Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 400: Something black !!!

400 Something black !!!

After Dr. Oshana reached her office, there was a packet on her desk. On the top of the packet, the following words were written,

"Open with a smile."

"Ah !!! Now I know why you acted all grumpy in the morning. You have a knack of surprising people Dr. Nelson."

Dr. Oshana mumbled and started opening the packets with nothing but a smile on her face.

Inside she found a thumb drive and immediately connected it to her system and played the video file contained in it. Two minutes into the video and the smile on her face vanished.

"Why would you do this Dr. Nelson?"

She mumbled and sunk into her chair, unable to believe that she had been exposed. Her entire career was at stake now and she knew that the end was not going to be good.

She immediately picked up her phone and called up Dr. Nelson.


"Why would you do such a thing to me? Why would you trap me? You told your secret and I told you mine. Then why record it?"

"My secret? I never told you my secret Dr. Oshana. Check the video carefully. It's all about you. You have perfectly ranted yourself out."

"What do you want? Do you want all my research? Then take it. I will give the credit of my paper to you as well."

"What I want? To he honest, I do not want anything from you Dr. Oshana, but there are others who might. You should wait for them to call you up."

Saying that Dr. Nelson ended the call and texted Akira.

"She knows. She has seen the video." - Dr. Nelson

After seeing that message, Akira turned towards David and said,

"She has seen it. Time to get the things done."


Ring Ring ...

"Hello"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,

"Hello, Mr. Raymond. Hope I didn't disturb you."

"Not at all. I was about to call you as well. I had met Dr. Nelson just recently..."

"Yeah, I had called about that matter only. I had a discussion with Dr. Nelson and I have decided to change as he has suggested. So maybe if you have some time then can you can drop by my clinic today?"

"Yeah sure."

"And Dr. Nelson has given me some recent reports of yours. So I wanted to discuss those results as well."

"Erm... I didn't go behind your back for those tests if you think that way. I just wanted to run them as he requested. Hope we are clear about it."

Gripping the pen tight in her hand, she said,

"Don't sweat it, Raymond. I have some positive news for you. Will let you know once we meet."

"Can't you tell it over the phone?"

"No, I need to explain them to you and discuss the next course as well. See the thing is, I have decided to move to Nebraska to my parents as they are getting old. I will be shifting my clinic and work and everything there. I have already discussed it with Dr. Nelson. So now on he will be your assigned Doctor and trust me he is the best."

"Oh, all of a sudden? Is everything ok with your parents?"

"Yeah, nothing serious Raymond. Just that they are really old now."

"I can totally understand."

"Will see you today afternoon around three if you have any schedule free for me?"

"Three is fine for me."

Raymond disconnected the call and thought for a while. Even though the fact that she was leaving to Nebraska made him a bit sad but he was way more excited to know about the positive aspect of the test result.

He immediately dialed for Akira.


"Hey there."

"You sound unusually happy."

"Not happy, just hopeful. Just got a call from my doctor and she told that some of my test results have shown positive results. I must thank you and Dr. Nelson for insisting me to go for the tests again. I am going to meet her at three today to know more about it. And there is a new medicine under trial and Dr. Nelson has suggested for that also. So kind of keeping my fingers crossed."

"Really? That's indeed a piece of big news."

"Will call you after I meet her up to give you the details. Have some errands to run."

"Raymond wait !!!"

"What Akira?"

"Ermm.... nothing. Just wanted to hear your voice a bit more. That's it."

"Gosh Akira !!! I wanted to keep this as a surprise, but hearing the way you yearn for me, just melts my heart. I want to meet you tonight. I am canceling the Tango classes. I need to start what I left unfinished."


"Have you forgot? That night, you, me and the bathtub."

Gulping her spit and gasping for air, she said,

"Yeah !!!"

"Meet me tonight. Room Number - 902. The Plaza. Try to come with some disguise, in case that black car is following you."

"Uh.. Huh"

"And Akira !!! Don't forget to wear something black."

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