that, simple armor covering his chest and torso. Everything was oversized.

“Good. You need to kill well today. Got it?” (Vilan)

“Gonzo will fight.” (Gonzo)

“Only when I give the signal. When I say kill, you kill.” (Vilan)

“Gonzo will fight!” (Gonzo)

‘This doesn’t seem good.’

Vilan thought it would be better not to let Gonzo out.

“Still, they’re late.” (Vilan)

The appointed time had passed. This was his fifteenth “they’re late” of the day.

“Young master, they’re here!” (??)

One of his men on watch opened the tent curtain and reported.

“Alright!” (Vilan)

Vilan stood up and exited the tent. It was still dark and cold outside. He squinted and confirmed the figures approaching in the distance.

“Let’s go, Gonzo. Get ready.” (Vilan)

Gonzo stood up silently, grabbing his heavy weapon. He looked like a giant. Vilan and Gonzo crossed the snowfield, moving forward to meet the approaching enemy. The battle was about to commence. Vilan let out a shout to psych himself up, slapped his knees, and stood up.

Stepping out of the tent and looking in the direction from which they were expected, he saw a group advancing along the distant mountain path. The enemy’s force was a large one, numbering about a thousand. As they drew closer, he noticed one man who stood out with extraordinary grandeur. As they came nearer, the man riding a Galloping Bird dismounted with great dignity.

“I am Yuri Hou.” (Yuri)

The man, who said that, wore a gold crown on his head, a high-quality silver fox fur cloak draped over his body, and from the slits in the cloak, the glitter of golden threads was visible. Although he appeared young, his imposing physique and grandiose demeanor were fit for a king.

Even the Galloping Bird he rode was adorned with splendid armor. It wore a finely woven, thin chainmail, and its head was covered with an embroidered leather hood. Needless to say, the saddle was of the highest quality. Everything about him was to Vilan’s taste, igniting an impulsive desire to seize it all. He resolved to take it. He would make this man’s life his own.

“I am Vilan of the Tomin Household, connected to the Noza Household by lineage.” (Vilan)

Vilan declared his identity honestly. The Tomin Household had a legitimate noble lineage, so there was nothing odd about his association with Borafura.

“I see, then let us begin the talks.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou said.

“Please wait. I must apologize, but you have too many soldiers. Please match our number of 300 here.” (Vilan)

“That’s fine.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou replied.

A young knight beside him spoke up…

“Alright then, leave the units of Gino Toga and Faun Babi, and withdraw the rest!” (??)

With that command, more than half of the soldiers promptly turned back along the path. Their efficiency was impressive.

“I hope they’re not just waiting out of sight.” (Vilan)

Vilan inquired.

“Hmm? Does that bother you? You’re quite the sensitive one.”  (??)

Remarked the young knight who had just given the command.

“What the— you insolent…!” (Vilan)

Being spoken to so rudely by a younger kid made Vilan’s blood boil, and he almost lost his temper, but he managed to restrain himself.

‘Losing it now would ruin everything.’

“Mind your words, Lulu-sama.” (Gino)

Said the man who had been called Gino Toga, admonishing the young knight.

‘So, his name is Lulu? I’ll remember that. I’ll definitely kill you.’

“Yeah, yeah.” (Lulu)

“Hmph. More importantly, where is His Excellency Kien?” (Vilan)

“His Excellency Kien is absent today due to illness. We have a written document granting full authority to Lord Yuri here.” (Gino)

“That’s a problem.” (Vilan)

Vilan said.

‘Kien also needed to be killed.’

“Excuse me? The full authority document is legitimate. Would you like to see it?” (Gino)

“Yes, this is the letter of delegation.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou pulled an envelope from his pocket and handed it over.

Having no choice, Vilan took the document and read it. On high-quality parchment, it clearly stated that the Rube Household granted full negotiation authority for the day to the Hou Household.

“What guarantee do I have that this isn’t a forgery?” (Vilan)

Vilan made a last-ditch effort.

“Uh… haha.” (Gino)

Gino Toga scratched his cheek awkwardly.

“Shall we cancel today’s meeting then? We can’t postpone it to another day, so it will lead to war…” (Gino)

“Uh… no. That’s a problem.” (Vilan)

“Shall we proceed then?” (Yuri)

“Yes,” Vilan conceded.

‘Damn, I can’t kill Kien Rube. But if that’s the case, I should at least kill Yuri Hou. It’s not wise to ruin the entire negotiation.’

“Let’s begin the meeting then.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou said, grabbing a spear from his Galloping Bird and slinging it over his shoulder.

“Wait, let’s limit the bodyguards to one on each side. We accepted the condition of Kien Rube’s absence. You should—” (Vilan)

“That’s fine.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou cut him off and he was clearly annoyed.

