Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 40

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 40

The next morning, I’m met with the same mix of scorn and fear from my fellows in Mana Work but the me of today is different. I’m determined to have a good day. Nothing and no one can get in the way. That’s right. The sun rose this morning just to light my way and I won’t hear someone trying to tell me otherwise.

I ignore them as I set up for my daily meditation. I’m going to be extra comfortable today as tucked under my arm is an extravagantly plush pillow. My succubus is quite comfortable but there is no such thing as too much comfort.

No such thing.

I’m getting looks for a different reason as Geneva sits down on the grass but who cares? My head is ensconced in a cloud. Geneva makes it even better by lightly massaging my head, making it a little difficult to focus on my mana.

I almost don’t want to get up when our hour is over. My next class is entirely drowned out by Geneva playing music in my head while using her abilities to drown out my presence, showing me samples from different realms. Some of it sounds suspiciously similar to the small bands I heard when I was younger and attended festivals in the capital, but it’s otherwise enjoyable.

My mood is at its peak on my way to see my lovely barbarian. Alana gives me a look as we go toward Foundation I. I don’t blame her. This must be the first time I’ve ever been happy on our way to our torturer, eh, instructor. “You alright, Lou?”

“Me? Perfectly fine on this wonderful day. How about you, my friend?”

“…I’m fine. You seem unnaturally…chipper.”

I tsk at her. “Not unnaturally, Alana. I am very chipper for a very good reason. Today’s a good day. A day where no problems can touch me. Why wouldn’t I be happy?”

Her concern grows. “Did the prince get eaten by a dragon or something?”

“Not that I know. I just realized you’re right. We have bigger and better things ahead of us. No need to get so worked up about the gimmicks of a horny boy.” Did I overcome my fear of royals overnight? Of course not. It’s just that I am resolutely pushing that fear to the side.

If I refuse to follow his game or engage with him in anyway, there is nothing he can do to me. The one I’m worried about isn’t even Samuel, but the king. Until a royal decree gets passed down, I refuse to let myself get as stressed as I was again.

Thinking back, my actions were quite embarrassing. They’d make sense for the old Lourianne Tome but I am the reincarnated daughter of Cosmo, a god amongst mortals. A king is an ant to him. Well, I’ve got my head on straight now.

It has absolutely nothing to do with Geneva having her way with me last night. Nothing at all. Though my aversion to her is steadily flowing away. Who knew there were so many ways to use a tail…

“You're wearing a disgusting smile right now.”

I stow my grin and shrug, picking up the pace. “Come on, Alana. We don’t want to be late for Kierra’s affection.”

I hear her mutter something about ‘crazy’ and ‘mushrooms’ as she jogs to keep up with me. We’re not the first ones but we're early enough that my wife and her helpers are still setting up.

Looks like today is a practice day. Her helpers have brought along a barrel of wooden swords and there’s a small dirt ring off to the side, no doubt to accommodate me. Kierra stands inside, her normal lovely self. That smile could outshine the sun.

Skipping over, I launch myself at her, arms going about her waist. She pulls me closer. “I see your good day is going strong.”

In answer, I push up onto my toes to kiss her. Does she shy away? Of course not. She kisses me full on, one hand migrating into my hair as she deepens the kiss. Doesn’t so much as pull back for a breath of air as I part my lips, inviting her inside.


I ignore whoever that is as they continue to cough. They should get that looked at.

“…Teacher, the class is prepared.”

Kierra finally pulls away, licking her lips. I take the time to look around. The rest of the class has arrived and there are lots of red faces. The girls have mostly turned away, including Alana with a hand over her eyes, all with varying expressions ranging from curious interest to outright disgust. The boys…unanimous lust, though some hide it better than others. A few of them are watching with an intensity that would be uncomfortable on any other day.

But not today! Because today I have no worries.

“Today is practice,” she says looking at her students without letting go of me. She rattles off groups, amazed she knows all their names, and assigns her helpers as instructors. Then she turns back to me. “Now, what to do with you?”

“Whatever you want,” I reply with my best grin.

“Sweet talker. How am I supposed to bully you when you look at me like that, hm?” She shoves me toward Alana, grinning. “Perhaps the cubs should play with each other today instead.”

I gasp theatrically. “You ask me to lay hands on a lady? I could never!”

Alana’s embarrassed frown turns into a sneer. “I’ll show you a lady,” she says, menacingly cracking her knuckles.

“Are we flirting now?”

Kierra chuckles as she steps out of the ring. “Shall we make things interesting? A hit to the face, neck, and chest count as one point. Arms and legs half. Five-minute rounds or to a point. Now, the stakes.”

She looked to Alana. “Most points by the end, how about…I organize a private hunt in the Beast Sanctuary. It should be good practice and if you’re successful, you get to keep all profits from your kill.”

Her eyes light up. For an aspiring knight, real experience is irreplaceable. Not to mention she can make her own contacts with the advanced foundation acolytes and instructors. She’s definitely fired up. She tries to give me an intimidating look and I blow her a kiss, chuckling at her scowl.

“As for you, dedia.” Kierra hums. “I couldn’t really reward you without taking something away first. Ah, yes. Then, a kiss from your friend there.”



