Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 1 (4)

Book 6: Chapter 1 (4)

Lolita and Bitch

The standing of that country has continually declined among other kingdoms in recent years. Many consider them to be little more than a nuisance that comes begging for donations when in need of aid under the guise of predicting the resurrection of the Demon King. All Im asking you to do is show your face at the gathering, as a favor for me, okay? It would be troublesome to ask another noble for this.

Still, it doesnt seem like a task suited for a lowly baron.

I really dont want to go on an overseas  business trip right now.

I think Neumann-san was planning a party back in Dragon City. Honestly, wouldnt he be a better option than me? He knows more about this country and its history. Cant I pass my responsibilities off to him as his lord? I want to be there to celebrate the inauguration of Mayor Christina. I love the loligon.

Most importantly, Id be separated from Sophia-chan again.

Perhaps we can let the Duke of FitzClarence decide? Ill write a letter informing him of the situation stating that you are acting on my behalf. He can provide you with all the necessary paperwork stating that you are a representative of the FitzClarence family. This way, there should be no issue of you being a baron, and Richard is unlikely to refuse.

I see. So the King wishes to annoy Richard while also lessening the burden on the other nobles. Its pretty smart. I dont think Richard would refuse the request based on our relationship, but it would be putting me in debt to him even if Im not expected to pay back any money lent to me for my travels.

I see.

The deal doesnt sound so bad, right? I doubt it. If this were a good deal, every other noble would be jumping at the opportunity rather than considering it a bother. Thats what work is all about. The best jobs are snapped up quickly while all of the trash falls to the bottom. 

As things stand, Ill at least have to speak with Richard.

Im not in a position where I can refuse a direct request from the King.

I can even provide you with a modest sum to cover some of your travel expenses.

of course, Your Majesty.

If the King says its modest, it really must be.

I think Im starting to get depressed. 

Maybe I should ask for a bonus.

Will you take it, Baron Tanaka? 

Yes, Im grateful for the offer, Your Majesty.

I knew I was right to put my faith in you.

He says that as if a baron could ever refuse a request from his king. Ive finally got Dragon City on the right track and Im beginning to enjoy noble life a bit more and yet I still feel dissatisfied. 

In order to safely keep Goggoru-chan close to me, I need the power of a noble.

By the way, is it all right if I ask something of you, Your Majesty?

But that doesnt mean I cant ask for things myself.

Lets give it a try and hope for the best.

What is it? Youre free to ask me anything.

After I complete this request for you, I would like to have some time off. It has been some time since I was free to do as I please. I would be grateful to you if you could grant me this request.

Hmm? If thats all, then, of course.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

He tilted his head slightly, but still nodded in agreement. 

Whatever. Im happy that Ill be getting a break.

Its similar to asking for your annual time off.

Who wouldve known the world of punches and time cards would prepare me for a world of swords and magic. However, the company-first mentality that is ingrained in the mind of every slave wage will eventually discourage me from asking for time off. Habits are hard to break.

When Im finished with this Im going to take a proper vacation on the beach.

I cant wait to ogle Sophia-chan in her swimsuit on the beach.

Is that all you wanted to ask for, Baron Tanaka?


Ill get the letter for Richard shortly and send it to him with a messenger. As soon as Richard approved it, I want you to head straight for Academy City. Everything you need the Duke shall be able to provide you with upon your arrival.


Ill try to stay positive. This is an overseas business trip to a place called Academy City. It has to be filled with young and cute girls. The younger they are, the higher the chance they still possess their hymen. If I just think about it like this, it really doesnt sound so bad.

If thats all, Your Majesty, please, excuse me.

Of course. Thank you for your time, you may go.


After my audience with the King had finished, the next person I needed to see was Ester-chan. 

The only difference this time is that Goggoru-chan is with me.

I took a carriage the King provided me with and returned to the school dorm where I reunited with Goggoru-chan who was patiently waiting for me in my room. I thought it would be a waste to have her stay there all day. Richard knows about her, so us being together should be no problem.

How did your visit to the castle go, Baron Tanaka?

I suppose it went as to be expected.

Is that so? Im glad to hear it.

We are currently in the drawing room of the FitzClarence mansion.

Goggoru-chan and I are seated on a sofa together while Richard sat alone across from us. However, even though we are sitting across from each other, there is still a considerable distance between us. One could even say that were farther apart than the reach of a spear.

He must have had this room rearranged in preparation for this meeting. 

As expected of such a rich man.

His large drawing room can be redecorated at a moments notice to fit the occasion. 

The distance between us is filled by two tables rather than the usual one. These tables are separated by a few feet of space which puts Richard just out of Goggoru-chans ability range.

Currently, Baron Tanaka, you are of noble rank with the position of baron. Your benefactor, and the reason you reached this position, is Liz.

