The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 201: (Self Edited) Vilan Tomin*

Vilan entered Borafura’s study and rummaged through the desk. Finding nothing on the desk, he broke open a locked drawer with an axe, forcibly prying it open. Sure enough, there was an envelope on the top.

‘This must be it.’

He tore open the wax-sealed envelope and read the contents. It was just what he had hoped for.

‘Otou-sama said he would send the letter tomorrow morning!’ (Minuet)

Just as Minuet had said, there was indeed a letter. He had accidentally killed her, so it had taken some time, but it saved him the trouble of forging it. Since it was written by the person himself, it was perfect. Thinking that even that pig had been useful, he memorized the contents. The meeting place was Yutan Pass, and the time was five days later, at noon on May 4th.

Busy times ahead.

Vilan lit the lamp with a trendy lighter from the desk, prepared a new envelope, placed Borafura’s document inside, stamped it with the Noza Household’s seal, and resealed it with wax. Now all he needed to do was to have one of his subordinates deliver it, pretending to be from the Noza Household.

A strategy quickly formed in Vilan’s mind.

“Gonzo!” (Vilan)

When he shouted loudly, a large man who had been standing in the hallway appeared. Even a battle-hardened Vilan wouldn’t stand a chance against five or six men at once. Since the mansion wasn’t fully under control yet, he always kept Gonzo nearby.

Gonzo was a towering giant with a heavily muscled frame layered with fat, reminiscent of the yeti said to inhabit the White Wolf Mountains.

“Huh? Yeah?” (Gonzo)

The downside of his powerful physique was his limited intelligence.

“We’re going to the gate. Follow me.” (Vilan)

Vilan started walking. To ensure the meeting went as planned, it had to appear that Borafura was still alive. However, Vilan had been quite flashy about it. Concealing the murder itself was no longer possible. In that case, blocking access to Oregano and stopping the flow of people was Vilan’s first move.

‘Convincing the feudal lords is difficult. It doesn’t seem possible to defeat both the Rube and Hou Households in a two-front war, from the north and the south. However, I am quite confident in my ability to subdue the other feudal lords of the Noza Household by force. The problem is the time required for that. To achieve this, Yuri Hou and, incidentally, Kien Rube must be killed.

If that happens, the Hou and Rube Households will be thrown into confusion, creating an opportunity to seize power. The matter of the Crusaders, who may or may not come, can be dealt with afterward. Though the difficulty is unknown, it’s not impossible. In battle, difficulty doesn’t matter. No matter how strong the enemy is, a warrior fights. The same goes for a brawl. If you’re scared because the opponent is big and decide not to fight, no one will follow you.’

“Hey, what’s wrong?” (Vilan)

Just as they left the mansion, Gonzo stopped in his tracks and didn’t follow.

“Mon came. I passed by.” (Gonzo)

He pointed to the mansion’s entrance, referring to “mon.”

“Ha, no, it’s a different gate. This way, this way.” (Vilan)

“I see…” (Gonzo)

Vilan led Gonzo along. Outside the mansion, about 500 soldiers of the Tomin Household, whom they had brought, were gathered. One of them had likely been sent as a messenger. A horse lay dead, shot by an arrow, and beside it, a person with a crushed head.

Over the past five years, Vilan had gained the support of the Tomin Household’s soldiers, making them his personal troops. His father was unaware of these developments, but the army was under his control.

“My lord. Should we take over the main residence?” (??)

Holding crude spears, they were eager for blood. But the main residence wasn’t the priority.

“Take ten men and secure the birdcage. Hey, Gaksa. You go to the port and stop any ships from leaving.” (Vilan)

“Got it!” (Gaksa)

The man called Gaksa responded.

“The rest, follow me. We’re taking the main gate.” (Vilan)

As Vilan had planned, Oregano quickly fell into his hands. The defense forces, without the Noza Household’s banner to rally around, were subdued individually rather than as a group. Units that resisted were slaughtered, while those that complied were left under surveillance.

Borafura’s well-disciplined soldiers, who marched with elegance, were terribly weak when confronted with violence. Following Borafura’s preferences and keeping the uncouth away for better or for worse, the result was an army that was well-aligned but vulnerable.

The feudal lords who happened to be staying in Oregano were all arrested and thrown into jail. Vilan allowed his subordinates to plunder freely, and all trading posts that had established routes with the royal capital were attacked. Once the task of sealing off Oregano, like a clam closing its shell, was completed, Vilan visited a familiar brothel.

“Vilan-sama! Welcome!” (??)

The manager rushed over, wringing his hands.

“Hey.” (Vilan)

With the casualness of picking roadside grass, Vilan stabbed a dagger into the manager’s stomach and twisted it.

“Ugh—Aaah!! Wh-what are you—” (??)

The manager’s face contorted in pain.

“Your place is too expensive. I couldn’t come here for a while because of that. And when I said to put it on my tab, you… there’s no way I’d let you live.” (Vilan)

Vilan withdrew the dagger and kicked the manager in the stomach.

“—Alright, boys! Enjoy yourselves to the fullest!” (Vilan)

“Yaaaahhh!!!” (??)

His men stormed into the brothel, quickly occupying the rooms one by one. Of course, some were raping women outside, but in the brothel, there were beds and refined prostitutes. Vilan and his men, who often disguised themselves as bandits and attacked towns, were bored with raping amateur women.

While raping women never gets old for them, they found the experience of raping refined prostitutes on beds much rarer and more enjoyable than doing it on the hard ground or kitchen floors. Vilan headed to a specific room on the second floor with a familiar stride, only to find one of his subordinates already there.

