Atelier Tanaka

Book 5: Chapter 2 (4)

Book 5: Chapter 2 (4)

Dark Continent (2nd)

For a few seconds after the bird disappeared into the distance, I watched the skies to make sure that it wouldnt return. After feeling confident that it really was gone, I got rid of my Stonewall and naturally turned my attention to the Hero of the West.

It will be easier to talk to someone Im somewhat familiar with.

How are you doing?

uh, oh, Im fine thanks to you.

He was back on his feet now and held his arms out wide to show he was uninjured. His equipment was heavily damaged but there were no signs of injuries on his exposed skin. None of the other party members appeared to be injured either.

Thats good.

I never expected to be saved by someone like you.

In a place like this, everyone needs help now and then.


A complex mix of emotions ran across his face.

Hes probably used to being the indomitable hero that never has to rely on anyone else.

While we were talking, the Chara Brothers party, the Hero of the Easts Party, and the Academy City Party emerged from the bushes led by the Dark Elf. In addition to those I recognized, there were several new faces as well.

I guess they must have joined the audience to watch my battle with the Phoenix. 

Our party had now grown to over fifty people.

O-Our group has gotten pretty big.

Yes, we happened upon them near the trail.

Everyone that left the beach settlement would be heading toward the same destination, so its not at all strange for so many of us to have gathered like this. There arent any proper roads in the forest, but there arent any mountains or cliffs either, so most people will be travelling in a straight line from the settlement.

If everyone wants to reach the goal first, a straight line is clearly the quickest path. If there are any loud noises that catch their attention along the way, theyll likely investigate to find the source. Especially if its someone screaming. 

Did that really just happen!? Tanaka-san, are you a god!? Wasnt that a Phoenix!? Youre amazing, Tanaka-san! No one can defeat a Phoenix on their own! I really think Im in love with you!

The first to speak was the Chara Bros.

Im sorry, but Im just going to ignore them.

There isnt enough time in the day to respond to all of their questions and comments.

I should finish up things with the Hero of the West.

Please, let me know if any of your party is injured. I can still spare the time to heal them.

What are all of you doing here?

After the remaining members of my party emerged from the bush, the Hero of the West was curious about this sizeable gathering of adventurers. The biggest cause of surprise was most likely the Hero of the East being a part of the group.

Weve formed a temporary party for safety as we make our way towards the wall.

is that so?



Theres no reason to hide what were doing.

The Hero of the West looked unsure of how to respond. Based off their previous interaction that I witnessed, these two are rivals but there didnt appear to be any real hatred between them. 

may I ask you one thing?

What is it?

I expected the same request that the previous parties had asked of me. Hed start off as little more than a whisper and a slight hesitation.

Id ask that you accept my apology for everything I said about you in Suzannes as well as what I said to you during the battle. I apologize for my disrespectful behaviour.

I dont think anything youve done or said to me deserves an apology.

When I think about what Ive said, words arent enough. Please, allow the rest of my party to join you. They deserve to be with someone that can keep them safe.

At this point, Im used to people asking to join my party.

If I accept his offer, the Hero of the West will be left to wander the forest alone. Its unlikely that hed be able to make it safely back to the village. I cant be responsible for the death of a globally known hero.

Thats fine. I dont mind if all of you come along.

I-Is it really okay? And I wasnt expecting such a quick answer.

When I told him they could come, there was a look of genuine surprise on his face. 

I guess he didnt expect me to accept so easily.

Two people or one, three or two, it doesnt matter. Were on the Dark Continent and safety is a commodity. It doesnt matter what everyones individual goals are, as long as we can all work together. you really believe that?

I do.


Is something wrong?

No, its nothing. Thank you. Im happy you accepted us.

Its not a big deal. Its always nice to have more companions.

Youre doing us a favour by saying so. Thank you once again.

I wonder if he shouldve consulted with the rest of his party before deciding. Well, none of them have voiced any complaints. Its safe to assume that the decision of the Hero is final. 

