Chapter 467

467 Chapter 467 Be Careful What You Bring Home

(Green seed commercial area, Deep night bar, 8:00 pm)

Nightlife in the city tended to start quite early in a city like Green seed town, partly because the nights were still long just after winter but also because of how heavy and hectic life was in such a busy city.

For those who preferred not to go home so early, there was a wide variety of things to do, but for many people, especially those affiliated with the military, visiting a bar was the popular choice.

As in all things, there are options, and in terms of bars, the Deep night Bar, was the choice for those just looking to drown in alcohol and get some cheap company for the night.

Precisely because of the kind of atmosphere, the entrance of a young and beautiful woman drew a lot of attention. The girl, a petite beauty with curly brown hair and a jovial face, entered and walked straight to the bar to order a drink.

More than one person interpreted the young woman’s arrival as an opportunity to end the night with a beautiful woman between their legs, but everyone who approached the girl was cordially rejected.

The girl was wearing clothes that were clean and expensive enough to show that she wasn’t just a cheap hooker, which at first hand turned off a good portion of the bar, but her adorable appearance and jovial demeanor still attracted a few more flies to the honey trap.

Among those people, some were not necessarily confident in their charms, but rather in their status or resources, those who thought they could take whomever they wanted to bed.

One of those people, a decent-looking middle-aged man, approached the girl, cynically displaying his status and wealth. The man’s manners could be considered, at best, scarce; however, the girl was interested.


The rest of the men in the room cursed under their breath, calling the girl a whore and the man a shameless one, but the pair didn’t care one bit. Without even waiting an extra second, the man led the girl away from the bar, eager to get between those tender legs.

To further show his status, the man called his driver, who picked them both up in the car and took them to the man’s house. The girl acted shy but provocative all the way and she did not forget to show herself in love with every hint of wealth that the man showed. The man, by the side, was already fantasizing about everything he would do to the girl, certain that she would even bark for him if he gave her enough money.

Arriving at the man’s residence, a luxurious mansion in the best section of the residential district, the man dismissed the driver and lured the girl inside the house. As soon as they passed through the door, the man could no longer hide his true nature, almost undressing on the spot, eager to jump on top of the girl.

But the man was not the only person who revealed his true nature, a shock wave reverberated throughout the hall of the mansion as soon as the man tried to kiss the girl. If he had remained conscious, the man would have seen one of those tender legs that seemed so tempting to him, raised kicking him on the side of the temple.

Letting the man collapse to the ground, the girl gave him a look of infinite disdain before saying something to herself. “Did you really think I would let you touch me? A pig like you doesn’t even have the right to kiss the ground where my Master walks and you want to put your filthy hands on one of his flowers.”

The girl’s appearance was quite different, but anyone who knew her well enough would have identified her from her voice, it was none other than Kira, Garden’s orchid.

As for the unconscious man on the ground? Kira didn’t bother asking too much, she just received Sara’s order and carried out the mission. For Kira, no matter who the target was, as long as it was a mission for the sake of Garden and her Master, she would do it without hesitation.

Sure, Kira didn’t know all the details concerning the man, but she still remembered exactly what she had to do. It was annoying that the man was so desperate, now Kira had to drag him to his room to fix the scene.

Fortunately, Sara had given her the blueprints for the mansion, so she didn’t need anyone’s help to get there. On the other hand, despite the size of the mansion, only the man lived in it, so there was no need to worry about having witnesses.

Kira dragged the man into the room and searched around for a minute until she found an item that suited her needs. Since this had to appear to be a robbery gone wrong, Kira needed to use something from the place to make the scene more realistic.

The role of pretty girl but gold digger that she played in the bar and in the car also served this purpose. To finish setting up the scene, Kira grabbed a heavy object from the room, a commemorative plaque of some kind, and hit the man in the head.

Kira aimed exactly at the spot where she kicked him to hide the damage she foresaw and split the man’s head open with a single blow, though she still finished it off with two more blows. The man died practically instantly and as he lay dying, Kira made sure to leave some struggle marks on his body, such as scratches and light bumps.

With the corpse in place on the bed, Kira made sure to make a mess of the room, increasing the impression that something had gone wrong and ended in a fight that had spiraled out of control. When everything was done, Kira took out of her bag, a blouse identical to the one she was wearing and tore it apart leaving some pieces on the floor of the room.

Even a blind man could get an idea of ??what seemed to have happened in the place by the time Kira finished, that the scene wasn’t perfect didn’t matter, not when the people in charge of investigating would try to cover their own asses.

Without sparing a second glance at the corpse, Kira walked out of the mansion now wearing a torn blouse with a few bloodstains all over it, a little show for some witnesses around the mansion. Needless to say, Kira changed her appearance at least twice before returning to Garden, where all the evidence she was carrying was carefully destroyed.

Being somewhat exhausted, Kira went to take a bath and from there straight to bed, although she met a rather worried Yulei on the way.

“All went well?” Yulei asked fondly as she ran one of her hands through Kira’s hair.

Kira responded with a smile and a kiss on the cheek. The relationship between both girls was somewhat ambiguous, with them being closer and more caring towards each other compared to the rest of the girls in Garden, but there was never any real conversation or progress between them. However, these little moments of care and affection were highly valued by both girls.

“Everything went well, I followed Desmond’s instructions and prioritized my safety, but everything still went according to plan.” Kira answered the question with a satisfied expression.

As a matter of fact, Kira wasn’t supposed to knock out her target until she took him to his room; that way, she avoided other variables and didn’t leave more marks than necessary on the corpse. However, things didn’t turn out that way, so Kira improvised a bit, not wanting that disgusting man to lay a finger on her.

At first, Kira was a little worried that Desmond might be upset with how things turned out, but a few minutes ago in the meeting room, all Desmond gave her was a smirk and a pat on the head.

The words: “You did the right thing, I don’t like it when others touch my things” still echoed inside Kira’s mind, and she blushed a little at the memory.

As close and loving as Kira and Yulei were to each other, they were still both attracted to and indebted to Desmond, just like the rest of the Garden girls.

Kira’s words betrayed that something had happened, but hearing that everything went according to plan and that nothing seemed to have gone wrong during her report to Desmond, Yulei breathed a sigh of relief.

“That’s all I wanted to hear, come on let’s go to sleep, there’s more work to do tomorrow; it’s going to be a busy week.”

Kira was certainly tired and the invitation to sleep was well received, especially when Yulei kept clinging to her arm since it meant that today they would sleep in the same bed, something they did on occasion.

Still, Kira didn’t forget that both Yulei and the other Garden girls were on a mission around the same time as her.

“How did everything go on your side?” Kira asked.

With a smile that completely hid the amount of blood that was spilled in the aforementioned quest, Yulei replied. “Pretty easy, the hardest part was getting the gunpowder smell off us when we got back.”

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