Atelier Tanaka

Book 5: Chapter 2 (5)

Book 5: Chapter 2 (5)

Dark Continent (2nd)

After fighting off the Phoenix, the rest of the trip went smoothly.

We advanced forward through the dense forest. When the sun was hanging low in the sky, about halfway between its peak and the horizon, we decided to set up camp for the night. I set out on this journey without much preparation, but ended the day sleeping in the Hero of the Wests tent. I was pleased with how things turned out.

The following day, we encountered several monsters along the path. These monsters were no more difficult than a Red Dragon and couldnt stand up to the combined power of all of our parties. Before I could even lift a finger to attack, the immense offensive power of over a dozen adventurers would destroy the demons of the Dark Continent.

Nobody wouldve been hurt if they had all done this from the beginning. Im sure everyone is fighting with this thought in mind.

However, forming a party in this world is similar to different cliques back in my world. They may go by a different name, but the basic principles are the same. You choose to be with people you either want to be like or want to like you without considering what may be best for your future. This shortsightedness wouldve led to the deaths of everyone here if not for the one person that was ostracized by them all. Thinking about this, Ive become a little envious of the loligons isolationist lifestyle.

We continued on for half a day before finally arriving at our destination.

Under the shadow of the wall.

Now that were so close, its much bigger than I thought.

Youre right.

I stood beside the Dark Elf as she admired my work.

The party members from Academy City were leading the rest of our party around to the other side of the wall. The way they examined the wall reminded me of a middle-school student from a rural village visiting Tokyo for the first time. Amazing, Something like that exists, or something like that. It was nostalgic to watch.

However, I was here for something else.

Im actually looking for something else.

you are?

Do you want to go with me or stay here?

I thought Id leave the decision up to the Dark Elf.

She hesitated before giving an answer with a hint of worry in her voice.

Sorry, but I think well be separating here.

Thats unfortunate, but I understand.

I really was disappointed.

She was a valuable party member. She would always take the lead and cut down any low branches or insects. As someone born in modern Japan, Im unfamiliar with travelling through forests, so she has been a reliable leader. Every time I thought I had reached my limit, her swaying hips would give me the energy to go on. 

Thanks to this, I was able to work my hardest until we finally reached our goal.

Aah, I dont want her to go.

Well then, if youll excuse me.


I said goodbye to the Dark Elf with the aim of finding the Green Sylph village on my own.

I expected to be alone since the start of this journey and now its finally come true. I hope to be able to find the village by the time the sun goes down. Even if I cant find it today, I can still come back on my own to search some more.

I made my way to the opposite side of the wall from the rest of the party and headed deeper into the forest.

I walked through the forest with a slight feeling of loneliness while paying close attention to avoid any insects. Its strange, but I was actually starting to miss the boisterous pair of the Chara Bros.


Well, if they were here, Im sure Id wish they were gone.

I walked on with nothing but my thoughts to accompany me. Walking, walking, walking. Walking in silence. I encountered several insects that I incinerated with my fireballs along the way. I still continued on without being discouraged.

Id use my recovery magic to heal my aching feet as I walked.

After a few minutes of walking on my own, a strange sound reached my ears. 

It was the distinct sound of something moving through the grass. I glanced in the direction the sound was coming from and noticed the long grass shifting. I took up a defensive stance in preparation for whatever monster may emerge.

It wasnt long before the creature appeared from the other side of the bush.


The creature was ready for a fight as well.

The tension was building on our soon to be battlefield.



As I prepared myself for a fight, I noticed who my opponent was.

A goblin.

Two goblins.

yoo ar dat hooman.

Youre those goblinsright?

I recognized the sword the goblin was holding.

A worn one-handed sword. A sword that looked as if it could be broken at any moment. I recalled the short sword used for self-defense he had in the forests outside of Kalis. However, this sword had been scratched and chipped more than the last time I saw it.

The second goblin was slightly smaller than the first and stood close to the other while hiding behind him. I remembered that this was the herb goblins sister. The goblin I first met outside of Kalis and later encountered again near the border of the Penny Empire and the Pussy Republic.

yoo membr goblins?

Yes, I remember both of you.

It mustve taken him a moment to fully remember who I am as well.

We both relaxed our guard at the same time.

Itz good tu ze yoo.

Yeah, its been too long. I never expected to find you in a place like this.

The Goblin casually greeted me as a friend he hadnt seen in a while.

We both managed to make it out of that battlefield alive.

Yesh, iz gud theeng.

The Goblin was as honest as ever.

But I wonder if hes really prepared for the Dark Continent. Being here cant be safer than living on an active battlefield. The monsters here are numerous and much more dangerous than the average soldier.

What is the herb goblins level anyway?


What the hell? The brother and sister goblin are stronger than the two heroes.

They were barely managing to survive in that forest near the village before.

Just like how I gained experience from fighting the loligon and the masochist demon, they must have experienced many adventurers since we last met. Theyve managed to greatly increase their abilities.

Damn, when did the herb goblin become so cool?

Im glad to see that you and your sister are still together.

Bruzers zhood care fir zer zibling.

Yes, I agree. Its nice to see.

By za wei.

The Goblin began searching through his pouch.

After a moment, he held out his hand and showed me the gold coin I had given him. I was hoping hed use it to cover his travel expenses but it seems he has yet to use it.

is this the gold coin I gave you?

Hooman thiz yoorz.

No, theres no need for you to return it.

Agein hooman.


Yoov alweiz ben a hooman I can truzt.

Im glad you think so.

Az a Goblin Iv met meni hoomans. Iv fot zom and spok ta zom. Da only hooman I truzt iz yoo.


Iz wy I giv dis bak.

What is he saying?

Its making me so happy.

I could feel my face getting hot and tears forming in my eyes.

I-Im happy that you feel that way.

Iz wy I giv dis bak. Take et.

No, its my gift to you. Keep it with you to remember me by. Your words are enough.

ar yoo zure? Iv herd iz valuble.

Which is why I want you to keep it.


Well, if you really dont want it, I suppose you can throw it away.

I ondurztand. I kip et.

Thank you.

I hapi fir yoor gift.

Thats all I need.

This goblin is nicer than most people.

It makes me feel sorry for him. Based on looks alone, Id say hes a dangerous and scary creature. Im sure hes suffered a lot of wounds that even my recovery magic cant heal.

Which is why I need to tell him.

Im sorry to have to tell both of you this after youve come so far, but there is something you should know.

Wut iz et?

Theres actually a large number of adventurers near here and there will be more arriving. Your lives could be put into danger if you stay here.

Izdat zo?

Im sure you dont want to hear it, but, please, leave this area as soon as you can.

I zee, zo datz how et iz.

If youd like, I could escort you out of the area.

I ondurztand. Wi leave.

Im sorry that you have to go through this again.

Dunt wuri. Thank yoo.

its no problem.

The herb goblin or the Chara Bros. If asked to choose between them, Id always choose the herb goblin. I dont even need more than a second to decide.

Zen, wi will go. I keep zizter zafe.

Thats good. Good luck.

Bai bai

The Goblins turned away after giving me a small wave.

He must have got that saying from other humans hes interacted with.

But Id like to propose a new way to say goodbye.

In situations like this, it isnt bye-bye, but see you again.

Zee you agan?


He thought about it for a moment before saying,

Zee you agan.

Yes, I hope that we can meet again if the opportunity presents itself.


He gave me a short nod before grabbing his sisters hand and heading into the thick grass. I watched them go until they completely disappeared into the forest.

I cant give up either.

The goblin siblings gave me the courage to keep going.

Yeah, I have to do my best.


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