MMA System: I Will Be Pound For Pound Goat

Chapter 31: A New Morning

Chapter 31: Chapter 31: A New Morning

Damon woke up early, the sunlight peeking through the curtains and casting a warm glow over the room.

He stretched his arms and yawned, feeling the softness of the bed beneath him. His body ached from the fights, but it was a good kind of pain, a reminder of his hard work and determination.

He got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, his feet making soft creaking sounds on the floor. He turned on the light and looked in the mirror, wincing slightly at the sight of his battered face.

His eyes were puffy, and his cheeks were bruised, but it didn't look too bad. He washed his face with warm water, feeling the coolness soothe his skin.

After washing up, he dressed in the same clothes he had worn the day before. They were clean and comfortable, and he didn't see the need to change.

He walked back to bed and looked at his mom, who was still sleeping peacefully.

She was lying on her side, her hands tucked under her pillow, and a soft smile on her face.

Damon felt like she might sleep the whole day, due to the comfortable bed and the warmth of the room.

The room was quiet, except for the sound of his mom's gentle breathing.

Damon sat down on his bed, looking around the room, taking in every detail. The walls were a pale yellow, and the furniture was old but clean.


There was a small table in the corner, with two chairs, and a TV on a small table against the wall. The window had a view of the parking lot, and the sunlight cast a warm glow over everything.

Damon opened his system interface.

Total Fights: 3 (3-0)

Fighting Style:

Style: Muay Thai : Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Physical Stats:

Strength: F

Speed: F

Stamina: F

Endurance: C+

Agility: F

As he looked at the physical rankings, he noticed something different. The dashes that used to be next to each stat were gone.

He wondered if this meant his stats were improving. A small smile spread across his face at the thought.

He also noticed that his fighting style was no longer listed as freestyle. Instead, it now showed Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

He felt a sense of pride knowing he had developed skills in specific styles.

His eyes lingered on his win-loss record. Three wins and zero losses.

He felt a surge of confidence and happiness seeing those numbers. He had worked hard for them, and it paid off.

Damon felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for his next fight. He was ready to continue improving and winning.

Damon decided to check his Coins. He opened the system interface and saw that he had 13 Coins.

He remembered that the three FPs were leftover from his reward for training.

He had also bought water from the system a few times, but he still had some left, so he hadn't used up all his points.

Next, he opened the shop to buy some more water. He purchased three 5L bottles, which would last him and his mom for a while.

He lifted the bottles and put them next to the wall, making sure they were secure.

Then, he looked at the other food options he could buy. But he decided to hold back, since they still had bananas and bread left over from before. He didn't want to waste his FPs on more food when they already had some.

After making his purchase, Damon removed the system interface and sighed. He really wished he could convert his Coins to real money.

He wondered how much 13 Coins would be equivalent to in dollars and cents.

He thought about all the things he could buy if he could convert his Coins to cash.

He could buy more food, pay for their room, and even get some new clothes.

But for now, his Coins were stuck in the system, only usable for buying items from the shop.

Damon shrugged and moved on. He was just grateful to have the water and food they needed.

Damon looked around the room, feeling a bit bored. He had planned to exercise and train later, but for now, he had nothing to do. His eyes landed on the TV, and he walked towards it, curious.

He examined the TV, noticing how old it looked. The screen was dusty, and the buttons on the front were yellowed.

But he decided to try and turn it on anyway. He pressed the button that looked like the power button, and waited.

At first, nothing happened. But then, the screen flickered and turned grey. Suddenly, a loud, static noise filled the room: "SHSHHSHSHSHSHSHSH". Damon cursed under his breath, "Fuck!"

He quickly turned to check on his mom, worried that the noise would wake her up. But she was still fast asleep, undisturbed.

Damon let out a sigh of relief and quickly turned off the TV, not wanting to risk waking her up.

The room fell silent again, except for the sound of his mom's gentle breathing.

Damon stood there for a moment, looking at the TV with a mixture of disappointment and frustration.

He had hoped to find something to watch, something to take his mind off things. But the TV was clearly old and broken.

But then, something inside Damon urged him to try again. He decided to press the button once more, and this time, the static noise grew even louder.

He panicked, his heart racing, and quickly slapped the TV to try and make it stop. To his surprise, the static noise ceased, and the TV began playing a clear picture.

Damon was shocked and relieved. He looked around the TV, searching for the volume switch, as the sound was still very loud. He finally found it and turned it down to a more comfortable level.

As he looked at the screen, he saw that it was showing a horse racing match.

Damon wasn't interested, so he started pressing buttons to change the channel.

He searched for a long time, but couldn't find anything else. Just when he was about to give up, he stumbled upon a different channel.

This time, he saw two fighters facing each other in a cage.

Damon's eyes widened with interest. He noticed that it was a UFA match, and even though the TV was in black and white, it didn't bother him.

He sat down, engrossed in the match, watching every move the fighters made.

The sound of the crowd cheering, the commentators' voices, and the fighters' grunts filled the room.

Damon was completely absorbed in the match, his eyes fixed on the screen. He watched as the fighters exchanged blows, their movements swift and precise.

As the match ended, Damon felt a rush of excitement. He wanted to watch more.

He kept watching, one match after another, fascinated by the skill and strength of the fighters.

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