Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 503 - Five Hundred And Three: As Hungry As A Rhino

Chapter 503 - Five Hundred And Three: As Hungry As A Rhino

The third point of view:

"What is this?" Anabelle poked her food with the fork in distaste.

"Classic spaghetti with tomato sauce," Isabella tipped her head questioningly, "What were you expecting?"

"Well for starters, sausage and spinach Fettuccine Alfredo, my favorite," Anabelle hoped her cousin would change her mind. Look at this, the spaghetti wasn't even deliciously garnished. Who in the world eats this?

[A/N: well, almost everybody in the world?who doesn't have six zero digits in their account]

"For starters, in your dream," She retorted with a smile that didn't reach her cheeks, "Now, shut your mouth and eat," Isabella pointed out her bad table manners.

However, Anabelle didn't give up.

"Come on Izzy, we're eating in the open." She hinted it's less hygienic.

Although they were eating outside the kiosk, the environment was clean but less flamboyant than the fancy restaurant Anabelle was used to. Moreover, it was cheap - that was the best part.

Isabella had high hopes they wouldn't last much in hiding but then, they had to be prepared for the worst. This is why she had she had to be scrupulous in finances since their credit cards have been blocked - their parents were hoping they would run out of finances and return home.

"Anabelle, the place is clean - I don't see what you're fussing about. Also, you get to eat under the open sky which is full of stars right now - you see, great view," Pedro attempted to persuade her.

"Sure, babe. Try it, it's quite tasty," Julie rolled the noodles with his fork and brought it to her lips enticingly, "Here, have a bite,"

There was a deep furrow between Anabelle's brows as she stared at the food.

"Say ahh," Julie pressed on.

Just for his sake, Anabelle opened her mouth and swallowed the disgusting thing. One should see the way her face distorted as if a bitter liquid was shoved down her throat. However, her tongue performed its purpose and something strange happened.

"Huh?" One of Anabelle's brows raised when she detected something sweet.

"You want more?" Julie noticed the sudden change in her.

Anabelle slowly nodded.

He gladly fed her.

Although her response wasn't eager, she took the food willingly.

"Again?" Julie was surprised. Didn't she say she didn't like it? Moreover, why wasn't she eating from her plate right in front of her, why his? He hadn't even eaten much - god damn it, he was hungry.


She nodded.

"Why don't you eat yours?" he tipped his head in the direction of her plate.

Anabelle pouted, "Yours taste much better,"

"Tsk tsk, low key flirting," Isabella commented while Pedro was amused by how everything turned out.

As expected, Julie ended up sacrificing his own food for his girlfriend; feeding her in the mouth until both foods finished. Yet, Anabelle had the nerve to announce,

"I'm still not full,"

Everyone stared at her as if she's an alien.

"What?" why were they giving her dirty looks? Annabelle wondered. Did she say something wrong?

"Nothing," Everyone answered in unison, including her boyfriend.

Julie fought against the urge to spank her hard on the butt - not for sexual pleasure, mind you - to punish her. How could she still want more after eating two servings? Was there a bottomless pit in her surprisingly still flat stomach?

"Isabella," Anabelle whined, taking hold of her hand, "I still want to eat more. The food is so delicious,"

Isabella almost spat out blood, wasn't she the one against the food moments ago.

"I'm sorry, but we've gone over our budget," Isabella announced.

Anabelle's face fell.

Secretly, Julie's heart sank as well. He was hungry and he had never fasted in his entire life.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that," Pedro announced.

"What do you mean?"

He pointed behind them and everyone turned to the source of the sudden disturbance only to discover people gathered around a long table. It turned out an eating competition was being organized to Anabelle's delight.

"Come on, let's sign up!" She tugged on Isabella's arm excitedly.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to burst if I eat more," Isabella pointed to her full stomach. She then pointed to Julie to his shock, "Why don't you compete against your boyfriend, he should be hungry after you consumed his food,"

Julie glared at Isabella, cursing inaudibly. Yes, he was hungry but he would never admit it, not in front of his girlfriend, Anabelle. He was a man and supposed to be tough and unwavering. But Isabella, that white witch has blown his cover - the white hair suited her personality anyway.

"Why?" Isabella smirked at Julie, holding his gaze, "You don't want to? Don't tell me you're full with the few bite you took," she taunted him.

Julie gritted his teeth. What did he ever do to her to receive her wrath?

However, Anabelle who Julie was trying so hard to be brave in front of, didn't even mind nor notice his efforts. She turned to him excitedly," Tell me you'd do it, Julie, please? You beat me in a lot of activities, it's time to prove my strength,"

"Fine," He agreed grudgingly. But in reality, Julie was so happy he got to eat. He didn't care about winning, he only wanted something in his stomach.

So the both of them ended up signing up for the competition. Unlike the crowd that had gathered earlier, there were only a total of ten contestants, the others being put off by the sheer size of the food - most people had come with their family or friends, hence no one would want to lose. It would be embarrassing.

On the table, each contestant was served twenty hot dogs and buns, expected to be finished within five minutes. Compared to others, Anabelle was the only slim lady in there - she looked like something the wind would blow away easily. She simply had no stamina. The audience accessed her body, hence didn't look her way.

"Who do you think would win?" Pedro couldn't help but ask Isabella as he watched the scene. If there's anything he's learned so far, it was to trust his girlfriend - the girl was blessed with foresight.

But Isabella laughed in response, "Who do you think is as hungry as a rhino?"

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