Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 399: Stark Vigilante

399 Stark Vigilante'


"Hello Akira"

"What now David?"

"I saw the video. You were right. You were absolutely right. We cannot let this video go to Raymond. Even though he hates him, it's a bit too much for a son to know."

"I know."

"Well as of now we can use it as a leverage against Dr. Oshana and ask her to rectify the damage that she has done. We will ask her to stay silent and not inform anything to Sebastian about it. That way Sebastian will be under the impression that we do not know anything about it."

"Yes, that can be done."

"Starting from tomorrow, I will ask her to change his medicines as per Dr. Nelson's recommendations and to clear up all old reports. I can't wait for Raymond to know that he doesn't have to worry about memory loss or partial paralysis anymore."

"Don't worry. I will handle how to get these things done from her."

"Thanks, David."

"Um... Akira wait."

"I am sorry David if I said something out of my boundary. I was just. All this is too much for me to handle."

"I understand your predicament Akira. But trust me, my loyalties have always been with Mr. Raymond. No matter what happens, no matter against whom I have to fight or ally with. I will always choose Raymond and his well being above all. If time demands I will not hesitate to be a stark vigilante if that's what is needed to keep him safe. Hope you understand this part Akira."

"Even if you have to take him away from me to keep him safe, you would do that?"

"Yes, I would. Without even batting an eyelid Akira, because that's where my loyalties lie."

"That's good to know. We are on the same page then."

"Sleep now Akira. You have done enough. You have a new battle to face tomorrow."

"I know."

Said Akira and then disconnected the call.


The next morning as Dr. Oshana got up, she found herself lying on a sofa with Dr. Nelson's jacket covering her up. Her head was throbbing endlessly.

"Here take an Advil. It helps."

"What happened yesterday? Did we do something that we shouldn't have?", she asked all hopefully.

"Nothing that I can think off."

Then looking at his watch, Dr, Nelson said,

"I am late for my appointment. So if you will excuse me."

Saying that he picked up his coat and started walking towards the door.

Suddenly the man who was acting all nice and vulnerable with her, had turned ice cold. Just like the way he used to be earlier.

"Well, I will just gather my stuff. Give me five minutes. Please drop me at my house. It's on the way to your clinic."

Saying that she picked up her shoes and started wearing them.

He turned and wore his coat and adjusting the lapels he said,

"I don't like to keep my patients waiting. Time is the essence. You can call yourself a cab. And there is an extra breakfast made by my housekeeper. You can have that if you want to."

"Did I offend you in any way yesterday? If yes, then I am sorry. I wasn't myself yesterday."

He chuckled and said,

"You were never more yourself, than yesterday."

Saying that he stormed towards the exit door.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,

She stood there all perplexed as to what changed overnight. She tried to recollect the sequence of events that had happened. She wanted to remember if she had offended him in her drunk state in any way. But all that she remembered was having a glass of champagne.

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