I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 103: Did you trust me?

Chapter 103: Did you trust me?

While Angus is trying to survive Balrug's onslaught with his hammer, the underground door opens and a girl in academic uniform is coming in.

"A-Angus, are you here?" asked Jayna.

Hearing her voice, Angus gets distracted for a moment and is punched by Balrug. Despite Balrug holding back his strength, his punch was quite a force that could send Angus away.

By a coincidence, Angus threw himself into Jayna's position and lay on the ground near her. Looking at this, Jayna is confused and doesn't know what to do.

"Urrgg.. That crazy old man almost killed me. Ohh.. Hi.. Jayna." said Angus nonchalantly as he noticed it was Jayna that came into the room.

"A-Angus are you alright?" asked Jayna worriedly.

"Nah.. This is fine." said Angus.

Despite that, Jayna could see Angus is beaten black and blue. She also notices that he has many bruises all over his body.

"Ohh.. who is this pretty girl?" asked Balrug as he approached Angus.

"She is Jayna Heart, the fourth princess of the Heart kingdom." said Angus

"A Princess?! Hahaha… I don't know you have such high taste, lad. Not bad.. Not bad.." said Balrug as he looked between Jayna and Angus.

Hearing this, Jayna becomes more blushing like a tomato.

"Shut up, old man. Don't make the situation more complicated." said Angus.

"Eh.. you still didn't get her? Take this advice from the old man, lad. Just grab what you have before being grabbed by others." said Balrug in a teasing tone.

"Whatever.. Jayna, ignore this crazy old man. He likes to talk nonsense. Anyway, how come you know I am here?" said Angus while ignoring Balrug.

"Emm.. I asked some students in the smithing facility and they said you might be here." replied Jayna.

"Ehh… Damn it, old man. You said no one will enter this area easily!!"

"I told Bail to guard the entrance. Say, girl, during your way here, didn't you find another dwarf?" asked Balrug

"Ohh.. That dwarf.. Yeah, I found a dwarf who was sleeping in the office area with some drinking bottle near him. I couldn't wake him up despite calling him many times."

"Then, I found a door leading to this basement. I could feel a small tremor from it and looked into it." explained Jayna.

"Damn.. Bail!!" curse the old dwarf as he goes out leaving the two kids alone.

"Haa… Anyway, why are you searching for me?" asked Angus.

"Ahh.. I already did it. I could control my mana through the hair." said Jayna.

She takes out a hair from his storage device and imbues it with mana. The loose hair begins to get straight and hard.

Angus is surprised looking at this, although it seems simple with her body condition to do this thing is still very hard. So, he didn't expect she could do this in just a week.

"That's… Incredible." said Angus

Then, he notices some dark marks under Jayna's eyes. Without hesitation, Angus grabbed her hand and probed her body.

"How long have you been sleeping at night these days?" asked Angus sternly.

"Eh.. I-It's around six hours maybe." said Jayna.

Hearing this, Angus couldn't help but sigh, "Forget it.. I will not help you anymore." said Angus before turning back from Jayna.

"Ehh.. W-Why??" asked Jayna frantically.

But, Angus kept ignoring her.

"No.. Alright-Alright…? It's for around one or two hours. I am sorry I lied. Please, Angus help me… Hic.. Hic…" said Jayna who began to tear up.

Then, Jayna feels a blanket wipe her face. She found Angus having a sad expression.

"Jayna.. I know you want to get stronger. However, you also need to pay attention to your own body. If you don't take care of your body and rest properly, your body will soon collapse by itself."

"I don't care about your problem. But, if you want my help and are getting stronger, you need to rest properly. Otherwise, it will not be long before you killed yourself." explained Angus.

"B-But…" said Jayna.

"No, but… Jayna, did you know the reason why I helped you?" said Angus.

"Err… I don't know." said Jayna uncertainly.

"You see… since childhood I always see that everyone near me wants to get stronger. My guard, staff, maid, brothers, and even my father always seek to get stronger for various reasons."

"However, I never want to help them. But, during our few years we stayed in the dorm together, I found you are the only person that seeks power relentlessly. Even though it is impossible, you always try to hit me without giving up."

