My Last Hunt

Chapter 238: The Intruder

Chapter 238: The Intruder

The Intruder

Wait he is the one I am waiting for

The Hightown seemed suddenly lost the luster with the nightfall. The activities got limited under the Blocks and the hunters were wandering no more. The teams sent in the various parts were meant to stay there until the completion of the mission. From level five peak to onward the hunters were not pampered anymore. Surviving during the mission was a grave responsibility on their own shoulders. If one takes an overview then all the lit Blocks were evidence of active hunters. The third Block which was under the Rank Masters lit the illumination stones on each of the Tower. 

Those elders who were gone to take a flight and check the other continent could any time return during the night so the lit towers would help in alighting back. At the different parts of the night one or two Rank Masters happened to sky survey the Hightown and all the related territory including all block. It was the responsibility of the Nightshift Second Tower Rank Masters. If necessary they could land somewhere and see what problem the hunters were facing. It was rare occurrence. The part of duty cannot be neglected just to witness the peace. 

The beasts were not friendly with the human instead hidden enemies waiting for the right time to attack on the Hightown. It would be terrible and awful mistake if the Hightown started neglecting this duty. All the towers were lit and the Rank Masters' were alert. The Guild Lords checks their Block's internal and external passageways and closed the entrances. All the exits and entrances of the Hightown were taken over by the Guard Teams. These were all security measures for each night. The Hightown was well aware about the sneaky nature of the beasts to attack in the dark. 

The higher level hunter was walking along with the Rank Master. The chains twisting around his waist slightly created noise in the silent night. "How long is it that you will apply for the next Test Trials for the Hunter King Rank?" The Rank Master asked the hunter. He was curious about this hunter for the reason that he was not aware about the reason of delaying the Test Trials. It was type of personal questions which rarely anyone asks from other hunter. As they were talking friendly so the Rank Master did not hesitate to ask. 

"I am waiting a level five hunter and after meeting him I will be able to decide how long it need to take for the next Test Trials. I am highly regarding my hopes on a level five hunter and please don't ask me why." The hunter nicknamed Deadwater answered without bringing any expressions on his face. First his nickname was a secret among the Second Tower's Rank Masters later it became known to everyone when the hunter went against the order of a renowned elder. He might have faced punishment however he was able to prove that the order of the elder was against the conventional rules of the Hightown. 

It brought chaos for a limited time. The chaos remained known to the Second Tower's Rank Masters till late of the previous winter. When the hunter came to know about his nickname; he gladly accepted it as his new name. From then he was famous Deadwater. No one can objection if he suddenly left a team for the reason that they knew he might have a strong reason behind to do so. He has his own rules to follow despite following a team so naturally the team rules might clash with his rules at some point of collaboration. 

He acted like dead waters. Not moving inches from his said words. His appearance added to his stout distinctive identity. "Haha I won't ask more personal things." The Rank Master waved his hand and walked ahead. This was the frontal part of the third Block; this said they were out of the Third Block now. Qiao heard the two hunters leisurely talking and nearing toward where he was sitting on a bench with closed eyes. He was calculating his journey and achievement until now. How the nearly three months passed in a blink of an eye and further three months were going to conclude his rest of life. 

'Whether he would be able to live more and cherish the life and get killed under the hands of the wicked hunter?' he perhaps will be forced to compete and become an aggressive hunter for the three months was a very limited time for him. The signs and the situation might turn against him losing a single day of these three months. In fact he might have to challenge some of the rules during this struggle. The ticking time would stop at the third month and who knows what awaits him. 

'Even if I level up every after half a month I would still be able to reach level nine by then so does it means I will battle with the wicked hunter at the level nine? What was the measure to check how stronger opponent was waiting him?' he asked all these questions in his head. Every question was most pressing issue. Without getting attention of most hunters the task seemed impossible. Offending anyone can wait instead he would not let the offenders alive to hurdle his next level ups. Smooth journey has ended as soon as he reached the Hightown. 

"Sigh! Who is dreaming here in front of the Third Block?" The Rank Master asked and then lit the illumination stone. The smooth breathing was a sign that a hunter was resting here but why? As soon as the stone lit the Rank Master spotted two hunters sitting on the bench; he was coming toward this bench and take deep breaths under the pleasing night wind bearing cold to some extent. Deadwater has already noticed the presence of two hunters however he was not worried because they were causing any fluctuations in the air telling that they were intruders. 

"Who are you two and why sitting here?" the Rank Master asked sternly. Deadwater also looked toward them. It left him surprised for few moments to believe his eyes. It was the same hunter he was waiting in the Hightown. "You came in the Hightown finally; do you remember me?" Deadwater stepped ahead and asked hurriedly leaving the Rank Master speechless. The tone carrying longing was evidence that the higher level hunter was not only surprised instead he was eager to befriend with the low level hunter. "I came today." Qiao answered brief. 

"Good good; I am glad that you are here, would you mind if we talk about something in person?" Deadwater voiced as if requesting. The Rank Master was unable to digest it anymore. "Wait; every traveler is meant to reach reception and then get to the respected Guild Campus or the Three Schools of Hunting. How you ended up here?" his tone was not polite instead he was slightly annoyed. To think that two hunters were wandering the restricted Block and no one stopped them. "I intentionally skipped the reception because of an issue which needed the attention of the Hightown." Qiao stood up and confidently spoke. 

The Rank Master fell silent for a moment and then got angrier. "Whatever issue happened you should have reported at the reception." The rules were rules and no matter if the higher level hunter appeared acquainted of this hunter still it was strange that the hunter has guts to go against the rules. Deadwater kept silence until the Rank Master had spoken what was his duty. "If you being an elder cannot hear my issue; how come you guarantee that the people at the reception would not overlook it?" Qiao voiced this time blunt. 

He had to make believe the elder that he should listen first before getting furious. The Rank Master looked at the hunter standing beside him. "Sure come along; the elders are here to solve any pressing issue." This time Deadwater interrupted. He was curious to know what issue triggered this young hunter to mess with the Rank Master. Until now none of them focused on the second hunter. The Rank Master nodded at this suggestion. The night was silent and their voices were echoing disturbing the silent charm. Seeing the confident of the hunter they cannot neglect what issue he was talking about. 

Around six Rank Masters were present in the Third Tower. When the door opened and the four hunters entered two of them were familiar faces. They immediately spotted the blood hunter though his aura was very weak. "A blood hunter; how dare a blood hunter enter in the Tower and taint the noble place with his presence." One of the Rank Master stood up from his spot. His face reddened with the anger. The Rank Master who was coming with the higher level hunter turned and sure enough he was blind to spot him before. Everyone heard the angry voice and focused on the blood hunter. 'How come he reached the Hightown?' same question popped in their heads. 

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