Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 7 - Chapter 375 - Discussion with Hannah

"Hannha, can I take a bit of your moment?"

"Hmm? What is it, Zephyr-kun?"

"I need to talk about something, just the two of us. Do you have time now?"

"Okay, fine."

Hannah was already present in the guild room so I asked her out. There wasn't that much left before the morning meeting time, and moving to the lounge would take a good chunk of time out of it. So I invited her to the small room in the guild room.


I opened the door and entered inside. However,

"Sya Hannah. Is it just me or has the mana stone quantity increased once again?"

"Huh, err. Yeah, you haven't visited the room for quite a while so it might seem so to you."

Now that I think about it, this tiny room had become her mana stone warehouse in no time. The magic stone should have decreased in huge amounts by now. However there was still that small hit of magic stone present in the room.

There were fences prepared beforehand to prevent the erosion of the magic stone, but as far as I could make out, it seems like the day wasn't far when the room became the swimming pool of magic stone.

We needed the ‹Mana Stone (mid)› in large quantities for the progression in the intermediate dungeon, so I had requested Hannah to prepare them. That's why I was surprised at the amount. I mean, it hadn't even been 10 days since a lot of mana stones had been put in use and they are already......

Speaking of them, four ‹Mana Stone (small)› were required to create a single ‹Mana Stone (mid)›. And to create ‹Mana Stone (small)›, two ‹Mana Stone (mini)› were needed, so a total of eight ‹Mana Stone (mini)› were needed to create one ‹Mana Stone (mid)›.

I wondered just how many slimes have been sacrificed to create this small hill.


"......Err, because mana stones are just so delicious, Te-he."

Don't 'Te-he' me, it doesn't sound cute at all.

Seeing that I didn't say anything, Hannah made a poor-excuse that didn't hold up.

Well, I kind of understood what she meant.

‹Mana Stone (mid)› fetches quite a food sum. There were too many monster drops in ‹Dungeon Activity› so specifically targeting just one of them was easier said than done.

It wasn't like there weren't any options, for example, defeating ghost type monsters in Int-low had high chances of dropping ‹Mana Stone (mid)›. Though high chances didn't mean there weren't any miss. Parties would have to defeat the ghost monsters in at least three, if not four, digits if they wanted to have a surplus amount of MP hi-potion.

So the price of ‹Mana Stone (mid)› was subsequently on the expensive side. That was what Hannha meant by 'they are so amazing'. And she herself seemed quite addicted to the sli-po marathon. It was like she was trying to replenish the lost amount almost instantly.

In my case, I had usually skipped it in the game, and since it couldn't be auto-done, there were many times I had just wanted to drop it out of sheer annoyance. But what about ‹Mana Stone (mid)› or ‹MP hi-potion› if I need them? I could always purchase or place an order for them.

A pricey exchange it was for sure but I used to persuade myself it was all for exploration.

To be honest, I had nothing but respect for Hannah for her never-quenching fervor for the sli-po marathon. I really didn't expect she would be this much into it. Honestly, I was brimming with admiration towards her. Thanks to her, the ‹Eden› had amassed quite a good amount of fortune.

"I was thinking about it a while back but you have been multitasking like creating so many mana stones and then even exploring dungeons. You aren't forcing yourself, do you?"

I asked Hannah how he was faring against the dungeon and production.

"Huh? Well, I just do some production sometime here and there each day, so I am not forcing myself. Also, dungeons are fun."

This mountain load of mana stone just the result of her casual production work? W-Well, at least I atleast know dungeons are fun. And it seems like she wasn't not straining herself.

That's good. She was doing what she truly enjoyed.

As I stared at the mountain with an indescribable expression, not knowing what to say here, she seemed to have misunderstood my silence once again and came up with another excuse in a flurry.

"I-I think this might indeed be a bit too much. But that's because it has already turned into a habit. I am not forcing myself at all, not a bit. So I am not going to stop sli-po marathon!"

"I don't know what kind of misunderstanding you are having, but I am not going to ask you to stop."

If anything, I would welcome any amount with open hands. So, good luck, Hannah.

No, wait. Why had we come here in the first place? Just as I felt that we had derailed from the topic, the door to the small room opened suddenly.

"What are you dawdling around for, Zephyr?"

"Wait, Sierra-san!?"

Sierra entered the warehouse. Hannah let out a slight disarrayed yelp seeing her.

I also felt like my mind had calmed down suddenly. I really feel like I was struck with frigid air, I think it wasn’t just my imagination.

Looking at Sierra, her gaze, sharp as a dagger, was straight staring at me. Ahem!

I had almost lost my cool seeing the small hill of mana-stones. That was so close.

"Or would it be better if I said it?"

"N, No, of course not. I was just about to ask her. Right away."


In a nick of time, I managed to make up with a convincing excuse and calmed my heart. I turned to look at Hannah, trying to keep the mountain of mana stones outside of my vision as much possible.


"Yes, what is it?"

Hanna looked surprised as I suddenly took a serious stance.

"We have decided to challenge the Intermediate-mid dungeons recently. However, Hannah, you most likely wouldn't stand a chance against the boss. It is going to take you along on the exploration."


A bewildered expression surfaced on Hannah's face, as if she was told something unexpected.

From there, I explained to her the goal of ‹Eden›. How I would like to clear the Intermediate-mid dungeon within this Dungeon Week, and complete the condition for D-rank exam. Or that given her current capability, she would be floored in no time facing the boss.

She listened to everything with wide eyes, filled with surprise, but eventually nodded. Her expression was an understanding one, as if she had come to term with something.

"I see...... I understand."

"But if you still wants to join us in the exploration by all means, then I will try to do something by pushing things a bit, but."

"It's fine. You don't need to push yourself. It's okay."

"......Sorry. You have been a great help to us that we can ever ask for, and I know you are also looking forward to the dungeon, but the boss of Int-mid is just way not to trifle with so easily."

"You don't have to. I am one who tried to selfishly tag along. I guess that was bound to happen one day. Besides, even if I can't join in the conquest now, maybe I'll catch up someday, right?"

"Well, maybe so."

Hannah has allocated a significant amount of her stats to RES. With equipment that increased her HP, she could manage bosses that relied solely on magic. However we were racing against the time, so there was just not enough time to prepare those equipment, more so if I want to ensure their quality.

Besides, all the three dungeon we would be challenging soon have physical-based dungeons. As unfortunate as it may be, the current her stood no chance against the boss. This would undoubtedly lead to her passing out in the battle.

"Yeah. I will be fine. So good luck, Zephyr-kun, Sierra-san."

Hannah wished us good luck, waving her hand gently.

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