Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 39

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 39

“Mm! Mmph mmhmm!”

Alana ignores me as she pulls me out of the dining room. Hey, Geneva! Your summoner is being assaulted! Aren’t you going to do something about this?

[You seem quite safe, Lou. And I don’t think you want me raising a hand against your little sun. I wouldn’t want to leave a mark on your treasure.]

What kind of—no, take a breath, Lou. Take a breath. She is bound to only act in your interest. It’s a good thing I’m being dragged away. Hurting them might feel good for the moment but it won’t give me anything and it won’t do anything for my reputation.

No matter what, don’t take it out on her. My friend who is only trying to help. Geneva’s right, I wouldn’t ask her to do anything that could hurt Alana. Another deep breath, they’re not worth it.

It’s easier to think out in the open, away from the looks. Alana must feel my body relaxing because she releases my arm. The Bronze Dorm is far behind us as she motions for me to sit down with her.

“What was that, Lou?” she asks cautiously, giving me a sidelong glance.

I sigh. “It’s been a very trying few days. They just made themselves convenient targets. I wasn’t in any danger.”

“I know. Don’t forget, I see you training every day. You could have taken the three of them in a fair fight without any magic.”

I blink in surprise. Wasn’t expecting the vote of confidence. “Then why’d you drag me away?”

“Lou, you looked ready to kill them. Forget the law for a moment. The Hall trains the greatest casters on the continent. Future leaders, knights, and powerful hunters. If you want any kind of future besides common labor, you’ll have to work with them, and they’ll remember you.”

“Good. Then they’ll know not to try any of this crap again.”

She shakes her head. “Maybe I’m overreacting. I don’t know what you want to do once you’ve learned all you can from this place. You have Teacher after all.”

“…no. No, you’re right.” I fall backward onto the grass. The vast sky reminds me that I’m only in one stage of my life. A small stop to prepare for the real adventure, out there in the world. These monkeys won’t mean anything in a handful of years.

“You’re absolutely right. I’m supposed to be taking advantage of the Hall’s resources, not letting these idiots take advantage of me. Thanks, Alana. I wouldn’t have regretted it, but it wasn’t necessary.”

“Mm. I’m really worried that this is a plot of the prince. Harassing you until you break and then painting you as a violent maniac. They wouldn’t let somebody like that walk around, Lou.”

I freeze. Had I really fallen into another trap? It’s true, dangerous casters don’t last long. If the prince managed to convince someone important enough that I pose a threat to the kingdom...

Next time, I’m going to take my lovers up on their assassination plans. Clearly, they saw things more clearly than me. Can’t imagine how simpler things would be if Samuel had quietly disappeared one night. Or even if he just woke up in an alley, missing his clothes and coin purse. Ah, regret.

“I doubt it, but they did accuse me of treason. If it is their plan, fine. I’ll show them just how little they matter.”

“Told you not to mix with nobles. Never turns out good.”

“You do know I’m a noble, right?”

“Yeah, but you’re different. Chipped plate in the cabinet.” She copies me and lies back on the grass. “A few years, Lou. Then…you’ll come back to Fort Victory with me. We’ll go north and make a name for ourselves. See what they have to say then. The prince will be begging for your favor when we’re the next Harvest heroes.”

“Wow. You should really dream bigger,” I drawl lazily. She lightly jabs me in the shoulder. The north, huh? “A land of everlasting winter and monsters that thrive in it isn’t exactly my idea of a good time. You should come with me to slay dragons. It’ll be warmer.”

“So warm your bones will melt. But, uh, yeah.”

Oh? I bolt upright, narrowing my eyes at her as my lips turn up in a grin. “What was that?”

Alana rolls her eyes. “Saints, you’re so predictable. I said yes, Lou. Once we conquer the north, I’ll go galivanting around the world with you. Well, at least for a while.”

My grin stretches into a full-fledged smile. “Now that’s something to look forward to! And what do you mean I’m predictable?”

“You get far too excited when it comes to women.”

“Only the beautiful ones.” Hehe, her face gains a hint of color but otherwise she doesn’t react. Getting too used to me? “Who wouldn’t be excited to go on a trip with their best friend? I’m telling you, I’ve nothing but pure intentions.”

She snorts in disbelief. “Sure.” Eyeing me, she raises a hand, extending her pinky. “Now, promise me you’re not going to do anything that messes it up for us.”

I can’t help but laugh. “What are we, children?”

“Shut up and promise.”

A wave of fondness fills my chest with warmth as I reach out and lock pinkies with her. Saints, this feels ridiculous, but I can’t stop smiling either. “I promise.”

“Good.” She releases my hand and hops to her feet. Her stomach gives a polite growl, as if reminding her she hasn’t eaten. “Damn.”

“You could go back in,” I offer, getting to my feet. “They might give you a little grief but shouldn’t cause trouble if I’m not there.”

“…no.” Her features set with determination. “We stick together.”

This girl. “Alana, go in. Starving yourself isn’t going to hurt them.”

She opens her mouth but her stomach beats her to it, growling less politely. Her face gains another light dash of color as she clears her throat. How cute. “Fine.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t have you ‘compromise your honor’ again. Tomorrow we’ll meet at, uh, the dueling field.” It’s got seats and is far enough away to not draw any attention. “Now, hurry up. You don’t have much time.”

“Yeah. See you later, Lou. Don’t get into trouble without me.”

“I won’t.”

She gives me a dubious look before jogging off. I sigh as she pulls further away. “You know Geneva, I think it might be a bit too late for me,” I say as I hear the succubus approach. “Being a danger, that is. I look at her and I know that she is good and that we are nothing like each other.”

“Like night and day, my summoner,” the succubus agrees with a chuckle.

“I was going to hurt them. I might have actually let you kill them. A bunch of worthless, second-rate knights whose greatest accomplishment in life will be guarding a baron’s front gate if they’re lucky. I would have risked my work here just because they were convenient targets for my anger.”

“Relax. This is not your normal self. The altercation with the prince has left you very stressed for numerous days.” She reaches up, hands gently massaging my tense shoulders until they sag. “And when you tried to extricate yourself, you were dragged back in unexpectedly. Anyone’s patience would be tried.”

“Yeah…yeah, you’re right.” This has been an incredible few days. I’m not a monster, just tired. Nothing wrong with that. “I’m going to ask you to make lunch for me. I’ll be fine with Kierra in Foundation and you can escort us from there to the field.”

“Of course, Lou. I am here to help you. There is nothing wrong with relying on me.”

“Mm.” On a whim, I change my hand to my elemental form and turn, holding a finger over my shoulder. I turn my head as her pearly white teeth snap shut, cleanly severing it. Her face is a study in ecstasy as she slowly savors it, tail whipping frantically behind her.

A quick thought brings my hand back, my human one, whole and healthy. “Alright. New goal. Until Maxine brings me back something, I am going to relax. No thinking about dumb princes, possible assassins, or that walking bag of manure Abel. No more problems. No worries.” Before I kill someone.

Soft lips kiss the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine as dainty arms wrap around my waist. “Allow me to assist you, my summoner,” Geneva whispers as one of her hands pushes into my pants.

“Bu—wha—here? Now?!” We’re in the open!

“No worries, correct?”

Ah. “This isn’t exactly what I me—ahh!” 

She’s being a lot more aggressive. Is she trying to get another piece of me? Or maybe—no. What’d I just decide? No more worries, not now. Not even about the succubus who may or may not be trying to get me addicted to her so she can eat me alive.

Just going to relax and enjoy it.

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