Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 502 - Five Hundred And Two: Hey, Julie! Look At This!

Chapter 502 - Five Hundred And Two: Hey, Julie! Look At This!

The third point of view:

"You look cute!" Anabelle squealed.

"You look ridiculous," Isabella countered her cousin, her gaze running over Julie's new look scrupulously, "But then, you look nothing like yourself, so that's a good thing,"

Julie didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or insult? Right now, he was wearing a long brown wig, fake eyebrows, and a fake goatee that disguised his features. He was sure that not even his grandfather would be able to recognize him in this new appearance - thanks to Isabella's confirmation- not to talk of the men sent after them.

"I hope this is worth it," He grumbled, putting on his blazer.

Anabelle, seeing his discomfort, leaned closer and placed her hands on his shoulder, "Don't be so sad, you look sexy in a matured way..." her hand dug into his wig, "And I think long hair suits you. Promise me you'd grow it out," she pouted.

Julie groaned, Isabella just lulled him into an everlasting trap. He faked a smile to his girlfriend, "Of course, I would. Anything for you," He leaned and kissed her cheek when in reality, he was sobbing inside.

What longer hair?! He would look effeminate. Well, perhaps he'd grown beards as well. Come to think of it, maybe this wasn't a bad idea, after all.

"Where's Pedro?" It finally crossed Isabella's mind. She had been busy assessing Julie that it didn't cross her mind that her boyfriend hadn't made his own appearance.

"I'm here," Pedro announced, walking into the living room while tousling his dark hair.

"Whoah," Isabella and Anabelle said at the same time, clearly stunned at the color of his hair.

"You dyed your hair dark?" Julie was surprised. He added, "And what's with the whiskers?" he pointed at the top of Pedro's lips.

"Oh, this," Pedro gestured to his hair and artificial mustache, "I was wondering if I dyed my blonde hair black, I'll look something like Emerald, but I'm clearly wrong. I only ended up emphasizing my mother's gene,"

"Yeah, you failed woefully," Isabella pointed out.

"And you.." Pedro pointed to his girlfriend's hair, "You dyed yours as well? blonde?" he was clearly surprised yet amused. How had she thought of dying her hair? He never told her his plans. Maybe they could communicate telepathically as well.

Wasn't there an unproved theory that once two lovers become one in heart, body, and soul, they could begin to read each other's minds and moves?

"Platinum blonde to be precise," Isabella fluffed her hair dramatically, "Well if I'm living up to my reputation of being the legendary cold witch, I might as well look the part,"

Isabella took steps towards Pedro and casually draped her arms around his neck "I hope you love my new look because it's going to stay for a while,"

"Of course," Pedro smiled, "I love your new hair," As if he had a choice.

Nonetheless, the color suited Isabella, she looked like those saintess from ancient Chinese history. Only that Isabella wasn't a saintess but a demoness. Mind you, a good demoness. Notwithstanding what people said about her, but Isabella was a kind person if one looked beyond the surface.

"A-hem!" Julie intentionally coughed loudly, destroying the moment between the two couples. He didn't need to guess what would have happened next - Isabella and Pedro were just about to give them one of their puke-inducing kisses.

"Asshole," Isabella cursed out loud, settling for a peck instead.

"We should go!" Announced Anabelle who was wearing a pink bob wig and make-up. She donned a poker-dotted knee-length dress looking cute and innocent like those white lotus characters from Japanese animes.

Although Anabelle looked nothing like herself, her personality didn't change. She was as bubbly as usual.

"Let's go,"

And just like that, they all left the house after Isabella made sure to bribe, no, tip the security man keeping the building safe from "unnecessary intrusion".

Walking down the street, they flagged down a taxi and got in. It wasn't a long journey and soon got to their destination.

"Wow," Was the first sentence Anabelle made as soon as they got to their destination. She finally understood why Isabella was not worried about them getting caught.

The market was large, like really, really large and though, it was night, it was was bustling. Even without their disguise, they could roam in this place and no one would notice since everyone was busy with their trade. But then, it pays to be careful. After all, anybody here could be working for their fathers and might stumble upon them.

Isabella turned to Julie, "Hold tight onto your girlfriend,"

"Why?"Julie frowned. Not that he was complaining about holding hands with Anabelle, but Isabella made it seem as if he was restraining a baby.

"This is the largest market in the city and Anabelle has never set foot in here since she was born. I'm afraid she might get distracted by the glamour. Worse, even get lost in the process,"

"Hey!" Anabelle took offense, "I'm not a kid!" she claimed.

"Yes, stop treating her like one," Julie supported his girlfriend.

Five minutes later…..

"Hey, Julie! Take a look at this!" She dragged him to a store selling consumer goods, amazed at the giant sizes of the fruits being sold.

"Hey, Julie! Look at this!" was Anabelle's announcement the next five minutes after she sweet talked Isabella into buying some fruits - the giant-sized ones.

"It seems I'm in a jewelry paradise!" She exclaimed, eyes wild at the commercial line selling so many pieces of jewelry.

"Hey, Julie! Look at this!" She dragged him to an antique line, leaving Isabella and Pedro no choice but to follow after them. Right now, Anabelle looked like a kid obsessed over so many goodies having seen them the first time.

"Hey, Julie! Let's see what's going on!" She dragged him over to a small crowd that had gathered around a performer.

"Hey, Julie! look at this!"

"Hey, Julie! Look at this!

"Hey, Julie! Look at this!"

"Hey, Julie, look at this!"

"Hey, Julie, look at this!!!"

Those words were finally imprinted into Julie's minds, playing over and over in a loop like someone hypnotized as Anabelle dragged him from one store to the store.

By the time they finally settled down to eat, Julie had aged ten years; his eyes were red, veins were pouting out his head and he looked worn out - in fact, emergency wrinkles surfaced. That was when he decided Spencers were a bunch of terrors. None of them were normal. What in the name of the lord had he gotten himself into?

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