Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 1 (3)

Book 6: Chapter 1 (3)

Lolita and Bitch

The following day, the newest baron of the Penny Empire headed toward the imperial castle in the capital of Kalis.

After arriving at the castle, I was subjected to the normal procedures that every noble must go through when visiting. I was left with no choice but to go where I was told and sign whatever was put in front of me. After spending nearly half the day going through this process, I was finally able to get a meeting with the King.

And this was only due to the King hearing of my visit and personally inviting me for a meeting.

is this true, Baron Tanaka?

Yes, all of it.

We were in the Kings private room where I had visited previously.

I left Goggoru-chan behind in my dorm room. I was afraid to ask her to accompany me to the castle. If what the noble mage has told me is correct, the Goggorus are used by the nobility as spies. I didnt like the idea of bringing her with and having a noble, or possibly the King, distrust me.

I am now a representative of the FitzClarence family after all.

I havent been able to verify this myself, but there is something of interest in mount Dortz in Viscount FitzClarences territory. Ive heard that the mountain was abandoned many years ago, but I suggest that you send someone to investigate it again.

Baron Tanaka, are you suggesting that Mount Dorz is filled with valuable minerals?

It wont cost much to send an excavation team.

I see. Ill make the arrangements.

Thank you.

I told the King about the information the masochist demon revealed to me a few days prior.

In his own words, deceiving a human is like twisting the arm of a baby.

I kept the ruins secret for the time being. That room was surrounded by magic stone walls on all sides. Even if they begin mining for minerals once more, Im confident they wont find it. Even a hundred miners would have no chance. Those walls wont be defeated by a pickaxe.

Ive also come to an agreement with the Kimoronge.

Its possible the Prime Minister is in some way associated with the Kimoronge or perhaps knew of his presence in Mount Dorz. This must have led the Prime Minister to discover that the mine there was not dead. Its only speculation on my part, but I bet hes been working behind the scenes to accomplish this for some time now.

However, its impossible for me to say how much the mine means to the Prime Minister at this time. I believe a little pressure from Your Majesty could be enough to force him to make a decision in your favour.

I understand the situation. I have something in mind that may work.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to me.

Dont mention it. Its no trouble at all.

Thank you.

My mission here seems to be complete.

Ive fulfilled my duty as a noble and reported important information to the King. I can feel relieved as my involvement in this matter is over.

Still, its hard to believe youve accomplished so much in only a matter of weeks. Its more than I ever expected even you to accomplish. I thought it may be possible in a few months, but to have even earned the backing of the Fitzclarences in such a short time is impressive.

No, I think it was more due to luck than anything else.

The work youve done for this kingdom is invaluable. Its deserving of a reward and public recognition and honour for your actions. However, Baron Tanaka, Im sure you can understand that your involvement in this matter stays between us.

Of course I can understand such things.

An employees achievements are nothing more than the achievements of their boss.

Just as the failure of an employee is the failure of the boss.

That is the way the world works.

I dont care about recognition or anything like that.

Is that so?



I want to say our goodbyes as quickly as possible. I feel like the longer I stay here the more likely I am to be roped into some troublesome work that I wont even benefit from.

However, now that the Elixir of Youth is lost to me, I am looking for some goal in life. I am interested in any work he may have despite my best interests.

What should I do with my life?

Lets give up everything I have here and travel the world with Goggoru-chan. I wonder if shes still a virgin. I want that to be true more than anything, but I have little hope.

Wait here a moment.

As I was worrying about the state of Goggoru-chans hymen, the King got up from the sofa.

He walked to the corner of the room and started rooting through one of the drawers on a nearby shelf.

I wonder what hes looking for.

He continued his search for a few more seconds before retrieving a small box from the shelf and bringing it over to the table in front of me.

and this is?


We cant be sure that Ive done anything deserving of a reward just yet.

This isnt a reward. Consider it more as an investment.

I see.

Hes still the same King.

Always rewarding me for my hard work and it honestly makes me happy. Thank you. I wish my yearly assessment at work for my bonus was as fair as this king.

May I open it now?

Of course.

After receiving the Kings permission, I opened the small box and revealed a small jewel nestled in a padded cushion inside.

its beautiful.

You can use it to aid managing your estate. Although, it doesnt seem as if youre struggling in that regard.

Thank you. Ill treat it as a family heirloom.


The King gave a casual response as he nodded. His Majesty continued talking about investments and other words I didnt fully understand. I dont think hes planning on saying goodbye anytime soon.

