Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 30

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 30

A loud silence lingers after my outburst. Lots of different reactions. Kierra looks amused. Alana and Marcus are watching me with wide eyes. The prince is dumbfounded at being interrupted and insulted at the same time. Browyn is completely unfazed, vigilant for the first signs of violence.

I take a deep breath. “Now that I have your attention, let me make this clear. I did not, have not, and never intend to use a thrall to seduce a woman. I don’t need to. Unlike you, I managed to charm the woman of my dreams all by myself, thank you.”

Samuel’s face is redder than one of Geneva’s tomatoes. He opens his mouth, probably to curse me to the Abyss plane and back, but I don’t give him the chance.

“You should be embarrassed, Prince Samuel. I would think someone of your status would have more poise than to accuse someone of such a crime without a shred of proof. I wonder why you are so eager to believe a rumor? Huh? Easier to believe that I used magic than a girl likes me better than you? Or did you hope rescuing her from the ‘evil woman’ would make you her hero and she’d spread her legs like any good damsel?”

“Shut your mouth!” he roars, pulling his sword free.

“My prince!” Marcus grabs his arm but Samuel shakes him off. “You can’t do this! If you attack her, the Hall will have no choice but to ban you from their grounds! You’ll be forced back to the capital.”

Oh, I see why he is so nervous. If Samuel is forced back, it’ll be a lot harder to assassinate him. In that case, the only thing to do is provoke him some more.

“You really are a dumbass. Once you’re gone, I’ll be sure to look after Cecilia. Thanks to you, her reputation has been well and truly destroyed. It’d be a shame for her to remain alone for the years she’ll be studying here.”

“If you dare lay a hand on her—”

“Oh, it’ll be a lot more than a hand.”

His eyes glow as he channels mana. “I am going to bury you.”

From the corner of my eye, I see Kierra tense. No, no. Can’t have the big, scary elf scare him away. Bell, talk to her. Tell her what’s going on.

Kierra’s brow furrows and then she smiles. “Lou~” she breathes out sexily, trailing a fingertip down my cheek. “I’ll leave this little boy to you. After all, if he had any idea how to use his sword, he wouldn’t be following that girl around like a lost puppy.”

Samuel points his sword toward me, gold engravings appearing along the side. Because of course no one ever fights fair and always has a damn artifact up their sleeves! Is there even any point in my learning how to fight with my own abilities? Damn cheaters!



Just as I’m readying myself to leap out of the way of whatever attack he’s so confident in, a blast of wind makes me shut my eyes. I barely manage to crack one open. My lips turn down as three figures, and I shudder to say it, majestically drift down from above. The two on the ends are strangers, an auburn-haired woman in a crimson robe on the left, a stout man with a bare chest covered in interlocking tattoos on the right. The one in the middle, I know.


His features are a stern mask but I can feel the disdain in his eyes as he looks at me. We wage a silent war with our gazes. I don’t hold back an ounce of hate. Obnoxious man in his obnoxious silver robe, bare feet visible as the ends of it flutter. I wish I could somehow drop him into a pit of mud, ruin that pristine image and untouchable aura.

They land between us. “Prince Samuel,” the baldie says in what I’m guessing is his best stern voice. “This is an atrocious display. No matter what your personal grievances, this is the Grand Hall. You will respect our rules and the authority of the Grandmaster or you will be dismissed, no matter your family.”

“You cannot expect me to pardon this woman’s crimes!”

“If she is guilty of any crime, it is for the Hall to determine and mete out punishment. Leave now or you will also be judged.”

For a moment, I think Samuel is going to ignore him and continue his assault. But facing the three casters, he loses his nerve, sheathing his sword. “We’re leaving!” he shouts dramatically, turning sharply and stomping away.

The others follow, Marcus letting out a sigh of relief as they escape. Tension leaks from the situation but I don’t relax. No way Aurelius is here to rescue me.

They turn and I straighten under his glare. “Aurelius, long time no see.”

“Miss Tome. These are my colleagues. Alyssa Filagree, a teacher for Advanced Fire Casting and Magic Dueling, and Sir Bruce Griffin, one of the Advanced Foundation instructors.”

“A pleasure to meet you.” I scowl when they don’t return my greetings. “Given the grim faces, I take it this isn’t a social call?”

“Lourianne Tome, an accusation has been made against you. You’ll have to accompany me for questioning.”

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “How long did it take you to think of a way to take advantage of this mess?”

“I am an instructor of the Grand Hall. This is merely a part of my responsibilities, it has nothing to do with a personal motive.”

Oh, sure it doesn’t. Not personal at all. I wonder why you of all people are here to grab me when there must be a dozen teachers that could have handled this. Cheh.

“Kierra. I also need you to come with us.”

“Hoh? Have I also been accused of something?” She sounds amused more than anything. Ah, I see why there are three teachers here. They’re the muscle to drag her along if she doesn’t want to go, huh? Or perhaps if we both resist. Physical and fire affinities to counter us.

They are severely underestimating her.

“No, you are asked to attend as a witness. All will be explained.”

“Hm. Then that’s fine.”

“I will call someone to take over your class.”

“That won’t be necessary. My helpers are quite competent and no student of mine would dare to slack on their exercises. Lou.”

“Yeah.” I’m not going to fight instructors. I hold my hands out for Bell and she promptly jumps into them. “Alana, I’ll see you later.”

She grunts. “Stop getting into so much trouble.” My friend eyes the teachers for a moment before concluding there is nothing she can do and walks off, shaking her head and muttering to herself.

“Then…shall we get going? I will need you to come closer.”

We follow the baldie’s instruction and come closer. Close enough that I can smell his perfume, and I mean perfume, not to mention the sweat from Sir No-Neck and something slightly acrid from Lady, guessing she’s a noblewoman, Filagree.

A strong wind lifts us up, Kierra grabbing hold of me when I stumble. I swear I catch a slight twitch of Aurelius’ lips at the gesture but he says nothing as we fly off toward…my judgment.

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