I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 99: Transmutation Spell

Chapter 99: Transmutation Spell

"Then, what are we waiting for? All we need to do is kill that Monster Overlord." said Warchief Napollo brazenly.

"*Sigh* Like it could be done easily." commented one of the leaders.

"Agree, One does not simply kill the Monster Overlord. There are hordes of high-grade monsters around it. Not to mention these undead monsters are something we have never encountered before." said another leader.

"Tch.. What a pussy. Why don't you say that you are all afraid?" taunted Napollo.

"What do you say, Napollo?!" shouted one of the leaders.

"Unacceptable, Did you think you are safe because we didn't appear here physically?" shouted another leader.

"Yeah, Don't think I cannot incarnate all your tribe right now." Commented another angry leader.

"HAH…. Despite being a seventh-grade combatant, all of you are hiding behind someone else. COWARD!!" said Napollo.

"You dare!!" shouted another leader.

However before the situation escalates further, "Gentlemen, please calm down… We still have a Monster Overlord to take care of." said one of the elf leaders.

After everyone calms down, "Warchief Napollo is quite right. This Monster Overlord is unlike anything we have encountered before. We must slay it before it does more damage."

"Moreover, from our investigation, these undead monsters are much more resilient than we thought. Only high-level holy spells or advanced holy skills could stop them. Otherwise, they will only stop for a while before moving again."

"By using these conditions, only high-grade combatants could stop these undead monsters. I believe none of the nations here has enough power to stop these kinds of forces, especially if their number will keep increasing in the future." explained Vandor, one of the elf leaders.

"Because of these, we elf race propose to combine our forces against this Monster Overlord. Now, let's vote who agrees with this." said Vandor.

Hearing this, most of the nation's leaders immediately agree to combined and support these decisions. As for the nation that does not agree or support the idea, they immediately left the meeting.

The undead monster not only appears from the Dark Forest's monster horde but also appears from all the monster habitats. As long as there are monster corpses with thick miasma nearby they will be turned into undead monsters.

Because of this, most of the nation knows the true horror of these undead monsters. They may not be very strong right now. But, soon their number will continue to increase and could overcome any nation by only their sheer number.

Just by imagining this thought, all the leaders are already having a cold sweat. As for the leaders that didn't support this, it is not because they are not afraid of these undead forces. '

But, because their nation is still in turmoil and instability. They are already short-handed to handle their problem let alone giving additional force to fight the Monster Overlord.

After that, they begin to discuss various things about these joint forces from the force division, supply, logistics, and many others.

Most of the nation may be diverse and very divided. However, in the presence of this intelligent Monster Overlord along with its undead monster army, they are forced to forget about their dispute and join together.

In the meantime, the national leaders begin their move, Angus, already back to Royal Academy. Although the situation of the world is tense and chaotic, the student still could learn peacefully inside the Royal Academy.

The only difference is now they are more strict about their security. Many academy guards could be seen patrolling every single academy spot.

Moreover, most of the guards have the strength of at least third grade. Normal intruders will not bypass their perception easily.

Now, Angus is having a course about combat training. As Magician Class, their combat training is more like guidance training to cast over spells.

Normally, students will use this time to ask about their problems when learning new spells or something similar. Angus also used this time to learn more spells he couldn't cast.

"Alright, everyone, today we will have a combat training course like usual. Like always, you could study spells on your own or ask me for some guidance. Then, we will have a small spar at the end of the class." said teacher Gustav.

"Teacher Gustav, I have a question about this water element spell?" asked Wylda.

"I also have…" asked another student.

"Alright.. Let's calm down. I will go towards your place one by one." said Gustav.

Then, Teacher Gustav begins to walk around from Wylda to help the student.

A moment later, he arrived at Angus's place, "Angus, is there something I can help with?"

"Ah... yes. Teacher Gustav, what is your element of affinity?" asked Angus curiously.

"Element affinity? Mine is fire? Is there something wrong?" asked teacher Gustav back.

"Nothing is a problem. It's just that I notice you could easily cast water when you help Wylda. I am quite curious how you manage to do that?" asked Angus.

"Excellent question, That's some nice observation you got there. You will learn this in the upper grades when you have more mana." said teacher Gustav.

Hearing all of this, All the students immediately pay attention to the teacher again. All the students were interested in learning more about this upperclassmen stuff. Noticing this, teacher Gustav couldn't help but explain further.

"Alright, let me first explain this. There are many factors for you to cast another element spells besides your affinity. However, majorly known there are three things affect this."

"First is your mana control. As you know, the better your mana control, the better you wield it and convert it into an element."

"Second, the knowledge of the properties of the element. For example, I have a vast major knowledge of the characteristics of water. By utilizing this knowledge you could turn your mana property faster and better." said teacher Gustav while he cast [Aqua Ball] in his hand.

"The third one is the hardest part. It is called transmutation. For those that have a course in alchemy, they may be familiar with this word. It is to transmute other elements into different elements."

"By adding this transmutation magic circle into the spell, you could easily cast any element you desire without wasting more mana. However, like all you know, it is also a hard feat to add more magic circles when casting a spell."

"The problem lies in the time when applying this to the magic circle. It also needs a lot of calculation and research to keep the magic circle stable. Even for me, I could hardly do this technique without getting backlash."

"There is only one person who could manage this technique perfectly in history. He could be called the strongest magician in Firuman as he could wield any kind of element and his vast spell repertoire." explained teacher Gustav.

"Teacher, who is this person's name?" asked one of the students.

Hearing this, Gustav began to say proudly, "This person is known as Archmage Bern."

"Bern?? Isn't that the most famous human Alchemist and Magician in Firuman?" said one of the students.

"True, Bern is a human that is gifted in mind and creates various magical things. Be it in alchemy's product or magic artifact. Unfortunately, he is gone before he can find his successor." explained teacher Gustav.

"Alright.. Enough about this. Let's continue our lesson." said teacher Gustav.

'Bern.. Transmutation… Interesting. Let's find more information about him later.' thought Angus inwardly.

After the combat training course, Angus had his lunch at the canteen as usual before attending the Magical Engineering course.

Since Angus is already in his fifth year attending this course, he got permission to do some practicals. Fortunately for Angus, there is a battle golem that was recently donated from the Black Fortress.

The Golem is too old and already beyond repair from continually fighting with the monster half a year ago. Because of this, they donate this golem to the royal academy as they do not have any value again.

As a fifth year, Angus has a right to study the golem, even dismantle it a little bit with the teacher's supervision.

Using this opportunity, Angus immediately learns all he can about the golem. From how they work to how they move.

Angus found that Golem is powered by mana core. The higher the mana core grade, the better its performance. Through various kinds of enchantment, the mana core could turn into energy and move all the parts.

There are two important things for the golem, First is the brain. The part where it manages all its movement. If it is compared to a computer it is the processor part.

The other part is the mana core, without it. The golem itself will not move. Because of this reason, these two parts are located in the middle of the golem.

Not only is it for better configuration for all the Golem limbs but it is also very easy to make since it is similar to people's biology.

This chest part is also the hardest. Most of the time, Golem will be destroyed for all its limbs first before its chest area gets destroyed.

While examining the golem part, 'No wonder, Battle Golem is as expensive as an artifact.'

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