I dont mean to change the subject so suddenly, but, Baron Tanaka, may I ask you something.

Here it comes.

what may I do for you, Your Majesty?

Recently, a messenger arrived from the Great Holy Kingdom.

The Great Holy Kingdom?

I heard about that place when I was on the Dark Continent.

Im glad that I learned about that back then. Im barely able to keep up with what the King is talking about so a word Im familiar with is useful to latch onto. If it wasnt for the Heroes of the East and West or Rodriguez Id been in a much more disadvantageous position.

Thats right.

Is this about the Demon Kings resurrection?

Hou? Youve already heard of it? Id expect nothing less.

It was more so coincidence than anything else.


All right, Im actually well-informed on something in this world for once.

This is a big moment.

I even got this information from the Heroes of the East and West who are involved with the matter directly.

This is like getting news from the source itself.

Dont you think its an intriguing matter, Baron Tanaka?

I dont think its anything someone in your position should be concerned with. Its little more than rumour not worth more than a passing thought.

still, Im curious to know where you first heard about this, but I suppose that can wait for another time. Lets continue from where we left off.

Please do.

I think its best for me to hide my connection to the Heroes of the East and West. Im not exactly sure who theyre aligned with or if theyre possibly enemies of the Penny Empire, so its best to keep it secret for now rather than risk a misunderstanding with the King. Its always best to play your cards close to your chest.

What I should be more concerned with is what the King may ask of me next.

As youre aware, the Saint of the Great Holy Kingdom has prophesied that the resurrection of the Demon King is upon us. Generations past have dealt with Demon Kings of their time and now it is our turn. Do you know of the Demon King? Im not sure if stories of the creature have reached your homeland.


I think I have an idea, but I should learn what I can.

Apparently the resurrection of this Demon King is a regular occurence.

It appears to be a problem humankind has been dealing with for years and it is a problem understood to affect the world rather than one specific Kingdom.

It is for this reason that the human countries of our world began cooperating many years past. We work together to cultivate the strongest heroes of our generation and bring them together in times of need. This was all at the request of the Holy Kingdom. I would like you, Baron Tanaka, to attend this gathering as a representative of the Penny Empire.

You want me to represent the country?

Wouldnt it be better to send a higher ranking person to represent the entire kingdom? Something of this magnitude should be handled by someone thats recognized across the nation as a great man. Richard would be my pick.

I dont know what the Demon King means to someone from your homeland, but it is taken seriously here in the Penny Empire despite the events of years past. The gathering will be held outside the Empire. It is some distance away and the travel time and expenses associated with such a trip are not insignificant.

I see.

Nobles are vain creatures. If theyre asked to leave the country, they must make preparations for who will handle their responsibilities while theyre gone. This gathering will take place in Academy City and will place a considerable burden, financially and otherwise, on those that attend.

I suppose as a member of the FitzClarence faction, Id be relying on their funds.

Id go as a representative of the Penny Empire and of the FitzClarence family.

Youve no need to worry about trying to look good. Richard will tell you the same.

Are you sure? Ill be representing the entire country.

You are a representative, of that there is no doubt. However, nothing will be decided by those present. Those present will act as representatives in name only while the actual work is done behind the scenes by the government of each country represented. The heroes gather for the meeting but rarely say more than a few words to each other. You could say its a dated tradition that serves no purpose other than honouring the memory of those that came before us.


The nobility in this country are vain. Many of them believe that vanity and prestige are all that rule the world and this is the reason that men like Richard are allowed to come to power. They cant be left to handle this matter as they see fit.


Is the Demon King really that dangerous?

Its like the Olympics of this world.

The country that has produced the most heroes becomes the host country.

Sages from the Great Holy Land have prophesied the resurrection of the Demon King on many occasions before. However, the last time it led to a major conflict was nearly 500 years ago. Every resurrection since then has amounted to nothing more than a trivial matter. The wars and conflicts between the people of this world have been far more serious.

I see.

A baron such as yourself who has experienced battle on the front lines should understand my meaning, yes?

Yes, I completely understand, Your Majesty.

Im not sure what to say to him.

I dont know what to make of this all.

If the Kimoronge is to be believed, this Demon King cant be that weak.

Most countries of this world have become skeptical of the prophecies coming from the Holy Land. Im hesitant to believe in them this time. That countrys power is tied to the religious fervor of its people and followers. This inability to predict such a major event has led to their country facing trouble in more recent times.

Even Sages who make prophecies have their own adult reasons for doing things.

Adults are scary.

Lolis really are the best.

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