Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 7 - Chapter 374 - Discussion with Sierra and the path to D-rank

The day after entrusting Tabase-senpai to Sierra. I arrived at the guild with brisk pace to hear about the follow-up from Sierra.

"Thanks, Sierra. I had no idea what else I could have done."

"It's not a big matter. ......But you really are a simple soul."

"Is that perhaps, you are complimenting me?"


This time it happened to be that the trouble I brought was completely left to Sierra. Frankly, I was ready to do another three-fingered bow but I didn't feel any sarcasm in her words.

She didn't seem to be angry about this debacle, apparently. Most likely.

"So, what about Tabase-senpai?"

"I contacted the ‹Public Morale Committee› the same night, and their guildmaster visited us first thing in the morning. I entrusted Tabase-senpai to them. Though Tabase-senpai herself was quite against it."

"O, Oh. I see."

Sierra explained quite imposingly that she 'handed over protesting senpai'.

Incidentally, ‹Public Morale Committee› was the sub-guild of the security force watching administrating the public order of this gargantuan academy. They were employed by the Duke family, the Dean in this case. ‹Public Morale Committee› was also dubbed as a place for student-cum-guard apprentices.

Because of its unique position, ‹Public Morale Committee› was categorized as rank-less, just like ‹Relief Committee›, and they don't have any upper limit for the members. Aside from that, the members of both guilds could still be a part of other guilds.

For example, a student might belong to the ‹Temple Saber› group, yet also dedicate a few days each week to the ‹Relief Committee›. It was normally not allowed to hold the position in two different guilds but academy's official guild were an exception to rule.

Just as their name implies, ‹Public Morale Committee› was in charge of maintaining the order inside the academy and resolving any related problems. In the academy buildings, since the guards' watchful eyes don't reach, those students under the sub-guild watch in their place.

"But to think a guildmaster of the academy's officially recognised guild to directly visit, who in the world is Tabase-senpai?"

"I don't know. She didn't tell me even after I tried to ask. Anyway, let's focus on what we have to do for now."

"You're right. In fact, I also have something I want to discuss."

"What is it?"

"I want to fulfill all the prerequisite for D-rank within this Dungeon Week."

"......Are you serious?"

"Very much. I am completely serious.'

I explained my reasoning that I had thought of yesterday to Sierra who looked puzzled at my statement.

We would have to wait till September to rank up the guild if we let this chance slip by. With the sub-guild now in the equation, the quicker we raise our rank, the better.

Just yesterday, I finalized the last member for the sub-guild. But truth to be said, there were quite a few people I had wanted but there was no way now with all spots filled.

"......I see."

Sierra pondered for a moment while rubbing her temple. Even in such moments, she exuded grace, like a painting coming to life.

I waited while she gathered her thoughts, thinking about such unrelated things.

"Do you have any plans?"

"Of course. I wouldn't have mentioned it if it was impossible."

"I guessed so. You have made even the monumental tasks nothing but a walk in the park. That's why I also want to keep accompanying you."

"I see? What has gotten on you, so suddenly."

"Nothing, that was just some meaningless rambling. I will accompany you this time too. But don't push yourself too hard, all right?"

"Huh, that goes without saying. Dungeons are the place to enjoy!"

I said confidently. Push where it's needed, but to make sure you enjoy every minute of it. This is the Dungeon Activity I had chosen.

I was delighted to hear Sierra's trust in me.

I swiftly laid out my plan and the schedule I had thought of to her.

"The condition for D-rank is '10 members of the guilds, including guildmaster, must clear 3 Intermediate-mid dungeons'. Adding today, we only have 7 days left before Dungeon Week ends. That means we have just slightly over two days to clear one dungeon. And it needs to be done with two parties, right?"

Sierra asked, her question implied the difficulty that lies in the plan. I confirmed there's no problem.

"It's quite sufficient. Dungeon can be raided by multiple parties. There won't be any issue if we challenge it with ten people."

Challenging with 10 members; I was basically proposing a joint two parties raid.

Raid was a commonplace tactic deployed by other guilds as well. There was no rule to indicate only one party could challenge the dungeon—except the boss in the deepest floor. The only downside was the strength of the field boss increased in proportion to the number of parties. And not just them, monsters also get awfully tough when fighting with two people.

However the part about normal monsters could be avoided by having just one of two parties deal with them. So it wasn't that different from clearing the dungeon with one party. The basic advantage of the raids was the party switch; they took turns in fighting and resting, which gives parties ample time and energy to progress.

"And who among the members will be the member of the advancing parties?"

"I received information from Celestine, apparently 7 of the members have cleared the requirement. Also there are four more people — Lulu, Celia, Shizu and Pamela — who just need to clear one more Int-low and they are ready to go."

Hannah, Sierra, Rika and Karua had cleared the requirement yesterday. For now, seven members were ready to challenge the Int-mid. However there was just one problem—‹Alchemist› Hannah.

To be frank, Hannah had already the limit of what could be covered by the armor alone. As far as I could make out, not even the ‹Lightning Armour Set›, the strongest armor in ‹Eden› possession, would be able to keep her safe from the boss. She was apt in offense, but the defense and resistance were just abysmally low.

Considering the guild battle we would have to do for the D-rank exam, it would be more efficient to move on with Lulu, Celia, Shizu and Pamela than including Hannah. However Hannah had never stopped improving herself for the dungeons. She made up for the non-existent offense and resistance with the equipment and ample amount of Items, somehow managing to keep up to Int-low. Was it the right choice to keep her out of the loop now?

"Sierra, what should I do about Hannah?"

Unable to make up my mind, I asked Sierra before me.

"Have a discussion with Hannah, that's all. Everything will depend on what you want."

She replied back with a rigid remark. Though, it was very much like her to do.

"Discuss with her, huh."

"Yes. There is no point pondering about something when you have not even talked with each other, this will lead you nowhere. First, lay out your thoughts and then hear what Hannah wants to do."

"......You're right."

Sierra's words struck within me.

She was right. First, I need to clear my thoughts. It was like the fog lingering around my mind had cleared out, finally giving me the leeway to think about.

"Thank you, Sierra. You have helped me out again."

"Don't mention it. And take care."

Under the watch of Sierra, I moved to where Hannah was.

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