“Hey, I’m using this room.” (Vilan)

“Young master!? Oh, sorry about that!” (??)

“You’re on watch duty.” (Vilan)

“On watch—what!?” (??)

The subordinate reacted with exaggerated surprise.

“No way!” (??)

“Shut up and listen. That’s an order. If you’re not on watch when I come out, I’ll kill you.” (Vilan)

“Eh…” (??)

Though his attitude was quite reluctant, it didn’t matter. Among Vilan’s subordinates, some were watching over small forts in the mountains or summoning allies from the Tomin Household territories close to the royal capital. There were those who drew the short straw and got such tasks, so there was no reason this guy could disobey orders.

Vilan entered the room. Sitting on the bed in a provocative, thin dress was his beloved Chelmia. Seeing Vilan’s face, Chelmia’s face lit up.

“Oh, it’s Vi-kun! You came to see me!?” (Chelmia)

“Chelmia! I missed you so much!!” (Vilan)

Vilan embraced Chelmia as she ran up to him. Her ample chest pressed against his.

“Mmm, I love you, Vi-kun!” (Chelmia)

“I love you more, Chelmia.” (Vilan)

Holding Chelmia, Vilan moved towards the bed.

After they finished the deed, Vilan lay beside Chelmia, drinking water. Chelmia’s body was perfectly proportioned. Her ample chest was contrasted by a firm, yet soft, physique. It wasn’t a flabby softness but a resilient one. Her breasts weren’t sagging, and her butt was pert. Everything about her was Vilan’s preference. Compared to the lively encounter with Chelmia, being with Minuet was like mating with a pig laid out on a chopping board.

“Chelmia, marry me.” (Vilan)

Vilan said, stating what he had decided to say.

“Ehh? Don’t you have a fiancée?” (Chelmia)

Chelmia asked, combing her disheveled hair.

“I already killed her. You’re the only woman for me.” (Vilan)

With that pig of a fiancée gone, there was no obstacle to marrying Chelmia.

Vilan had tried to redeem Chelmia before but lacked the money. The amount could have been raised by selling off Tomin Household assets, but despite having control over the army, his father still controlled the household finances, and he wasn’t going to provide the funds.

So, I frequented this brothel often, but I got addicted and ended up spending all my money, visiting about twenty times a month. He asked them to put it on my tab, but they refused, so I’ve been absent for the past five days.

“Hmm, is Chelmi’s debt okay too?” (Chelmia)

“Yeah, I’ll kill anyone who talks about that.” (Vilan)

Or rather, the one I just killed probably had a loan document.

“In that case, if Vi-kun wants to get married, I’m okay with it. It seems like fun.” (Chelmia)

It seemed like fun. That was Vilan’s reason for preference.

“Alright! Chelmia, I love you!” (Vilan)

“I love you too!” (Chelmia)

They hugged each other nakedly. After exchanging warmth for a while, they separated.

“But wasn’t your fiancée the lord’s daughter?” (Chelmia)

“Well, yeah, but from now on, I’m going to be the lord.” (Vilan)

“Wow, so you’re going to be important.” (Chelmia)

“Not just important. I’m going to be king. I’ll kill Yuri Hou and Kien Rube and become king.” (Vilan)

As he said the words, it felt achievable. It felt like the near future. The sensation lingered like a clenched fist.

“Yuri Hou is a famous person, right?” (Chelmia)

“Have you heard of him?” (Vilan)

“Yeah, I’ve heard of him. Kien is an important person too. Have you met them, Vi-kun?” (Chelmia)

“I haven’t met Yuri, but he’s just a twenty-something kid. I’ll handle it.” (Vilan)

He didn’t think he’d lose to some twenty-something kid, no matter who they were.

“I’ve met Kien Rube. He was quite an old man. Well, I’ll manage somehow.” (Vilan)

“If you defeat those people, Vi-kun, will you become king?” (Chelmia)

With a slight smile on her lips, she spoke in a bewitching tone. She wasn’t just silly and cheerful. Sometimes, something like depth she showed melted Vilan’s heart.

“It’ll take some time, but no way am I going to keep Chelmia waiting.” *Vilan)

“So, will I be a princess next year?” (Chelmia)

“Yeah, for sure.” (Vilan)

“Hehe.” (Chelmia)

Chelmia laughed happily.

“I’ve always dreamed of living in a castle. Hey, is it really going to happen?” (Chelmia)

“It will.” (Vilan)

“If you’re lying, I won’t forgive you, okay?” (Chelmia)

Chelmia said provocatively.

From Vilan’s body, still fresh from the recent killing, there lingered a residue of murderous intent. Yet, instead of showing fear, there was an air of enjoyment, which was Vilan’s preference.

“Heh, it’s not a lie. When it comes to me, flattening such a small country is a piece of cake.” (Vilan)

“All right! Then I’ll support you, Vi! If it means becoming Vi-kun’s princess, Chelmi will do anything! Even… having sex!” (Chelmia)

“Yeah, next year, we’ll definitely be living in the king’s castle in Sibyaku! It’s going to be our world!” (Vilan)

“Our world!” (Chelmia)

“All right, I’ll bring some booze! I hope they haven’t killed the cooks…” (Vilan)

With only a towel wrapped around his waist and an axe in hand, Vilan stepped outside.

The meeting was in four days. The meeting was in four days. Vilan could ride an Eagle, but others would have to travel by land. Considering the time, he needed to send out troops tomorrow.

Things were going to get busy starting tomorrow. Thinking so, Vilan walked on.

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