Yes, Viscount FitzClarence has done much for me.

Im considering taking her place in your relationship.

I see.

That makes sense.

What father would want to leave their daughter with a flat yellow faced foreigner that seemingly appeared out of nowhere? Not to mention she seems overly attached to him. That being said, is taking on someone like me okay for someone of Richards status? The jump from Viscount to Duke seems much too large.

Is that okay for you, Richard-San? I wouldnt want to do something that would negatively impact your standing.

That is something to consider, Baron Tanaka. Very true. 

Is there anything we can do? 

The difference in stature between a baron and a duke is similar to an ant and an elephant.

Actually, Earl Bitch plans to send you an offer of marriage and I think it would be a good idea if you accepted. And you wouldnt need to worry about this making you a part of the Bitch family either. If that was something you were concerned with.

a marriage?

Seriously? This is the proposal Sophie-chan was talking about.

I only heard about this last night. I never expected Richard to know about it already. The spy network that Richard has in place must operate at an incredibly efficient level. 

I wonder if they even have time to sleep.

Has Earl Bitch approached you with this idea yet? 

Actually, his daughter came to me last night with a similar idea.

This offer stands to benefit you greatly, Baron Tanaka. Although the Bitch family has only achieved the rank of earl, they are a family that have risen to great prominence in a short period of time. The rank of earl may be insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but it would still be a rank that would increase your prestige markedly. Not to mention that, even if she is his third daughter, she still carries the Bitch name. Uniting with her family would force everyone to recognize you as a noble of the Penny Empire.

Yes, I can see how anyone would consider Cyan-san an attractive option for a wife.

I feel the same way. Ive heard that she is skilled with magic as well as being Vice-Captain of a division of the Magic Knight Order. Despite her young age, her name is already well-known in the city. I could probably count on one hand the number of people, men or women, that have accomplished so much at such a young age. Not to mention, she is also my daughters magic tutor.

Her title is impressive as well as her magic, but the most vivid memory of her and the one that I associate most with her is how she intentionally flashed her panties on stage.

And, if were strictly talking about someone to share your bed with at night, she may be at the top of my list even above Edita Sensei. That bitch side of her would really shine in the bedroom. She wouldnt hesitate to do anything dirty asked of her, and the gap between her clean persona and her bitch persona is sexy.

Even just thinking about it sends energy flowing through my penis.

But Im not sure that deciding so suddenly is a good idea. Richard-san? 

Huh? Oh, excuse me, I got a little carried away.

I can see how marrying her would benefit me.

Richard and I had a brief staredown. 

I tried to convey my feelings to him through my ugly flat yellow face. 

And it seemed like he understood what I wanted.

He finally spoke after several seconds of silence.

I can tell youve already realized how I feel about this proposal, so theres no need for me to hide anything from you. As a parent, no matter how trustworthy you may be, Baron Tanaka, mistakes are inevitable. 

Thats right. Nobody knows what the future may hold.

Even I cant say that me giving Ester-chan a creampie is out of the question. 

And then theres the possibility that she gets pregnant. 

The sight of the blonde lolis swollen belly would be wonderful.

Which is why I would like it if youd accept the marriage offer from Earl Bitch.


Ive heard of this before. An arranged marriage involving a noble family where the daughter is married off to an ugly, perverted man to improve her familys position in life. However, this is a little different. It feels like Im the one being married off.

Its common for the nobility to essentially sell off their daughters virginity. This is the case with Sophie-chans papa, but I also have the leader of our faction trying to push her off onto me. I find that to be a bit strange. Or, is it possible that Richard has had a taste himself and is done with her and ready to move on?

I dont see how thats possible.

I dont think Id ever get bored of Sophie-chan. If I had a girl as cute as Sophie-chan Id happily impregnate her every year. I wouldnt give her anytime to find a marriage partner as shed always be in my bed or pregnant. I wouldnt even have to mentally sexually assault Goggoru-chan anymore.

this doesnt have anything to do with me.

I was just joking. Dont pay it any mind.

Id never stop that.

Goggoru-chan suddenly spoke after my thoughts started involving her.

Her eyes are so cute.

Theres no doubt she thinks Im ugly.

What do you think, Tanaka-san? 

If a woman as good as Cyan-san would want to be with me, Id have no problem accepting. However, thats only if it is her choice. I would like to ask how she feels before accepting anything. 

What do you mean? 

I know that there is someone else she cares for.

I see.

Thats why I dont think she would accept if she had a choice.

Thats exactly what Id expect someone like you to say, Tanaka-san. 

Now, if we were talking about Sophia-chan, I wouldnt hesitate at all.

In fact, Id feel like Id have everything Id want in life at that point.

There would be nothing left for me to achieve in this world.

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