Sorry, I have one more request.

A request?

A feather from the Phoenixs tail. It was knocked loose by your fireball.

The Hero of the West glanced over to where I had fought the Phoenix. When I followed his gaze, I spotted a golden feather lying on the scorched ground. It was a single feather that the bird had lost when it escaped to the air.

Oh, I see. Its beautiful.

Would it be okay with you if I took that?

I dont see why not.

eh, u-uh, I mean youre sure?

It doesnt matter to me.

The Hero of the West nodded but looked uncertain.

Did I say something strange?

I just want to make sure youre aware of its value. A Phoenix feather is a very expensive material. To put it simply, its odd for someone to give it up so easily.

Ah, I see.

Its something like that.

A valuable boss drop.

My party, just like the Hero of the Easts, has come here to investigate for any signs of the return of the Demon King as the saints have predicted. However, weve come here for another purpose as well. To gather Phoenix feathers.

Another dangerous job for the heroes.

I thought we were lucky to encounter the creature so far from the forests centre, but I never expected it to be such a dangerous foe. I shouldve expected nothing less from the creatures of the Dark Continent. The rumours Ive heard of the dangers of this forest didnt do the creatures justice. I dont see defeating one on our own as a possibility and I doubt wed be able to sneak into their nests to obtain any.

I understand.

I felt guilty for intruding on their fight with the monster they were after, but considering my intrusion led to there being no casualties, Ill consider this a net positive.

And the only wings or feathers that I want belong to the Green Sylphs.

I have no use for this feather so theres no problem with me giving it away.

The value doesnt matter to me. If a brave hero like you needs it, then Im sure it is something important that will benefit the world.

And if I do him this favour now, theres a chance hell introduce me to a cute girl later. The Heroes seem to have a lot of acquaintances and many of them are followers of the church. This means that a large percentage of them must be virgins.

Are you sure? Im not lying when I say it is incredibly valuable.

With how much hes reiterating the fact, hes got me curious.

Maybe it would be best if I at least checked the price.

Im just curious, how much are they worth?

What country are you from?

I come from the Penny Empire.

You could easily purchase a mansion on a valuable plot of land in Kalis with a single feather.

The Hero of the West walked across the scorched earth and picked up the fallen feather. All that tells me is that its valuable. I was able to purchase Editas atelier for around 100 gold, so a mansion like that in a nice neighbourhood may be worth 1,000 gold.

If I spent it wisely, I could probably live comfortably without working for several years. I shouldve thought about my decision more. Something like that must be hard to come by.

Thats quite the large sum.

I plan on using it for something else entirely so nobody will profit financially from it.

I see.

Commodities like this rarely make it to the public market, so we were left with no choice but to come to the source itself.

Since Ive already told him he can have it twice, I dont feel like I can go back on my word. This is my fault anyway for not knowing more about this world.

Maybe we can consider this a loan.

Thats an awfully big loan. The thought of what it might take to repay it scares me.

Its fine as long as you can return it someday.

I dont know when or even if that day will come.

Who knows what the future holds. You may find a way of repaying me that you never expected.

Whats your name?

You can call me Tanaka, Hero of the West.

Tanaka of the Penny Empire? Ill remember that. You dont need to refer to me by my title. I dont think you could do anymore to honour me than by calling me by my name.

Of course, Pierre-san.

Pierre? Who is that?


Right, this guys name isnt Pierre.

I gave him a name on my own.

Because his looks and his hairstyle just screamed Pierre to me.

Rodriguez only ever referred to him as Hero.

No, if you want to call me Pierre than you can call me Pierre.

are you sure about that?


Pierre, the Hero of the West, gave me a satisfied nod.

It reminded me of when I christened Allen as a newborn Saitou.

Then Ill do just that.

I hope we can get along well on our travels.

I do as well.

I stretched out my right hand and shook Pierres.

The conversation winded down after we exchanged a handshake.

Now, lets continue our journey to the wall.


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