MMA System: I Will Be Pound For Pound Goat

Chapter 32: The Championship Dream

Chapter 32: Chapter 32: The Championship Dream

As Damon continued to watch, he noticed the crowd's excitement growing. It seemed they were all waiting for the final match.

When the previous fight ended, a well-dressed man in a stylish suit entered the scene.

He stood confidently, and music played, signaling the arrival of the main attraction.

A man emerged with his crew, and Damon couldn't help but notice his distinctive look.

He had a strong jawline, high cheekbones, and medium to dark skin.

His hair was black and closely cropped, revealing a clean-shaven face. His deep-set brown eyes seemed intense and focused, especially when he was in the ring.

Although the black and white screen didn't show colors, Damon could sense the man's aura. He exuded strength, discipline, and the sharpness of a seasoned fighter.

As the man approached the cage, Damon realized that this was the championship match everyone was waiting for.

The man held a championship belt, and Damon's eyes widened with excitement. He had never seen a championship match before, and he couldn't wait to see the action unfold.

When the man reached the cage, he stood there, his presence commanding attention.

The crowd cheered, and the commentators' voices grew louder. Damon felt his heart racing with anticipation.

He was about to witness something special, something that would leave a lasting impression.

He leaned forward, his eyes fixed on the screen, ready to take in every moment of the championship match.

Suddenly, music played, and the crowd erupted in cheers. Damon's eyes were fixed on the screen as the other fighter emerged.

He watched as the fighter walked out, his pale skin a stark contrast to the dark surroundings. The fighter's body was marked with tattoos, each one telling a story of his journey.

Damon's eyes widened as he took in the sight of the large gorilla tattoo on the fighter's chest. The gorilla wore a crown on its head and clutched a heart in its teeth.

The fighter's hair was cropped short. The eyes seemed to gleam with a predatory focus, and Damon felt a shiver run down his spine.

The fighter's jaw was strong, covered in a trimmed beard that framed his face, adding to the aura of raw, rugged strength.

As the fighter walked towards the cage, Damon's excitement grew. He was on the edge of his seat, his face inches from the screen.

The music reached its peak, and the crowd's cheers grew louder. Damon felt like he was right there in the arena, his senses immersed in the exciting atmosphere.

He couldn't wait to see the fight begin, to witness the clash of these two formidable opponents.

When both fighters were in the octagon cage, the man in the suit stepped forward. The crowd cheered louder and then went silent, anticipating the announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the main event of the evening!" The announcer's voice boomed through the speakers. "Sanctioned by the Nevada Commune Athleticism Organization, our three judges scoring this contest at octagon-side are..." He paused for a moment, building up the excitement.

And then, he continued, his voice growing louder and more dramatic. "And now! For those in attendance and UFA fans watching around the world, live from the Grandview Sports Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, ITTTTTTT'SSSSSS TIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMEEEE!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, and the sound of the TV crackled with the intensity of the moment.

"Five rounds for the undisputed UFA Featherweight Championship of the World!" The announcer declared.

The camera panned to the blue corner, where the first fighter was standing. "Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, this man is a mixed martial artist holding a professional record of 18 wins, 2 losses. He stands 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighing in at 145 pounds. Fighting out of Cork, Ireland, presenting the challenger, the Rebellious Collin Nacgyver!"

The crowd cheered again, and then the camera panned to the red corner, where the second fighter was standing, who was the champion.

"And now, introducing his opponent, fighting out of the red corner, this man is a mixed martial artist holding a professional record of 25 wins, 1 loss. He stands 5 feet 7 inches tall, weighing in at 145 pounds. Fighting out of Fortaleza, Brazil, he is the reigning, defending, undisputed UFA Featherweight Champion of the World, Joseph Eldaman!"

The crowd's cheers reached a fever pitch, and the sound of the TV crackled with the intensity of the moment.

Damon felt his excitement building up, and he couldn't wait to see the fight begin.

Damon watched as the fighters met in the center of the octagon.

Even on the old black-and-white TV, he could feel the tension, even felt like he could cut it.

Collin Nacgyver moved lightly on his feet, his eyes locked on Joseph Eldaman. Joseph, the champion, stood firm, muscles ready for action.

The referee signaled, and they began to circle each other, both looking for an opening. Damon leaned closer, his heart pounding.

Suddenly, Collin stepped forward, his left hand ready to strike. Joseph reacted quickly, throwing a punch of his own.

But before Damon could even blink, Collin's punch landed first, hitting Joseph square on the chin.

Joseph fell to the mat, his body crumpling instantly. Damon gasped, shocked by how fast it had all happened.

The referee rushed in, waving to stop the fight. Collin raised his fists in victory, and the crowd's cheers echoed through the TV speakers, almost overwhelming the sound.

Damon sat back, stunned. The fight had lasted only fifteen seconds. It was over almost before it began, but the impact of those few seconds was unforgettable.

As Collin celebrated, climbing the cage, Damon stared at the screen, awestruck. The image faded to black, but the excitement Damon felt stayed with him. The fight might have ended quickly, but the memory of it would last a lifetime.

The roar of the crowd was almost deafening as the Announcer's voice cut through the noise, filled with his signature dramatic flair."Ladies and gentlemen, after just 13 seconds of the very first round, we have a winner by knockout! And now, the new UFA Featherweight Champion of the World... THE REBELLIOUS COLLIN NACGYVER!"

The crowd erupted into a deafening cheer as Collin Nacgyver, the newly crowned champion, held his belt high.

Damon watched in awe, mesmerized by the dramatic finish and eager to see more from Collin.


Damon's eyes were still fixed on the TV screen, even though the broadcast had ended.

He was lost in thought, his mind consumed by the image of Collin Nacgyver holding the championship belt aloft.

He could almost hear the roar of the crowd, feel the electric atmosphere of the arena.

Damon's desire to become a champion burned brighter than ever. He wanted to experience that moment for himself, to have the belt wrapped around his waist, to hear the announcer declare him the winner.

He thought about his own journey, his own struggles and sacrifices. He thought about the long hours of training, the sweat, the pain, the doubt.

But most of all, he thought about the glory, the honor, the sense of achievement that came with being a champion.

Damon's determination grew, his resolve strengthened. He knew that he had a long way to go, but he was ready for the challenges life woulf throw.

He was ready to put in the work, to push himself to the limit, to do whatever it took to become a champion.

The image of Collin Nacgyver's victory lingered in his mind, fueling his ambition, driving him forward.

Damon knew that he could do it, that he could become a champion. And he was willing to do whatever it took to make it happen.

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