We both look to Alana who is blushing bright red, nothing subtle about it. “No way,” she reiterates, giving us both glares. “I’m not going to—to—”

“How about this,” I interrupt. “I won’t kiss you. You kiss me. Anywhere you like.”

She sneers, opens her mouth to probably curse me, then pauses, considering. I gave her a way out. With this, she could just drop a peck on the back of my hand. Very knightly and completely safe.

“…you sure about that?”

“Oh, yeah.” I roll my shoulders and gesture for her to come on. I wouldn’t ask for her to do anything that makes her uncomfortable just for my enjoyment. Heck, if I thought I could get away with it, I’d let her win, but Kierra would do something nightmare-invoking if she thought I was subverting her training. “Mm. I’ll even throw in that you can do it anytime today. Just in case an audience makes you shy.”

With an impressive growl, she throws herself at me. She’s gotten better at her hand-to-hand but she’s a swordswoman at heart. She still fights like she’s got a blade in hand. Short, powerful blows done in a straightforward manner. Prefers blocking and parrying, is terrible at countering. Good footwork but more so focused on advancing and attacking rather than dodging.

No dirty tactics either. All of her attacks are aimed at my chest, no attacks below the belt, and her feet stay on the ground. Nothing like the wild, frenzied style of Kierra or the calculated maneuvers from Geneva when my wife coaxes her into a fight.

I duck under a punch and push forward, ramming her with a shoulder. Reckless, but it works. This girl is a little too weak to non-traditional fighting. She trips over her feet and falls on her back. I hear an “oof” of air leaving her lungs, but she quickly rolls to her feet.

“Alright!” Kierra calls. “Two-minute break. Alana, anything broken?”

“Just her pride!” I snipe. “Hehe, how does it fill to get knocked on your ass?”

“Why the hell are you so strong?” she spits. “Your arms are like noodles.”

“Oi, you need a healer for your eyes.” I pose. I may not have bulk, but I’ve got definition. “Besides, I just rammed into you. A bunny could knock you down the same way with that clumsy balance.”

“You little…” She rolls her neck with a sigh. “One of these days, I’m going to take you down so hard not even your wife can put you back together.”

“Don’t you threaten me with a good time.” I flutter my eyes. “Pursuing a maiden so aggressively. What will people say? You’ll have to take responsibility, Ms. Knight.”

“If you’re a maiden, I’m a dragon.”

“Definitely hot enough.”

“Are you just constantly in heat!?”

“Break time’s over!” Kierra calls, clapping her hands. We go back at it.

We fight for the whole hour. I’m stronger than her and more flexible. Means if I get her in a grapple, round over. Don’t know if she finally learned something or her frustration reached its peak, but she started fighting dirty. Got a solid point when she headbutted me. Broke my nose too. Looked a little guilty until Kierra waved her hand over my face and I stood up ready for more, grinning.

By the end, we’re both covered in dirt and splattered with blood. Alana is lying on the grass, arm thrown over her eyes as she pants for breath. I’m crouched beside her, one hand cupping my chin as I watch the steady rise and fall of her chest.

Mm. She’s not very large in that department but she’s got a kind of budding charm. Still time to grow.

“I can feel you staring, damn pervert.”

“Just making sure my friend doesn’t expire,” I reply easily.

“Good work,” Kierra says. “The final score is Lou with eight points, Alana with three. We have a winner.”

“Was there ever any doubt?” I say in my best ‘haughty noble’ voice, looking down my nose. Alana moves her arm, catches a glimpse of my expression, and then lets out a disinterested grunt. Chuckling, I extend a hand to her. She gives it a dirty look but eventually accepts, letting me pull her to her feet.

“You’ll get her next time, hm?” Kierra moves over to Alana. I snicker as she ruffles her hair, Alana trying and failing to pull away. Only when the blonde stack is thoroughly in disarray does Kierra let her escape. Then she turns to me, gives my dirty personage adorned with a charming smile a raised brow, then kisses me anyway. “I’ll let the two of you settle the matter of your wager. Alana, keep an eye on her. Or don’t. Friends should be close~”

She gives my wife an incredulous look. “There’s two of you.”

“Hey, she infected me. I was an upstanding woman before this elf got her hands on me.” I put an arm over her shoulders and lead her away from the foundation fields. “You’re lucky. She’s holding back because she’s training you all to the Hall’s standards. Trust me, you give that elf unfettered access to you and you’ll be running around naked, howling at the moon and tearing out the throats of prey with your teeth. Within the year.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Wish I was.”

“Is that, ah. I mean, is she the reason you’re…” I turn to her as she clears her throat. “Attracted to women?”

“What? Course not. I was feeling up my maids when I was a brat.”

She shrugs my arm off and hits me. Then hits me several more times as I laugh, giving token attempts to fend her off, all the while barking out, “Upstanding. Woman. My. Ass! You. Damn. Pervert!”

I dance away from her, smothering my chuckles, and turn so I’m walking backward. “Though I had the inclination, she’s the first woman I’ve been with. Believe it or not, I was a maiden at one time. A little hard to maintain decorum around a force of nature like that.”

She huffs, unimpressed. “I’m not falling for it twice.”

“It’s the truth, though? What’s there to fall for?”

“I know you now, Lou. Probably more than I want to.”

“And you’re my friend anyway.”

She gives a tired sigh. “Saints help me, I am.”

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