Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 29

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 29

We arrive early to Foundation to find Kierra and her usual group of lightly armored helpers readying today’s torture. I can’t help it. I rush over. “Kii!”

My lovely wife turns and catches me, holding me tightly as I bury my face in her chest. “Aw. Did someone bully you, dedia? Perhaps a certain cornered animal?”

“You were right, I was wrong.” The admission is bitter but the pillows enveloping my face soften the blow. “The scheming bastard tried to kill me!”

Her grip tightens to the point of being a little painful and her voice is laced with steel as she hisses, “What?”

“Succubus! Treason! Execution!”

“Ah. Did he spread a rumor about you trying to subvert the mind of the prince to draw attention away from his own plot?”

I nod vigorously. After a year together, she can understand me even when I start to come apart. Is this the true power of love? Must be.

“Hm. The boy has raised the stakes then. It seems we are going to have to cut this throat as opposed to cutting his net.”

Exactly. She gets it. Or…hm.

I wonder how much of my murderous reaction is due to her influence?

…doesn’t matter. The little weasel deserves it.

“Though Lou, you really are terrible at scheming.” I can feel her chuckles as she rests her chin on my head. “You had a complete advantage and are now being beaten back. Quite embarrassing.”

“How was I supposed to know he would do something so outrageous?” This goes beyond playing dirty. This is devious. I’d go so far as to call it evil.

Treason is a dirty stain a family can’t be rid of for generations, if ever. All the people in their lands can come under suspicion of being rebel elements. Marcus could have potentially ruined a lot of people’s lives with his careless and baseless rumor.

“Perhaps we shall have the pets add politicking to your private lessons, hm? As you seem determined to mix with schemers.”

They seem determined to mix with me! Oh, why did I ever get involved in this? The next time one of my elementals wanders into an assassination plot, I’m going to walk away. Screw the possible consequences. There are people who get paid to handle this and I bet they don’t have to deal with bitter assholes starting treasonous rumors about them.

“Ah. The education of this country is severely lacking. To think one of the ruling family would be so foolish.”

“Huh? What are you talking about?” I let out a wordless sound of disappointment as she lets me go and turns around. Oh, damn. Is that the prince coming toward us? I…yeah, that’s him. Marcus and Browyn are with him as well. And they’re all armed, Prince Samuel scowling mightily, hand on his sword’s grip. “Oh, damn.”

“Keep your head down, Lou,” Alana says moving closer to us. Her eyes are narrowed as she stares at the approaching men. “Technically, he’s just another caster at the Grand Hall, not a prince. There is nothing he can do and if he attacks you, he is the one who will be punished.”

“All true but I’m afraid that won’t do.” Kierra cracks her knuckles. “If he raises a weapon against my wife in front of me, I will show him how little his title matters.”

“Sorry, Alana, I’m with her on this.” I shuffle my feet, tapping into my mana and circulating it. Time to see what a few months of Foundation, Mana Work, and Geneva’s lessons has done for me.

At my feet, Bell stands up and hisses.

…or I could just the others handle it. Wouldn’t even be fair.

As the group comes closer, I start to make out more from their expressions. The prince is livid, lips pressed tightly together and steps heavy as he stomps forward. Marcus seems worried of all things. Heh, looks like he isn’t too good at scheming himself. That’s the look of someone caught firmly in the rapids of circumstances they can’t control. On the other side of the prince is Browyn. He looks surer of himself, eyes bouncing between us as he sizes up the possible threats. That’s the problem guy right there.

“You!” The prince comes to a stop barely a meter away. His eyes are firmly on me. If looks could kill, I’d be reduced to ashes. “How dare you!?”

“I suggest you calm down, Samuel.” I am so beyond done playing nice with these people. “Before you do something you regret. I have no idea what you’re vaguely accusing me of so perhaps you better use your words rather than that blade.”

“How shameless can you be, denying your crimes even now.” His free hand points to Bell. “You and those creatures. You used them to subvert and seduce Cecilia, heinous pervert!”

It’s probably useless to declare my innocence but let’s waste my breath. “I—”

“I should have seen it from the beginning. You showed up at her room unannounced and the next day, she has invited you to lunch. You were defiling her mind right in front of me.”

“I didn’t—”

“It is not enough that you practice your twisted lust within your home, making a mockery of the sacred vows of marriage, you dare reach your villainous fingers for a woman far above you!”


“You will not escape the justice of the crown. If the Hall does nothing, I will drag you before the Head Interrogator and the king myself. You—”


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