“… Is that okay?” (Vilan)

“I want to get this over with. Hurry up and get inside the tent.” (Yuri)

“Understood.” (Vilan)

‘Does he have that much confidence in his abilities?’

Once Yuri Hou was inside the tent, Vilan knew he had the upper hand.

Vilan entered the tent with Yuri Hou, followed by another knight who was also impressively muscular. Inside, Gonzo was still warming himself by the fire.

“Gonzo, time to work.” (Vilan)

“Huh? Do I kill?” (Gonzo)

‘Idiot. Don’t say that out loud.’

“Protect us. Come on.” (Vilan)

At Vilan’s words, Gonzo stood up, moving awkwardly in the cramped tent, and positioned himself next to Vilan.

“… Is he really your guard?” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou asked, eyeing Gonzo.

“Yeah, he’s my bodyguard.” (Vilan)

“Well, if that’s what you say.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou sat down on a chair. Vilan, feeling triumphant, also took a seat.

‘Everything is set. There was no way Yuri Hou would leave this tent alive.’

“You really came all the way here.” (Vilan)

“Here?” (Yuri)

“Yeah, Borafura Noza isn’t coming here.” (Vilan)

“I see.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou said without even raising an eyebrow, giving an impression of indifference.

“You killed him, right? So, does that make you the representative of the Noza Household?” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou asked.

“What are you talking about, you fool?” (Vilan)

He had just introduced himself as Vilan Tomin.

“It’s a coup. I took over the Noza Household.” (Vilan)

“Oh, I see… So, are you going to surrender?” (Yuri)

“Are you stupid? You fell into a trap. You’re going to die here.” (Vilan)

Borafura not coming clearly meant it was a trap.

“Hmm… I don’t understand.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou scratched his head curiously.

“In that case, why are we having this conversation? Why don’t you just get on with it?” (Yuri)

“I have 300 soldiers plus another 3000 hidden. When I blow this horn…” (Vilan)

Vilan pointed to a horn on the table.

“600 against 300. Lowering your forces was a mistake. You’re surrounded and finished.” (Vilan)

“… Huh?” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou let out a perplexed sound.

“Hmm… I still don’t get it…” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou scratched his head in genuine confusion. The conversation wasn’t making sense. Despite being confronted with the fact that he was going to die, he showed no signs of fear or concern.

“I need to ask you something. Are you having this conversation just to gloat?” (Yuri)

“Yeah. You’re going to die, and I’ll win. I’ll take that fine cloak and crown for myself.” (Vilan)

“Hmm… I still don’t get it. Where does he see himself in me?” (Yuri)

‘Does he think I resemble him in some way?”’

“Hey, do I look like this to him?” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou asked his knight bodyguard.

“Well, I can’t say what’s going on in your head, my lord.” (??)

“I see…” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou put his hand to his chin, lost in thought.

“Sure, I was a bit like that when I was a kid, but was I really like this? Was I?”

He mused while scrutinizing Vilan’s face.

“What the hell are you talking about?” (Vilan)

“I think it’s Dolla-dono. Isn’t His Excellency Yuri talking about that?” (??)

“Oh, right… What was it again? I forgot while I was thinking.” (Yuri)

“Weren’t you going to demand surrender? Tell him there’s no escape?” (??)

“Oh, yeah. But, that’s if the other side gets scared, right?” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou said to the knight before turning back to Vilan.

“You’re not scared, are you? You’re ready to start this?” (Yuri)

Vilan was increasingly feeling a terrible sense of foreboding.

‘This man is likely not Yuri Hou. It is a decoy. If that was the case…’

“It’s 600 against 300, right? I don’t understand why we’re chatting, but go ahead and blow the horn and give the command.” (Yuri)

“Grgh…” (Vilan)

“Oh, by the way, Yuri praised the ambush. Winter… camouflage? I don’t really get it, but it seems they were hiding under white cloths in the snowfields.” (??)

‘They knew. Somehow, the ambush had been discovered. Had they been watching since last night?’

“Well, we didn’t bother with any tricks, so it’s still 600 against 300. You gonna run scared anyway?” (Yuri?)

“Of course not!”  (Vilan)

Vilan grabbed the hatchet hidden under the desk and, kicking the chair aside, stood up and hurled it fiercely at the man called Dolla.

With lightning speed, Dolla, still seated, clenched his fists and rotated his hips on the chair, punching the spinning hatchet vertically before it could reach him. The redirected hatchet spiraled and embedded itself into the ground.

