My Last Hunt

Chapter 240: Blunt Young Hunter

Chapter 240: Blunt Young Hunter

Blunt Young Hunter

Nothing is important than the fate of the Hightown

Qiao and Wuza followed behind the Rank Master. They were walking inside the Third Block and it has building after building small and big. These were abodes of the Rank Masters. Soon there came the Towers in view. The Second Grade Towers were meant for Second Rank Masters. They had to walk a lot to reach the peak of the Tower where the Rank Masters were present. The whole building emitting light or perhaps it was made of something glitter. The structure gave off the aura of mix ancient and majestic. 

They walked stairs after stairs. Reaching peak of the tower was not taxing for them as none of them was below level five. Only the blood hunter felt his lips getting dry. He was supposed to keep patience and he has learned from the roots of his mind and heart. He would prefer to die rather than going against the rules. He could wait till the brother hunter talk last and the Rank Masters come up with the decision. From the words of the elders; his hopes was not high about the new elders. Who knows what else they would speak about blood hunters. He was giving less attention toward their words because getting angry on those words would look unworthy. 

Qiao did not speak; he was much surprised to see and wanted to know what this special place was. They walked half a day and saw through many buildings. All the partition of the Hightown seemed a part of grand structure. Everything was in great order and the place looked like divided with the intention to keep the very motif safe. The brains of the Rank Masters were always agreeable when they consider the fate and the safety of the Hightown. 

Simply they cannot compromise on it. Three Rank Masters were present at the Tower. Normally all of them have their own separate Towers if they wanted to flight with the beasts. Today they seemed sitting here to discuss on something important. The door opened and they saw some hunters entering with a Rank Master. They placed aside some of the papers and turned to see them all. It had been long ago that the third Rank Master bring along hunters for solving a matter. If he was here that means the matter really needed their attention. In just one glance they noticed the blood hunter and also the hunter called Deadwater. 

He was lately here in the Hightown for long time ever and according to him; he was waiting for someone. There was also a level five hunter wearing nice clothing. Usually hunters did not spend much on the expensive clothing; they prefer simple or workable for hunting. "Greetings second lord. I was here with an important matter; I hope I did not disturb the seniors." The Rank Master put his right hand on his chest and greeted. 

The Rank Master nodded. Greetings were casual. The senior Rank Masters never get displeased unless a hunter ignores the orders then the hunter should immediately die because if the hunter has guts to ignore the orders then it was possible that one day he would deceive Hightown. "What is the matter?" the second Lord asked solemn. "Senior a level five traveler brought a blood hunter with him and he wants Hightown to give him a chance for proving his worth." The Rank Master briefly explained. The second Lord looked toward the hunter and voiced. "Do you know the fleece I am wearing?" he asked Qiao. Qiao got surprised at this random question. He was not the cloth tailor in this world to tell the various types of clothing. 

Also when on earth he has this extra time to investigate tailor made fleeces? Qiao thought and voiced, "Your fleece must be from some monster." He spoke straight as if speaking the truth of century about which he was hundred percent sure. "You are wrong. The gut of a dead blood hunter is used in the pleating of the fleece. The nails are used instead of beads. Do you think its cruel?" The way the second Lord voiced was enough to stab the soul of the blood hunter and indeed the second Lord was sneaking his expressions. 

Qiao was shocked to hear however he did not let loss his composure. "It depends why you chose these items for the fleece? Doubt it is to increase the plausibility then it is fine but if you killed a blood hunter to get the items for the sake of hatred against the race then I would not appreciate it." Qiao answered. These types of questions were asked in reality shows to kill the composure of the contestant generally. The second lord shook his head and stood up. 

He cannot tell whether he disliked this young and blunt hunter however his composed self was noticeable. He did not get angry a bit instead looked at the blood hunter. "Banning is for purpose. You cannot simply wake up from your sleep and ask us to give you another chance." He voiced solemn. The higher level hunters bear much patience. They never get furious on small things and they were responsible to speak and act rational. They were the elders and the Rank Masters of the Hightown. It was already wonderful that a level five hunter has command on his nerves to stand in front of him and speak. 

He cannot mock or show the dull attitude which actually did not suit someone bearing a high position. Second Rank Lords have grim and captivating aura around them with the years of hunting experience. They were supposed to listen and then solve the problems instead of creating troubles or chaos. "In my eyes the Hightown is sleeping to bother the powerful creatures living under the grounds of the Vaga Hillocks. We barely escaped." Qiao did not budge an inch. His words carry solid reasoning most of the time giving tough time to the opponent. 

His words almost stabbed like a sword however the Rank Masters were alarmed to hear this. They looked at the third Rank Master. Clearing the small islands and giving reports about powerful monsters was the responsibility of the Third Tower. The Third Rank Master stood speechless. 

He was not expecting that the argument would take this turn. As for the Vaga Hillocks he has not received any strange report; before he could deny he remembered the last report which includes the missing report of few hunters. Words struck in his throat and he wished to disappear somewhere. 

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