Chapter 468

468 Chapter 468 A Shadowy Visit

(Residence of the mayor of Green Seed town, 11:00 pm)

As one of the most powerful people in a growing military stronghold like Green Seed, Andrew Kimal lived in one of the most luxurious and sophisticated mansions, filled with both luxuries and security measures.

Strictly speaking, Andrew had considerably less authority than commander Rundert in the city, but one still couldn’t underestimate the man’s reach and influence. At the very least, Desmond didn’t underestimate Andrew’s importance, which is why the town’s mayor received a visit from Garden’s cold and cruel Wolf Chatten.

Andrew, like many other characters on the political stage, had a lot to hide and sins to pay for; however, his character was not necessarily as bad as one might expect.

Even this late at night, Andrew still hadn’t left work, something his dear wife probably didn’t appreciate too much. Focusing on the papers on the table, Andrew had no chance of detecting Revna’s entry into the room.

Given Revna’s skill set, only people powerful enough had any chance of detecting her, Andrew, a mere bureaucrat didn’t stand a chance. Fortunately for the young politician, Revna wasn’t here to kill him, though Andrew probably still didn’t see her arrival as lucky.

Emerging from the silent shadows like a wraith, Revna managed to get a long silver knife to Andrew’s throat before the latter even realized something was wrong.

Cold and indifferent was the voice that reached Andrew’s ears. “Don’t move an inch.”

The city′s mayor froze, unable to understand how the hell someone had put a knife to his throat. Andrew heard Revna’s voice but said nothing, dazed with fear, the man not even trying to resist a bit.


Following a script to the letter, Revna began to monologue. “I must admit, I’m surprised, I didn’t expect someone as corrupt as you to be a model family man; although on the side of being a good husband I find something missing in you.”

Caressing Andrew’s neck with the edge of the weapon in her hand, Revna continued. “I wonder if you deserve such a beautiful pair of wife and daughter?”

Andrew’s fear at the clear threat was genuine, surprisingly the man was more worried about his wife and daughter than himself. Everything was going according to plan, although Revna had to admit that she was a little surprised.

Trembling, sweat pouring down his forehead, Andrew pleaded for the life of his wife and daughter, almost as if he was sure his own life was forfeit. Away from Andrew’s sight, Revna smiled.

“It’s your lucky day, not only am I not going to hurt your family, but I even decided to forgive you. That is if you are willing to do something for me.”

From the corner of his vision, Andrew saw a leather-gloved hand put a folder on the table. Without waiting for an explicit request; Andrew opened the folder to review its contents.

If possible, Andrew would burst into tears, he already hoped that nothing insignificant would be asked of him, but he did not expect they would be ask him to commit suicide. Suicide, of course, was not in a literal sense, but if Andrew followed the instructions in the folder, his chances of making it through the weekend alive were slim to none.

Andrew responded with a trembling voice and a smile that was worse than crying. “Do you have any idea what you’re asking me for? I’ll be dead in a matter of days.”

Revna’s response, however, was as ruthless as could be expected. “Both you and your wife and daughter will be dead before tomorrow if you don’t agree.”

Andrew gritted his teeth in fury and frustration, as much as he loved his family, accepting his own death was not an easy thing to do; it wasn’t easy, but Andrew was ready for it.

Almost timed, before Andrew gave up all hope, his captor and the source of his despair, put another folder on the table. The contents were enough for Andrew to look into the abyss and make the jump of faith.

On the verge of despair, Andrew managed not to lose his sanity and expressed some degree of doubt and uncertainty. “Assuming what is written here is true, how can I be sure that you won’t kill me once I do what you ask? ”

The last step of the negotiation had come, but Revna had the entire game board on her side, every move and step going when and how she wanted it. The pause lasted no more than a second before a third folder fell onto the table.

This time, the content made Andrew pale; it was a massive collection of evidence of him being corrupt; also a collection of secretly taken photos of his wife and daughters. Then the devils whisper reached the ears of Green Seed town Mayor Andrew Kimal again.

“That’s because a puppet like you is too useful. All you have to do is be obedient Mr. Mayor, and you can keep everything you have now, misbehave, and we will take it all away from you.”

Terror shot through his spinal cord in an instant, making Andrew swallow instinctively, trying to clear his throat to respond nervously. “I understand, what about my assistant, Hector? I don’t think he was going to sit idly by once we use him as a scapegoat.”

Hidden beneath the mask made of shadow tendrils, a bloodthirsty smile formed on Revna’s soft lips, who responded nonchalantly. “I’m afraid that Mr. Hector has been the victim of a horrible incident, his opinion is no longer something we need to worry about.”

Against his better judgment, Andrew asked. “What happened?”

Andrew immediately regretted asking that question, a feeling that was strengthened as his entire body slowly began to be covered by small tendrils of solidified darkness.

As Andrew experienced firsthand what it felt like to be devoured by darkness, the grim reaper’s voice came through once more. “What happened is that he became an obstacle for my Master. You have nothing to worry about Mr. Andrew, my Master is a benevolent man, you just have to make sure you don’t become an obstacle.”

For a second, as that cold, cruel voice spoke slowly, Andrew felt the darkness that bound him to tighten its hold on him, but that feeling soon faded as the shadows retreated.

Ignoring how Revna was beginning to slip back into the shadows, Andrew waited nervously for something else to happen. In the end, the last thing he heard from the young mayor was one final clue and order given by Revna from the shadows.

“Tomorrow you will find your assistant Hector, make sure you take authority over the incident and clean up the mess afterward. Don’t forget, Mr. Andrew, your family depends on you.”

Seconds ticked by, each one feeling like an infinity of time, minutes seemed like hours, and at some point, Andrew snapped out of his daze. Bitterness, hatred, and resentment immediately filled Andrew’s mind, quickly followed by a strong despair and resignation.

The office that had once been his workplace, one where he could feel safe, filled Andrew with uneasiness. After surviving the apocalypse, Andrew had worked very hard to get to the place he was now, committing many sins along the way, it seemed that those sins had come to hunt him down.

Then Andrew’s gaze wandered to a photo he kept on his desk, a photo of his wife, holding their three-year-old daughter in her arms. That woman who accompanied him in his darkest moments during the apocalypse, who supported him to this day, no matter what kind of man he had become, she was the love of Andrew’s life. Then there was the product of love between Andrew and his wife, that mischievous little three-year-old.

Everything was on the line now. Still, just as it had been in the past, Andrew was willing to get his hands dirty. The risks were high, but the consequences of not obeying were worse. At least if he obeyed, his wife and daughter would be fine, that was the only consolation Andrew found in all of this.

Tired and stressed, Andrew left his office, sending to hell all that was left to do. The only thing Andrew wanted right now was to go back to bed, next to his wife. Entering the room, Andrew was greeted by a quite familiar sight; his wife waiting for him in bed while she read a book.

For years, no matter how much Andrew insisted on the subject, his wife would never go to sleep without him; she said it was the least she could do.

Tearing her eyes away from her book, the woman on the bed smiled with deep fondness and spoke. “You finished early today.”

“Yeah, I wasn’t in the mood to keep working,” Andrew responded thoughtfully.

Immediately, the woman got up from the bed, put down her book, and approached her husband. “Everything is alright? You look a bit pale.”

Looking into the eyes of the love of his life, Andrew answered with a tired smile. “You don’t have to worry, everything will be fine.”

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