I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 102: Training

Chapter 102: Training

Inside one of the books Angus borrowed, he found a copy of a detailed method to do the transmutation technique spell that is written by Archmage Bern himself.

He chose to practice this technique inside his manual battle system. After using it over the years, he could select an animal or other easy opponent for practice.

By using this method, he could practice or learn new spells to his heart's content. The only downside is he doesn't have any control of his real body when he is training inside the manual battle system.

This makes his real body in a vulnerable state. However, with the tight security inside the academy, he doubts there will be any intruder for the time being.

He also found that everything he did inside the manual battle system is reflected on his body be it wound or his body development. He could also take out any weapon or things from his wristwatch storage device inside the manual battle system.

The manual battle system could become his personal space for him. Now, Angus intends to use this to try and practice his spell. After choosing a small harmless mouse as his enemy, he entered the manual battle system.

Arriving at the familiar place, Angus took out some books and began to read all over them. According to the book, the transmutation technique could only be applied during the casting process.

This makes this technique very difficult to use. Even the elf race finds it hard to execute the spell perfectly. Only a handful of people with the brightest minds could do these techniques.

Angus didn't know if he could do this transmutation technique with his current mind but after looking carefully about the technique and the calculation it needed. Angus feels he could barely do it.

The transmutation technique has a simple principle yet complex execution. First, people need to draw the magic circle or cast a spell-like usual. But rather than using normal mana, people need to use their affinity element mana.

Normally, using elemental mana over incompatible magic circles will result in failure or backlash. People usually already convert their mana to their respective element that is compatible with the magic circle before being injected into it.

However, by using Bern's transmutation technique, people could use his affinity elemental mana or non-elemental mana for any kind of spell.

Before the mana is injected into the magic circle, the mana will go through another layer of magic circle that will change it into the compatible elemental mana. This magic circle is the core transmutation technique that Bern created.

Each of the magic circle spells is different because of the environment, user mana, and many other factors, the transmutation magic circle is also always different and not the same as other spell magic circles.

Because of this reason, only people with a high calculative mind could do this technique. This is only a technique for smart and bright people.

For Angus who has his mind enhanced through the system, he feels he could do all the calculations it needs. Angus tries to create the [Aqua Ball] spell magic circle slowly before applying the transmutation technique towards the spell.

A moment later, he imbued the magic circle with mana and a water ball came out from his hand towards the moving mouse.

"Yes...I did it. But it took more time than converting my mana into a water element. Though, I use less mana in this way. It seems I need to practice to increase the speed of using this technique." analyzed Angus about his shortcomings.

Angus planned to use other element spells besides fire. Fire element spells are often related to destruction and damaging spells. Only a few are related to defending or restraining opponents.

From his last encounter with Naz, he knows that he has shortcomings in this aspect. Although Naz is a high-grade beast race that is much more powerful than Angus, he feels he could buy more time effectively if he could use defensive spells or skill.

The most famous element for its defensive nature is the earth element. During his stay in the Magician Class, he already learned many earth elemental defensive spells. However, most of them take time to be cast.

Like in his previous fight, his opponent may not give Angus time to prepare. So, Angus needs to find a way to cast different elemental spells faster and efficiently.

After a series of practice, Angus finally could apply the transmutation technique for around twenty seconds which was an incredible feat. Normally, converting mana into different elements other than their affinity one takes around a minute or more.

This is also the reason, people seldom cast other element spells besides their affinity one. People could increase the conversion rate by understanding the element characteristic and have superb control over their mana.

After exercising dozens of times using the transmutation technique, Angus found his mind exhausted despite still had mana and didn't move a lot. He feels like didn't sleep for a few days. His calculation ability also down and takes more time to do the technique.

"Haa... Ha… I guess this is my limit." as Angus slump on the floor.

Then, he took out a green potion from his wristwatch storage. Uncorked the vial, he drank the horrible taste of the potion.

"Weekk… I will never get used to this taste of mind-clearing potion." Said Angus while he put out his tongue.

Feeling his mind refreshed a little bit, "Still this is better than nothing. I guess that's it for today." said Angus while he searched for the mouse.

Angus still needs to kill his chosen opponent to get out of the room. After killing the mouse and choosing the option to exit, his consciousness returned to his real body.

"Damn… I feel I could sleep for days just for this one session of training." said Angus as he slumped on his fluffy bed.

Few days passed by and Angus kept training his transmutation technique. Now, he could reduce the casting time for transmutation by around fifteen seconds.

The advantage of using this transmutation technique is the casting time didn't change even for high circle spells.

So, as long as Angus's intelligence increased he could cast high circle elemental spells like he cast his elemental affinity spells.

Now, Angus is sparring with the old dwarf Balrug. *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* a series of clashing and shockwaves created for each time they clashed. Right now, Angus's body is glowing with many different colors.

"Kid, you are cheating!!" said Balrug as he kept following Angus.

"Hahaha… who said I can't use spells in our spar?" said Angus who keeps increasing in speed and power.

Angus buffs himself with spells from various kinds of low circle spells such as [Stone Skin], [Agility], [Light Body], [Power Up], and many others during the sparring. At first, Angus had a hard time using these spells.

But, After predicting the old dwarf movement and getting himself some opportunity he began to cast these low circle spells one by one.

"Tch.. Don't be a cocky kid. This is not even half of my real strength." said Balrug as he increased his speed and bash Angus with his hammer.

Of course, Angus couldn't react to such a fast attack. He could only brace himself for impact. *Bang* as Angus threw away in the air while defending himself using Sky Thorn. At this moment, Angus stops himself in the air using the recoil of his Sky Thorn.

Before he stabilized himself, Balrug was already in front of him and swung his hammer. Angus defended himself and clashed with the hammer using his Sky Thorn. At this moment, he manipulates the other end Skythorn through its chain and launches it at Balrug.

*Bang* *Bang* Balrug couldn't help but defend himself at the flying sharp edge. Using this opportunity, Angus cast another spell to buff himself [1st Circle - Heavy Desisty].

The Sky Thorn became heavier than usual. Then, using Beast walk he approaches Balrug and swings his weapon towards him. *Bang* Another shockwave was created.

Balrug managed to react and defend himself with his hammer. Still, he gets pushed back by a few meters away.

Looking at this, "Tch.. What a tough defense?" as Angus slump on the ground exhausted.

His colorful light around his body is also gone. But, he still retained his battle position.

Looking at this Balrug smirking, "That's a good attack. But, now.. It's a beaten up time." said Balrug.

Angus training with Balrug has two sessions. First, sparring between Angus and Balrug until his mana was exhausted. Then, he will continue sparring with Balrug without mana.

Rather than sparring it is more right to say one side is beaten up. If the first is to give Angus experience fighting upper-grade warriors, the second is to temper his body to become more resilient.

Angus needs to get beaten up black and blue to temper his body. Although his body has already reached its limit, Balrug tells him to keep training so that it doesn't deteriorate.

While Angus is trying to survive on Balrug onslaught with his hammer, the underground door opens and a girl in academic uniform is coming in.

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