Atelier Tanaka

Book 4: Chapter 3 (3)

Book 4: Chapter 3 (3)

Territory Pioneering 3

It took us longer than it shouldve to walk through my town due to the group following me stopping to observe every building they passed. But, eventually, we managed to reach our destination in the north district, the richest area of my town. The foundation for the public bath we were visiting had been built by me while the exterior was created by the loligon and the interior had been handled by the Twilight Company.

It had only been completed yesterday and was easily the most impressive bath we had built yet.

I guided everyone to the bath located on the first floor. The spacious bath was already filled with water when we entered. The pessari grass additive was already in the water as well and the water appeared to be gently sparkling in the dimly lit bathhouse.

Whats a bath like this doing all the way out here? And its so large too.

Im sure youre all exhausted after your long trip. Feel free to use this bath to relax and talk amongst one another. Oh, and you dont need to worry about feeling embarrassed about bathing together.. There are multiple baths ready to be used and, of course, well be separating the men and women.

Id like it if everyone wanted to bathe together.

However, I doubt Id be able to lead this group of nobles down the group sex route after only just meeting them. Ill just have to settle for ogling the flawless skin of the noblewomen after they get out of the baths. Maybe we can try for an orgy once Ive made the appropriate preparations.

Haa, its too bad.

Such a wonderful opportunity is being wasted.

I wanted to admire the noble psy to my hearts content.

As I was thinking about this wasted opportunity, Ester-chan suddenly blurted out something amazing for everyone to hear.

Oh? I dont mind if we bathe together.

When did this lolibitch get permission to start acting like my girlfriend? Its incredibly cute and I want her to have my child. In fact, I want to push her down right now and impregnate her, but that isnt allowed. Ive already decided that the price of my virginity is another virgin that loves me as much as I love them.

As this was going on I noticed the other men in the corner gazing at Ester-chan. Im sure theyre all fantasizing about what she looks like without her clothes on.

A complex mix of emotions ran through me when I tried to imagine that scene. Oh no, shes getting to me. Her constant attacks are poisoning my mind and I actually pictured me as her boyfriend in my mind. That could become dangerous if it becomes a habit. Ill need to consult with Allen the next time I see him.

If Earl FitzClarence isnt embarrassed than Im not either! Yes, I feel the same as well. I may be embarrassed but Im much less resistant to the idea if I just think of it as a chance for us to discuss our magical research in an open and free environment. Thats right. May I join as well?

One after another the group of nobles that the noble mage brought with began to agree to the idea of mixed bathing. Everyone that spoke had their eyes locked on Fahren. All of the nobles that had spoken up were women. Is this the equivalent of letting your other head think for you?

Its an all-out attack by the carnivorous women that have spotted an opportunity to capture their ultimate prey. I didnt expect a group of noblewomen to use their sex appeal so openly. The men, on the other hand, had all backed into the corner. They may have been fine fantasizing about the idea of mixed bathing, but when the opportunity presented itself, not a single one of them was able to speak up. Even this fantasy world is filled with herbivores.

Im not so sure. I think everyone should just do as they like.

The lead male herbivore turned away from the group of women.

They must not have much experience with women.

So, can we just get in the bath now? Yeah, we should hurry up so we can talk about magic. Thank you for this opportunity to discuss magic with Fahren-sama. I will treasure the experience. Fahren-sama, Ill wash your back so you can speak about magic without stopping. I-I can help with that!

This guy already has a harem.

Allen has one, Gonzalez has one, and the noble mage does as well.

This is how an inferiority complex begins.

Oh, of course. Just get changed over there and you can get in the bath whenever youre ready.

I guided the hungry carnivores to their changing area and returned to the main bathing area.

None of the men had yet to decide on where theyd be bathing. Now that the women had left the immediate area, the men had started to grow restless but none of them even spoke. The men all looked defeated already and I suspected I knew what their decision would be.

There was only one person left that looked like they were preparing themself for an intense mental battle.

Edita Sensei was pacing back and forth and muttering something under her breath.

Ridiculousmixed bathing, w-whod want to do something like that?

She usually puts on a mature and haughty front, but when it comes to something like this, shes surprisingly naive. I started admiring her plump thighs and wondered why shed be afraid to show them to someone. Maybe she has an embarrassing tattoo somewhere.

I didnt think I could be more attracted to her.

Edita-san, you dont need to worry about bathing with others if you dont want to. Theres another floor I can show you to where you can have a bath all to yourself if you wish.

She stopped her pacing and turned to me.

But that FitzClarence girl.

Shes different. Dont pay her any mind.

Shes what youd call a slut.