“What do you think you’re doing? You’re supposed to throw those from hiding. Are you underestimating me?” (Dolla)

“Grr…” (Vilan)

Vilan grabbed the horn lying on the table and blew it with all his might. The sound echoed loudly. Simultaneously, a barrage of intense gunfire erupted from outside the tent. It wasn’t from Vilan’s forces. The Tomin Household’s army didn’t possess firearms.


From inside the tent, it was impossible to discern what was happening.

“It’s begun. Let’s do this.” (Dolla)

Dolla stood from his chair and brandishing a spear with a thick blade-like tip, pointing it at Gonzo.

“Starting with you.” (Dolla)

“Gonzo! Kill them!” (Vilan)

“Gonzo attack!” (Gonzo)

Gonzo unexpectedly kicked up the table. The long table, which had been used for the meeting, momentarily floated in the air before crashing down, widening the space in the middle of the tent.

“Grrr, grrr…” (Gonzo)

Gonzo’s eyes were bloodshot, and he seemed to be searching for an outlet for his pent-up strength, his shoulders heaving. In his hands, he wielded long clubs with iron bars that had been leaning against the tent wall.

In this state, Gonzo was invincible. Armor or defenses wouldn’t matter. A blow from his club would crush a helmeted head, and even if defended against, the next strike would finish the job.

“You handle that side,” (Dolla)

Dolla gestured with his chin toward Vilan.

“Understood.” (??)

Inside the now widened tent, one of the guards thrust his spear at Vilan. Vilan, gripping another hatchet he had hanging at his waist, confronted him. From outside, the continuous thunder of gunfire could still be heard.

Gonzo was in his element in a outnumbered fight. Even in a battle of ten against a hundred, if Gonzo charged alone, enemies would waver and allies would surge. They needed to get out of here quickly and support Gonzo.

“Gonzooooo!” (Gonzo)

Gonzo let out a roar and swung his club from the side. His lethal blows were dodged, but he immediately attacked from the opposite side. Twisting his body, Gonzo unleashed his clubs recklessly, showcasing his true prowess.

“Gonzo! Finish them off!”  (Vilan)

Vilan kept an eye on the spear wielded by the guard while observing the assault. No one could withstand this onslaught. With his imposing stature and wide strides, Gonzo left no room for retreat.

Feeling assured of victory, as Gonzo attempted to strike again with his right club, Dolla moved with lightning speed, thrusting his spear, tearing through chainmail like paper, and piercing the base of Gonzo’s right arm before he could swing. Withdrawing the deeply embedded spear in an instant, Dolla dodged the weakened right club, which slipped off his arm.

As Gonzo attacked with his left club, Dolla was already out of reach. The club fell to the ground with a thud.

“Gonzo!”  (Gonzo)

Swinging his dangling right arm and then the left club, Gonzo found Dolla thrusting his spear again, this time gouging the base of his left arm.

“Huh?” (Gonzo)

As both clubs slipped off, Gonzo’s arms hung limply. Blood gushed from the wounds under his shoulders, quickly saturating his worn-out clothes with crimson. Despite only a few seconds passing since the stabs, blood had soaked through to his wrists, and droplets fell from his limp fingertips.

“Wha…? Why…?” (Gonzo)

Gonzo’s voice sounded bewildered as he swayed his arms. He seemed to be asking why his arms wouldn’t move.

“This guy is the most skilled. Are you sure you graduated from the School of Knights?” (Dolla)

Dolla said and looked at Vilan while leisurely holding his spear.

‘It’s obvious. That’s why he knows precisely where Gonzo was struck because I learned about the blood vessels that carry blood to the arm, even if they heal, the strings needed to move his arms are severed, and Gonzo’s arms will never move again. It’s something I learned back in the School of Knights. However, Gonzo wasn’t weak. The knights of the Noza family were all slaughtered by him, helpless.’

“Hmmph.” (Dolla)

With a short breath, Dolla swung his spear, cutting off Gonzo’s right neck. Unable to raise his arms, Gonzo had no defense.

“Ugh…” (Gonzo)

Blood spurted from his neck, but it lacked force, perhaps because his blood vessels had already been damaged in two places. Gonzo bent his knees, placing both on the ground.

“Ah, ugh… don’t wanna die. Villa-nii… help…” (Gonzo)

But there was nothing Vilan could do, facing Dolla’s pointed spear. Gonzo fell to the ground, motionless.

“I was told to keep you alive. What are you going to do? Are you going to do it?” (Dolla)

“Damn it…” (Vilan)

‘It wasn’t that bad, but I don’t want to fight this bastard. It’s foolish.’

Vilan turned on his heel, pushed aside the tent curtain, and stepped outside.

TLN: I’ve decided to still use (Yuri) instead of (Yuri?) to avoid spoiler when reading from the beginning.

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