"When I hear your reason why you want to get stronger, I want to help you a little bit because of pity. It's a pity because you couldn't enjoy your life despite being royalty. I thought that by helping you a little bit, you could at least enjoy your life."

"However, looking at you disregarding even your health just to practice this. It makes me mad. I know that you are a hard-working person. But, I just want you to also enjoy your life, be it as human and royalty."

"Did you know? Not many people have many privileges like you. Many people have a worse start and fate than you. If you do not enjoy what you have, it is like mocking all these people." explained Angus.

"B-But.. I don't have time. I.. I need to get stronger." said Jayna while still tearing up.

"Jayna, Did you trust me?" asked Angus seriously.

Looking at the boy's deep black eyes, Jayna feels safe and comfortable with him, "Mmhmm… I trust you" said Jayna.

"Then, keep trusting me. Because I will help you become stronger before you know it. Besides, a pretty girl like you should not think a lot of complicated stuff" said Angus jokingly.

"P-Pretty… I-I..." as Jayna is surprised by sudden praise especially when Angus is very close towards her.

"Yeah.. If you do not rest properly and enjoy your life, you may ruin this beautiful face." teased Angus while touching Jayna's chin with his hand.

At this point, Jayna is blushing like a tomato while looking at Angus.

After teasing Jayna a little bit, "Alright, you should get out of here and rest properly." said Angus.

"O-Okay… But, how about your body? You are hurt?" said Jayna concerned.

"Ooh… Don't worry about it. I am more sturdy than you thought." said Angus.

During this moment, Angus notices two grown-up dwarves peeking at them from the door.

Feeling irritated by the two dwarves, Angus summoned his Sky Thorn and shot it towards the two peeping tom. *Bang*

"Ehh.. Eh.." as Jayna didn't understand what was going on.

"Damn, kid!! I thought you would kiss her." said Balrug while he deflected the Sky Thorn end.

"Kiss??!" said Jayna while become more blushing

"Shut up, senile old man. Nobody will think you're a mute if you are not talking." said Angus.

Looking at the blushing red Jayna, "I am sorry about that, Jayna. This crazy old man can be a pain in the ass sometimes."? said Angus.

"Hahaha… Anyway, lad. I couldn't help but hear you want to help this princess. Is she in some kind of trouble." asked Balrug.

"Well, kind of. Urgg.. " said Angus as he began to feel hurt as his adrenalin effect wore off from the spar before.

"I will tend my wound first." said Angus as he took off his training clothes.

Seeing Angus take off his clothes in front of her, Jayna immediately screams, "A-Angus, What are you doing?" said Jayna while covering her eyes but still looked at Angus through its gap.

Angus ignores Jayna and takes a mana potion bottle. After drinking it, he used his healing art to tend his internal wounds while somehow also making them stronger.

Looking at the blue flame in Angus's palm, "Err.. What is he doing?" asked Jayna towards the old dwarf.

"Tending his wound. I don't know the specific details but using that blue fire and those strange movements, he could heal his internal wound easily. According to him, it didn't have the same effect towards outer injuries or any fatal ones." explained Balrug.

"Ehh… So, is this one of Angus's personal skills?" asked Jayna.

"Since I never see this kind of technique or skill, it could be said that it is his skill. But, it is as expected since he has a rare talent." said Balrug.

"Talent.. What talent?" asked Jayna.

"Did Angus never tell you? I thought you were and he is very close considering your intimate action before." teased Balrug.

"I-Intimate?!! N-No… We are just friends.. yeah we are just friends." said Jayna like trying to talk to herself.

"Alright, then. Anyway, have you ever heard of Weapon Master?" said Balrug.

"Weapon Master." asked Jayna back.

"Yes, Weapon Master is…." As Balrug begins to explain the Weapon Master title to Jayna.

While Balrug and Jayna talk to each other, Angus keeps focusing on healing his internal wound. Since his body is getting sturdier along with his increasing vitality, his body's natural healing also increases.

Because of this, Balrug needed to hit harder to temper Angus's body. Even for Balrug, it is quite difficult to control such a strength which led Angus to have various internal wounds and hidden injuries from the impact.

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