There was only a wall that sectioned off the changing area from the main bathing area. From the right angle, one could easily see everything that was happening behind that wall. Some may call this a design flaw while I like to think of it more as a feature. I could clearly see the noblewomen removing their skirts and unbuttoning their blouses. It reminded me of the opening scene from an adult video.

The lolibitch was the first to undress completely and she was currently tying her hair up. This gave me the opportunity to admire her slightly bulging breasts and her hairless psy.

Not good. So erotic. Marriage material.


No, I have to hold it together.

My first has to be a virgin. Thats what Ive decided.

I must remember the sacred oath of the virgin.

I realized I had been staring too long and had to rip my gaze away and turned back to Edita Sensei. That was a hard thing to do. It was like forcing myself to get out of bed in the morning after a long night of drinking.

I-Im going!


Edita Sensei suddenly exclaimed this.

Im going! I-Im going to get in the mens bath!

There was a steadfast determination in her eyes.

She took off running towards the womens changing area, her bare feet sending a patapat sound reverberating out through the bathhouse as she went.

Seriously? This is the best day ever.


This surprise visit had turned the bathhouse into a paradise on par with even heaven.

Since we were all bathing together anyway, I was able to get undressed with the women. When I emerged from behind the wall blocking off the changing area, I was met with a glorious sight. Naked women to the left, naked women to the right. Naked women everywhere I looked. There were only a small number of men perhaps due to them being afraid of the noble mage or maybe just scared to bathe with women.


Whatever reason for them leaving, this virgin is incredibly happy that they decided to do so.

Theres someone else I should thank for giving me this opportunity. The person thats responsible for all of the noblewomen wanting to bathe together in the first place. And that man is the person Im currently sitting next to and the man I hope can guide me to the promised land of harems.

Oi, are you listening?

Im sorry, I was spacing out I guess. Im still tired after being up all night working.

We can go somewhere where you can rest if youd like.

No, no, this place is fine. The hot water here helps relieve some of my aches and pains.

I spoke calmly as I looked around the bathhouse pretending to appreciate the sparkling water more than anything else.

This is something only you could ever accomplish. It must be difficult for even someone like you that possesses such a tremendous amount of mana to add recovery magic to a medium of this size, and you say there are even more baths.

Yeah, it was a lot of hard work to get to this point.

The noble mage was able to work out what I did after only a few moments of soaking in the bath.

But he wasnt expecting praise like Christina.

Well, considering how quickly you got everything done, its not bad. Its actually quite comfortable.

Hearing that makes all of the hard work feel worth it.

When I glanced around the bathhouse, I was met with a tremendous scene no matter where I looked. There were glamorous women that could be considered models in the modern world with their breasts displayed openly as they sat on the edge of the bath. There were also defenceless lolis with their legs open, putting their precious areas on display.

The fact that they were most likely virgins gave them bonus points in my eyes. I could even see a girl that was bent forward as she was trying to look down into the bath for a ring she had lost. It was only natural that shed need to be in this position to search the waters and I just happened to be looking in that direction as she did it. I wasnt trying to see anything, but it felt rude to look away as she bent forward and her precious place appeared before my eyes.

Thanks to her, I currently cant stand up out of the water without revealing my erect son to the noble mage.

T-This water feels so nice! Would you mind washing my back? O-Of course, Ill repay you by washing your front!

Ester-chan had snuck up on me while I was admiring the view.

Her long blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail revealing the bare nape of her neck. It was extremely sexy and this look gave her a more mature appearance than normal. She wasnt wearing a towel either so everything that made my virgin heart beat like crazy was clearly visible.

The bathhouses had been built in a way that prevented steam from the hot springs building up, so there was nothing to obscure someones vision when outside of the water.

No, Im fine.

With so many people here and so many of them being nobles, it would be impossible for her to do what she wants to do without everyone noticing. There are already enough rumours about us going around and this would just cause even more to be created. This could potentially hurt me and my town and also Ester-chan and her chances of being given back her land and title and giving her a reason to leave my side.

Why not? Its a parents job to take care of their child.

A parent should also help facilitate the independence of their child.

You dont need to become independent. Ill always take care of you.


Maybe its due to us both being naked and so close to each other, but the lolibitch is being much more aggressive than usual.

I could feel myself getting excited as well.

I hungrily watched each drop of sweat roll down the lolibitchs skin.

We should both just sit in the hot water and relax. Or is that not enough for you?

No, thats fine! Then, Ill be taking this spot in the bath!

She stepped into the bath on the opposite side of the noble mage before making her through the water to my side. She was close enough that our shoulders were touching. Theyre touching. I can feel the heat from the lolibitchs skin being directly transmitted to me.

Its sending shivers down my spine.


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