Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 689: A Maniac Grand Elder & Punishment

Chapter 689: A Maniac Grand Elder & Punishment


He started laughing like a maniac! It was quite creepy to see the solemn and serious Grand Elder start laughing like that, but Princess Jena didn't even flinch.

She just looked at the maniac Grand Elder with a solemn and serious look. She didn't look in the least like someone from the younger generation but like an experienced young woman.

Well, that was mostly due to the time she passed alongside Tianlong Yun. At first, she would get overly emotional for everything, and she even went close to tearing up on a few occasions.

But in the end, those experiences made her stronger and even fortified her will. When she finally decided to obey Tianlong Yun with her heart, she had already become a fine and strong woman.

Furthermore, with Tianlong Yun encouraging her from inside the Old Pouch, what did she have to fear about. This old thing was surely strong, but she didn't doubt Tianlong Yun's words even for an instant.

On the other hand, the Grand Elder had just started laughing like that, and it took some time for him to finally stop laughing, and say some words,

"You are good! Even better than I thought, you are truly worthy of becoming the Queen by my side!"

His words managed to surprise and startle the beauty, as she would have never thought something like this, and she couldn't help but ask,

"What do you mean?"

"Just as what you thought! You are worthy of becoming my Queen!

Thanks to you and your unconscious help I have finally found the path towards the next Realm. Once I reach that Realm I will become a God, a King, and will rule not only the Clan but the whole planet.

As a thank you act towards you, I am willing to let you stand by my side. I will certainly have other women by my side, but you will be my most treasured one.

After all, you have not only the brains, and strength, but also the beauty. Until then, I am even willing to let you play the role of the Matriarch for some time!"

There was confidence, pride, and arrogance in the old man's words. Right now he had just been shown the path and given a new opportunity in life.

Once he passed to the next Realm he would be able to not only grow stronger but also live longer. A long life in seclusion was meaningless to him, and he wanted to enjoy the world once again.

It would be truly fun to conquer the world, and then build up a legacy that would last at least for a few centuries, while tasting all the new delicacies of the world.

When he finished speaking he was waiting for Princess Jena to explode in anger and rage, but quite on the contrary she was extremely calm and natural.

She seemed to be looking at him like he was nothing more than a perverted old man who was just expressing his dreams. That didn't seem to interest her much.

The Grand Elder was most certainly surprised at her temper and attitude, as it made him feel even more certain of making her his queen.

"Sorry old thing, but she already has a man! You are a bit late!"

As the Grand Elder was living through the bubbles of his own dreams, the voice of a young man pierced through those bubbles like a spear and awakened him from his stupor.

"Who dares to be so rude towards this seat!?"

More than angry the Grand Elder was worried and frightened, as he hadn't been able to sense the presence of the other guy until he had actually talked.

This clearly showed that whoever it was, was actually an expert. And a truly fearful one at that!

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun appeared beside Princess Jena with a calm and collected expression, as he was looking at the Grand Elder as if he was watching a fool.

"You know, I was planning to let you be for some more time, and let you fight that other guy by your own will, but it seems that you don't know how to bide your time.

Now you can't blame me for speeding my plans a little bit!"

The Grand Elder was truly frightened at first, but then looking at Tianlong Yun, his age, and the aura around him, he was able to clearly notice that Tianlong Yun wasn't his match.

While Tianlong Yun's words were big, and he could be considered a genius with his level of strength, he still was no match for the Grand Elder.

A big-mouthed kid trying to go against an old wolf like him, it was a big joke to the Grand Elder, who felt angry and ashamed for feeling fear a moment ago.

With those thoughts in his head, he just looked at Tianlong Yun like he was watching a stupid kid, and then started laughing maniacally once again.

Neither Tianlong Yun, nor Princess Jena seemed to have any intention of attacking him while he was laughing, or even interrupting his laughter as they just waited for him to stop himself.

That clearly surprised a bit the Grand Elder, but he didn't show it on his face, as he finally stopped and said,

"Brat, a little thing like you dares to challenge this seat!? It seems like your parents haven't taught you how to care for your life!

At the same time, I am truly glad that you are like this though, as you have given me the opportunity to kill her love in front of her and break her hope.

Like this, she will have no other choice but to become mine! Hahahah~!"

"You know, lately I have understood that while it's a bit fun to hear idiots talk big before they day, or get subdued, there must be a limit to it otherwise it becomes just plain angering.

While I am sure that you would love to continue eating shit, I am not really in the mood to see or hear you do so!"

Tianlong Yun's words truly angered the Grand Elder, whose face went dark and gloomy, as his nails elongated, and his teeth took an even more canine shape.

Without caring that Princess Jena might take it as the strong bullying the weak, he made a swing with his hand, and a red-hued crescent light made its way towards Tianlong Yun.

That was the attack of someone that had strength equal to a peak level 9 Great Ascension Boundary Realm, it was nothing to joke about.

Even if Tianlong Yun used all his strength in his full transformed mode, he would still be unable to block it all if he only defended.

In fact, he could feel even the space starting to vibrate and become unstable with that attack, and if he left it to get close to him, he wouldn't be able to even escape it.

But he had been expecting something like this, so he was already prepared for it, with one thought he disappeared from the spot with Princess Jena by his side and appeared behind the Grand Elder.

The Grand Elder was no joke either, even before his first attack landed on the spot where Tianlong Yun and Princess Jena were, he sent another attack at their new location, behind himself.


The first attack landed with a loud booming sound, and it created a large cloud of dust and debris, while it even disturbed the space inside the second chamber.

At the same time, Tianlong Yun and Princess Jena dodged another attack through Tianlong Yun's space law usage, which made the Grand Elder attentive, and more serious.

It seemed like the kid in front of him had some weird techniques, and skills that he couldn't underestimate.

He had to make sure he finished this quickly, otherwise, he might damage the Ancestor's Graveyard if he continued like that.

Just as he was thinking to end this fight quickly, he suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the surroundings.

Not only with the surroundings but also with his own body, he could feel that something had changed inside him, and his strength was decreasing drastically with each passing instant.

As if that wasn't enough, the aura of the Law he had been studying until now seemed to get stronger too, as he wasn't able to bear it without protecting himself with energy anymore.

This whole mess was so weird and unexpected, that he wasn't even able to make sense of it. This was the first time he was going through something like this.

But now wasn't the time to keep pondering about the situation, as he had more important things to think about. Like, was this new situation affecting only him, or Tianlong Yun also?

Thinking like that, he raised his eyes to have a look at Tianlong Yun and the beauty by his side, only to see Tianlong Yun grinning at him evilly as he said,

"You never stood a chance from the start!"

Without losing time, Tianlong Yun disappeared from his previous position, and appeared right in front of the Grand Elder, as he then extended one hand, to land a slap on the Grand Elder's face.

'Slaapppppp, Krraaawwwww~!'

That one slap was enough to disfigure the Grand Elder's face, and break more than half of his facial bones, and send him unconscious.

The surprise, the strength, and the impact had been just too strong for the poor Grand Elder, who had no other option but to fall in deep sleep.

Even while he was awake he was no opponent to Tianlong Yun, now that he was unconscious he was even less so

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