New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 822 - Both? (R18)

Chapter 822 - Both? (R18)

Beatrice's heart did flip flops at that serious and sudden declaration.

The words she wanted to say about making them go back to their own house got stuck in her throat.

Zack snuggled tighter behind her while Yuri stroked her cheek as he looked at her tenderly.

"You know what I mean," Beatrice said weakly, unable to tear her eyes away from his face.

"Wherever you are, that is where our heart is," Yuri said.

"And where our heart is, is where our home is," Zack continued.

"That may be," Beatrice replied, "But you know this is not about that, so don't change the subject. The fact that you don't get enough sleep makes me worry."

Yuri gave half a smile and shook his head, saying, "Trust us. We get enough sleep. Just having you with us makes us sleep better."

Until now, Beatrice couldn't believe how lucky she was to have the love of these two incredible men. Sometimes, she thinks that it is all a dream and that one day, she'll wake up and they'll not be there.

Yet, time and time again, they've stood by her and loved her with sincerity and whole-heartedly.

"How did I get so lucky?" Beatrice wondered, not realising she said it out loud.

"We're the lucky ones," Zack and Yuri said together as they continued to hug her.

Well, Zack was the one that was plastered behind her while Yuri kept his distance a bit because he was the one facing her. Squishing her was not an option.

Feeling them beside her, Beatrice was suddenly aware of them ... and of the fact that she d.e.s.i.r.ed them right now.

Though shocked, she also felt that it was utterly right.

Without even thinking about it any longer, she reached over and started playing with Yuri's hair. She felt him react to that, as his body stiffened.

She smiled to herself, knowing that his reaction was more to the fact that he was holding himself back as he closed his eyes while she continued running her fingers through his hair.

Beatrice has no idea where she got the courage to do what she did, and it was most likely because Yuri was simply letting her take control that it made her bolder.

She hooked her hand at the back of his neck and kissed him.

She ran her tongue on his lips, causing him to hiss before she slipped her tongue inside his mouth. She gripped his hair as she wantonly let herself loose, giving and taking as much as she wanted.

At the same time, she was rubbing herself on Zack who was behind her and he, too, hissed through his teeth as he felt that round softness upon his crotch. He was only wearing cotton shorts, while she was in thin pajamas. The two thin pieces of clothing between them hardly mattered as he felt her clearly.

He didn't dare move as he wasn't quite sure just what it was that she was allowing him to do.

But it was getting to be damn hard to hold himself back.

He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths as her *ss slid up and down his hardened length and he subconsciously gripped her waist tighter. When he felt her take his hand, he gulped, thinking that she was going to push him away but instead, to his utter delight, she led his hand towards her navel.

Was she really allowing him to …?

After placing Zack's hand just below her bellybutton, with his fingers just tantalizingly above her core, Beatrice took Yuri's hand and placed it just below the swell of her b.r.e.a.s.t.

Zack couldn't stand it anymore and he asked her, his voice hoarse with d.e.s.i.r.e as his fingers were gently stroking right above her core "Beatrice, may I?"

Beatrice broke the kiss from Yuri, both of them breathing heavily as Beatrice answered, "Yes."

With that permission, Zack slid his hands underneath her pajama pants and u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r, touching her bud directly. He g.r.o.a.n.e.d deep in his throat as he kissed her neck, l.i.c.k.i.n.g at s.u.c.k.i.n.g her tender skin while his fingers danced.

"Are you sure?" Yuri asked Beatrice softly, his eyes dark with d.e.s.i.r.e as his hand cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t, his thumb on her n.i.p.p.l.e, stroking it.

"Be gentle," Beatrice replied.

"Always," Yuri promised, kissing her deeply.

Beatrice felt completely overwhelmed.

It felt like every single erogenous zone was being stimulated at the same time. Zack was kissing her neck, Yuri was kissing her mouth with their tongue entangled, her core being played with while her b.r.e.a.s.t was c.a.r.e.s.sed.

Yuri broke the kiss and pushed her slightly to have her lay on her back while Zack moved away so she could do so.

With gentle and slow hands, Yuri began unbuttoning her shirt and taking it off while Zack pulled down her pants and u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r.

Without a shred of clothing, Beatrice didn't even have time to feel shy about it as both Yuri and Zack started kissing her neck - Yuri on the right while Zack was on the left. They did exactly the same thing together, on each of her sides.

They kissed her neck, marking her with lots of little love bites.

They ran their tongue on her skin down to her b.r.e.a.s.t and took one n.i.p.p.l.e into their mouth. Zack's hand went down to touch her bud, stroking it while Yuri's finger went down towards the opening of her cave, slipping it in.

Beatrice gasped, her head shaking left and right as the sensations that they were invoking within her was too much. Too new, too raw and she felt an unfamiliar sensation building up within her.

Yuri's fingers went in and out of her slick cave and she could even hear the squishy sounds as it did so. Zack's finger was stroking her bud and inner lips, causing her juices to flow even more.

They bit her gently and s.u.c.k.e.d, twirling their tongue around and basically, sending electric shocks of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e throughout her body.

The sensation that was building up within her reached the climax and she shouted, gasping for air as she felt like she was seeing stars as wave after wave kept crashing into her.

It didn't help that the twins didn't stop their finger f*cking and she had to tell them to stop. Her core was feeling utterly s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e right now that even the slightest touch made her twitch.

The twins did, and she watched with wide eyes as they placed their fingers into their mouths. The same fingers that had been wreaking havoc within her.

Somehow, though, seeing them do so made her throat dry.

Zack gave a slow smile as he bent down and kissed her. Before she could fathom what was going on, she felt another pair of lips on her lower lips below. Then, Zack's hands went to her b.r.e.a.s.ts and starting fondling it, while tweaking her

And so, began another round of mind-boggling play by the twins on all her s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e spots began. Rather, they explored gently, every single piece of her body to find her weak spots.

Each m.o.a.n, gasp and shouts that came from their beloved's lips turned them on even more, though they never went beyond heavy petting and oral stimulations.

After her God-knows-how-many o.r.g.a.s.m, Beatrice lay weak on the bed, panting and looked at the twins in a daze. Completely spent.

She hardly had time for any other thought or notion for they kept their meticulous loving touches on her continuously.

Looking at them through dazed eyes, she touched their cheeks and said in puzzlement, "Why ..?"

Before she could even voice her question, Yuri placed a finger on her lips then kissed her cheek. Zack got up from the bed after kissing her forehead.

"Shhh," Yuri said gently, stroking her hair, "Just sleep."

"But -"

Yuri shook his head, kissing her softly on the lips.

Zack came then with two pieces a cloth that was soaked in warm water. He gave one to Yuri and both of them proceeded to wipe Beatrice clean off the sticky sweat and other *cough* bodily fluids.

"We are satisfied," Zack said to her gently with a smile.

"This is your first time, after all," Yuri said, "We will take it slow. For now, this is more than enough for us."

"After all, having s.e.x for the first time is already daunting," Yuri continued, "What more with two. While we'd love to have a threesome all the time, it may not be what you would like."

Zack nodded, agreeing, "Whether you'd like to only have us one at a time, or have us take turns at the same time …"

"Or have both of us at the same time …" Yuri continued, "You decide. We will only do what you are comfortable with."

Beatrice's mind went blank.

'Both at the same time??!'

Feeling her shock, the twins just covered her with the blanket and said, "Sleep."

They then went to the bathroom to relieve themselves.

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