New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 823 - Storm

Chapter 823 - Storm

Xing Han lay on his side, admiring his Cookie that was sleeping soundly.

Even until now, he couldn't believe that such a man was his.

Xing Han looked at his chiseled square jaw that had some slight stubbles on it. Sometimes Cookie didn't shave a bit just to rub himself on him.

His nose was slightly crooked, a result of it been broken once when he was young. His normally frowning and stern face was relaxed as he slept, those thick eyebrows of his in a relaxed position.

Xing Han couldn't help but run his fingertips on those eyebrows, which would normally crease together whenever his Cookie was displeased or thinking hard. Which was most of the time, actually, although not when they were together.

His eyes roamed over his beloved's body, always marveling over how such a fine specimen was his.

Xing Han looked at his own body and sighed.

No matter how hard he tried, there was no way he would be able to get the sort of physique that his Cookie had.

He tilted his head and touched the tattoo that was on his Cookie.

It was some sort of tribal design, that covered his Cookie's left side of the body. It was on his shoulder, running down the entire length of his left arm, until the wrist. It also filled the left side of his Cookie's c.h.e.s.t, covering the left pecs until just below the mermaid line.

Nitocris always slept in the nude, and right now, Xing Han's eyes landed on his Cookie's 'little' member. His lips twitched when he remembered the first time he had seen and touched it.

At that time, he had been so enthralled by his Cookie and all that he was making him feel that he didn't quite look at it. Of course, he had got a full view and experienced it again when they went to the shower.

Xing Han thought about the 'coming of age' initiation the Elite Five had had so long ago. He had been quite 'obsessed' about comparing simply because he felt amongst the lot of them, he was the smallest.

Worse, Kyle was the biggest. Having that to be the benchmark since he was the first to reach puberty didn't help.

Of course, compared to his Cookie, all paled in comparison.

Truth be told, he wasn't really *that* concerned about it but right now, he couldn't help but wonder.

His Cookie was perfect in every way. From his handsome face, to his buff body and impressive pacakge and his gentle care and loving … all of it.

While he?

Xing Han gave a deep sigh.

He trailed his fingers on the lines of the tribal tattoo on Nitocris, wondering what they represented. At first glance, there didn't seem to be any pattern to it. Some were round, there were swirls like blades and some sharp points.

He never did ask, but now he was curious.

Xing Han was so engrossed in his thoughts and admiring his Cookie's body that he didn't realise that Nitocris's eyes had opened.

He kept quiet, watching with interest as his little puppy was looking at his tattoo in absolute fascination. His fingertips tracing the lines on his shoulder down his arm, then back up. Running on his c.h.e.s.t and down below.

Xing Han twirled his fingers down and his eyes popped wide open when he saw his Cookie's rather impressive packaging rise up.

He looked up, only to see his beloved gazing at him intensely.

"I'm sorry," Xing Han said, "I didn't mean to wake you."

Nitocris took Xing Han's hand in his and kissed it, asking, "Can't sleep?"

Xing Han shook his head, "No. I mean, yes, I can but I just wanted to look at you."

He gingerly touched Nitocris' tattoo, that was on his pecs and asked, "What does this mean?"

Nitocris smiled as he looked at how his puppy continued to touch him and then look at him with those wide, innocent clear eyes of his. The same eyes that made him fall in love with him so long ago.

Those eyes that saw him, for him and never judged him. Even after finding out who he really was, even after knowing about the blood on his hands … those innocent, clear eyes looked at him with absolute love and trust.

One of Nitocris's greatest fear was losing this puppy of his.

He was just too good and too bright, one that people would certainly covet for. How could anyone resist such a lovely person? Nitocris couldn't believe that this sweet soul loved him and he would go to the ends of the world for him.

"It represents the storm," Nitocris explained softly.

Xing Han tilted his head and studied the tattoo intently and realised he could see what Nitocris meant. The swirls were like wind? Some were like waves?

"Growing up under my father," Nitocris began, "is like being in the middle of a powerful storm. Turbulent, out of control, powerful, insane … all rolled into one."

"Yet, despite it all, I survived," Nitocris continued, "I let the storm surround me, pelt me and I persevered. The tattoos represent that part of my life … which is still a part of my life now. As the King of the Underworld, it's something that I can never escape from."

"These," Nitocris said, bringing Xing Han's hands on some parts that seemed to resemble blades, "represent me cutting through the storm, becoming one with it. I overcome the storm because I am the storm."

"A force to be reckoned with," Xing Han said in awe.

Nitocris smiled, loving the fact that his puppy understood him so well.

He leaned over and then started kissing his puppy. As usual, Nitocris went in for the kill immediately, as he hungrily tasted his puppy to his heart's d.e.s.i.r.e. Xing Han placed a hand on Nitocris' c.h.e.s.t, his eyes closed as he returned the kiss.

Soon, neither of them were interested in sleeping anymore.

Not the normal 'sleep', that is.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

Sam held on possessively onto his wife, who was completely oblivious to all the looks that were going their way. She was excitedly oohing and aaah-ing over everything that she was looking at, her eyes sparkling as she took in the sights.

Betty was really easy to please, for she found p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e in almost everything. She appreciated things and she still hadn't lost the bundle of energy that made her, her.


His bunny.

He didn't quite like the thoughts he had sometimes, so he held himself back a few times from saying what was really on his mind.

Like right now.

She as in a bikini, showing off that gorgeous figure of hers. The way her smooth skin glistened in the sun, the way her full b.r.e.a.s.ts were just held back by this flimsy piece of cloth and how the forbidden zone was just tantalising him.

He gritted his teeth when he thought of how excited she was as she twirled about in that itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini and asked him whether it looked nice.

If it was up to him, she would be dressed up in a burkha!

While Sam was caught up in his thoughts, Betty was also pouting a bit.

Who knew, that underneath those stuffy shirts that he always wore, he had this sort of lean physique?

Now that they were at the beach, he was shirtless. His well-toned abdominal muscles were in plain sight for everyone to see, and Betty could see that people were looking.

Luckily, he did not seem to care and was paying attention to her only. She was glad she got this bikini, for Sam hadn't stopped sticking himself to her the entire time.

She snuggled up to him even more, hugging him tight happily as she admired the beautiful scenery around her. The sun was just about to set and it bathed the sky in a beautiful shade of orange and red.

They were just walking along the beach, having had their fun in the ocean earlier. Right now, it was just about them walking together and spending time. There were a lot of rocks and little coves that they passed by and soon enough, there was hardly anyone else around.

Suddenly, Sam took her hand and started walking quickly towards a rather secluded cove. Before she could ask him what was wrong, he had pushed her against the boulder and started kissing her deeply, his hands roaming all over her.

As usual, Betty turned into a pile of mush.

"Sam," she said breathlessly as he started kissing her neck, "We're in public!"

"No one is going to pass by here," Sam said hoarsely, his hands cupping her b.r.e.a.s.ts, as he continued to rain kisses all along her collarbone.

Betty m.o.a.n.e.d softly, putting a hand over her mouth, "Sam …"

"Bunbun," Sam said gently, "I have been holding back for so long. Seeing you in this bikini, I just can't .."

Betty felt his arousal clearly and she blushed.

"Can I ..?" Sam asked, his voice low in her ear.

Betty shivered in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, her core already dripping wet as she nodded shyly.

Sam kissed her again, while lifting her leg and held her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and once he had her securely held, he slowly pushed inside of her while grunting in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e before he began moving.

Soon, both were caught up in their passion for each other to really bother about their surroundings anymore.

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