I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 98: Unbalance

Chapter 98: Unbalance

"Hmm… It seems you have trouble controlling your mana." said Angus.

"No way, I am always practicing mana controlling exercise every day." rebuked Jayna.

'Hmm… that's weird. Although my mana controlling exercise is superior, the difference should not be this much. Moreover, the mana controlling exercise that father gives is not far inferior to my controlling exercise technique.'

'I bet Jayna's mana controlling exercise is superior to the one father gives. Then, the problem is...' thought Angus while looking at Jayna.

"Lend me your hand, I need to check something." said Angus nonchalantly.

"Ehhh… O-Okay." said Jayna while giving her hand meekly.

Touching her hand, Angus begins probing Jayna's mana circulation while ignoring Jayna's embarrassed look. The moment he probes, he feels like being inside a storm. Jayna's mana is circulated very fast. It is almost three times more than normal people.

'As I expected, her possession state has a huge effect on her mana.' thought Angus.

Then, Angus releases Jayna's hand and starts thinking about something. As for Jayna, she keeps silent to not disturb Angus.

After thinking for a while, "It seems helping you is more difficult than I thought." said Angus.

"Ehhh… Is there something wrong with my body?" asked Jayna.

"Not a problem. You could say a blessing or curse. Your mana circulated three times faster than normal people. This means you could utilize spells or skills faster than others. However, it also means that your control over mana is reduced."

"It may not be a problem for low circle spells or skills. But, if you use high circle spells or complex skills, it may cause you a problem." explained Angus.

Hearing this, Jayna realizes her true condition.

"Is there a way to fix this?" asked Jayna.

"This is not a problem. Along the time, your body will adapt to this by yourself. However, it may take months or years depending on how fast your body adapts. Then, you could properly control your mana." explained Angus.

"Y-Years!!" said Jayna.

"Yeah.. It all depends on your body and I suggest you let your body adapt to it naturally otherwise it will affect your mana circulation and body." explained Angus.

"Is there another way that is faster?" asked Jayna.

"There is but…" said Angus hesitantly.

"What is it? I will pay you back!" said Jayna while holding Angus's hand.

'Haaa… why did it come to this? I just want to help her a little bit. But, now I am involved in this mess. Whatever, it's just a technique. Besides, it's not like anyone could use this technique.' thought Angus inwardly.

"Alright.. Calm down first. I am still not certain about this solution and need to research a little bit before you could practice it. For now, you need to completely master your current emotion. You have a skill for that right?" said Angus.

"You mean [Heart of Perseverance]?" asked Jayna.

"Yeah, that skill. Practice it until you can keep your emotions at bay." said Angus

"Ehh.. Is there a connection between this skill and my mana control?" asked Jayna doubtfully.

"Normally, no. But you have a unique condition. If I am not wrong it is called [Possession]? This state makes your body, mind, and soul unbalanced. Your soul part is much stronger than your mind and body which lead to your current condition."

"By mastering your emotion it will help you rebalance your mind and soul. Your body will slowly follow up. So, for now you need to keep in check your emotions and practice [Heart of Perseverance]." explained Angus.

After that, Angus explained various things about Jayna's condition. Before long, Jayna went home to practice. As every minute is quite important for her.

Unbeknown to her, Angus possesses a complete technique to fix her condition. However, it will be stupid for him to give the technique right away. Not only will it raise a question but it will create many troublesome situations at a later date.

So, Angus decides to pretend to research the technique through various stuff for a while before giving the technique to her. This will also help make her not keep pestering him.

At first, Angus intended to give Jayna some hint or suggestion to help her create a new skill or spell. However, hearing her sad story, makes him want to truly help her.

Especially, after knowing that fighting other superior races than humans is harder than he previously expected.

His fight with Naz, an ex-assassin from Bloody Star, helps him realize that the one he fights will not always be human in the future. There are a lot of different fights against humans and other races.

Angus is an expert at fighting humans. However, his experience will be null if he fights against other races especially those that have different features like beastkin or demon race.

Their resilience, endurance, and many other features are different from humans. Moreover, there is also the magic that needs to be factored in. This makes the battle in this world much more complicated than in his past life.

However, this also ignited his fighting spirit. Angus feels excited at the thought of fighting people using all his true strength. Last time, before he could truly fight to the death against Naz, the ex-assassin himself was already getting killed.

Thinking about the Bloody Star, Angus took out the card that the other assassin gave him. Looking at the card with the word 'Silent Killer', Angus begins to think about this mysterious organization.

From what he inquire through Darius, Bloody Star is a huge underworld organization that is engaged in assassination job. This organization is one of the oldest hidden organizations in Firuman.

Their reputation is very famous and feared by many. However, they are also famous for their code or rules. It could be said the reason they could survive this long is because of this code. One of them is never to target royalties or leaders.

Because of this reason, none of the leaders ever hunt down this assassin group. Rather they are the ones that will employ their service.

As someone that has become a professional assassin in his past life, he feels intrigued about this assassin organization. If the rumor about this organization is true, then he may look at this organization in the future.

After storing the card back, Angus went back to sleep. Fortunately, for the rest of the day, there is no other visitor. So, he could easily lay around and sleep peacefully.

Another few days passed by, and Angus was already discharged from the hospital. Now, he is back at the Academy for the new term like usual.

In the meantime, the leaders from various nations once again have a meeting about the monster overlord. Up till now, there is no major movement from the monster overlord after he destroys and invades the Holy Alliance nation.

After some investigation, it appears that the number of monsters occupying the Holy Alliance is increasing along with the undead monster.

Some nations managed to catch some of this undead and do research about them. According to them, the undead retains their ability to think like when they are alive. They could also regenerate their body indefinitely as long as there is miasma nearby.

The only visible weakness, for now, is by only destroying the body until it didn't leave anything or the holy spells/skills from the various religious groups.

Unfortunately, the base of this group is already destroyed when the monster overlord invades the Holy Alliance. The only one that still survives is from the branch group and Temple of Death.

Unlike other religious groups, Temple of Death is a decentralized organization. As long as they didn't contradict Temple of Death's rules any high member of Temple of Death could create their base.

This way, they have their base in almost every country. This is also one of the reasons why Temple of Death is the most influential and strongest religious group in Firuman. Despite their lack ness of the Holy maiden and Champion of Gods.

The Holy Maiden is an important person inside the religious group as they could communicate directly with their god. Though it was called communication, they could only perceive it as vision.

As for the Champion of God, they are a blessed individual that already surpassed the ordinary person. This makes them have grade six despite being still young. Still, no Champion of God managed to reach the grade seven realm of legend.

No one knows the concrete reason for this, but it is said that every vision from the holy maiden was always missed when they were involved with the grade seven people.

This makes people speculate that grade seven people are a walking god that is unbeatable. As for all the seven grade people they didn't care about this. It is because when people arrive in this realm their worldview is changed.

Especially when they remember how they managed to get into this realm. If passing grade six, people need to risk their lives. Then, upgrading into grade seven people needs a miracle. In other words, it is impossible to reach grade seven unless an unknown factor happens.

Inside the meeting through the communication device the elf race gift, all the leaders solemnly hear about the report according to the undead.

After a while, "Then, what are we waiting for? All we need to do is kill that Monster Overlord."

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